The moons curse (Chapter 8)

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Here we were in Hargeon. "Wow this brings back some memories." I glanced at her, we weren't here that long ago. Natsu and Happy insulted her and she glared back at them. "Let's go find a boat to take us to the island" Natsu freaked out and I rolled my eyes. When we made it to the boats nobody wanted to take us. Natsu and Lucy were fighting when I turned to see Gray. "I found you." We all screamed and I tripped back almost falling. Gray caught my arm and pulled my back into him. "What are your doing here!?" Natsu yelled, I was waiting for Gary to let go but he still hasn't. "Gramps found out about your harebrained scheme," Gary why are you still holding meee? "And sent me to bring you back." I sighed in relief and Gray glanced down at me. "Why!? We're not in danger yet." I just put my head on Grays shoulder seeing as he wasn't letting go. "I don't care, I'm going on this a class quest. And give me Y/n!" Natsu pulled me away and into him. "Man you're way out of your league here. Just come home. And no." Gray pulled me back and I felt sick. Ughhh stop. "When Erza find out about this SHES gonna be so angry." I finally just gave up and sat in the floor. Gosh is too much, they started to fight and I was over it. I grabbed both of them by the head and slammed them into the floor. "Shut up!" They looked up at me, the moment they saw me they coward back. "Stop fighting for one god damn second or I will put you through so much pain you'll wish your dead." Both of them quickly hugged each other. "Excuse me but, are you wizards?" We all looked at him, "have you come to lift the curse on the island?" Natsu responded and I just stared at the man. 'Hmm, he has a weird vibe.' "Not gonna happen." Gray growled out, the man pointed to the boat. "Get in." EhT ehys, NATSU JUST KNOCKED OUT GRAY!? Oh god, guess I'm in too deep to back off.


Natsu was leaning over the boat about to throw up. I sighed and pulled him back into my lap before scratching through his hair softly. It seemed to help him relax and he calmed down. "Ok now I'm scared." Lucy said, Gray made a snappy remark and I just sighed. "This is your fault too buddy, why's you decided to let us on?" The man turned around to look at us, "My name is Bobo. And if you must know, I used to be a citizen of galena island." He had a dark look on his face and a pit formed in my chest. "But I had to flee. I just couldn't take it anymore. I should warn you, tragedy befalls anyone who steps foot in the island. There's not avoiding it. That is, unless your able to lift the curse." He pulled back his cape and showed us his arm. The moment I saw it I got a weird ache in my temple. What is that? "Woah your arm. What happened?" Gray asked, but the man didn't answer. "We're almost there. That Galuna island." The ache became became more prominent and the man disappeared. I turned and saw a giant wave. "Oh good. We're gonna drown before we even get there!" I yelled before we were pulled under.


I woke up to Natsu slapping my face. "Y/n!? Oh good, she's opening her eyes." I sat up and saw how how boat was absolutely destroyed. I pulled off the coat I was wearing and ripped my sleeves so I wouldn't die if heat. "Looks like we made it you guys!" Natsu yelled, I hit the side of my head trying to get water from my ears. My head still had a weird aching pressure and I winced slightly. "I can't help but wonder what happened to the guy who brought us here." I nodded my head in agreement before checking my self. Weapon check, medical aid check, food- oh my food is gone. I sulked slightly at the discovery. "Forget about that stuff for now and let's go exploring!" I deadpanned at him, seriously. Lucy began to explain the mission, I zoned out having already read about it. That's when Gray declared he was coming with. "I'm not gonna let you two clowns get to S class before me. And the guild would be pretty boring if you guys got kicked out." I smiled at Gray, caring in his own way. "Let's go."


After walking for hours we finally found the village. It was very fortified. "Anyone home!? We came here to help you!" Lucy called out, no response. "Let's bust in." Natsu said, I slapped the back of his head softly and he frowned at me. "Who goes there!" Someone called from the top of the gate. "We're wizards from fairy tail responding to your request."

The blacksmith mage(a fairy tail x reader)Where stories live. Discover now