Conflicting feelings (Chapter 31)

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It's been a couple weeks since the whole reporter fiasco. Me and Lucy sat at the bar. Me drinking some f/d while Lucy laid her head down. " i'm so bored." Lucy groaned, me and Mira looked at her. " why don't you take a job?" Lucy sighed and turned her head. " i'd like to, but Natsu keeps saying that he needs to take a little time off." I hugged crossing my arms over my chest. " why don't you take a job with me?" She quirked a brow and looked at me. " because, you're always taking super hard jobs." I sighed, remembering that Lucy is still C class. How do I tell her? I laid my head down and Mira inquired how Natus and Lucy were like a couple. Why did that hurt me? I could feel a sour expression on my face. " well, you never know. Deep down, Natsu might have feelings for you." I scoffed and stood up, not wanting to hear the conversation anymore. As I walked away I heard Mira mumble, " did I say something wrong?" No she didn't, but why did I feel annoyed. Ughhh, this is frustrating. I looked over to see Natsu dancing on a table and couldn't help but giggle. I began to clap for them. Thinking it was funny. Gray walked up and put a hand on my head. "Don't encourage them n/n." I turned to look at him. He laughed and i scowled. "Who gave you permission to call me that hm?" I crossed my arms and huffed, Gray just laughed at me. Ok, but why do I always feel bubbly around Gray? I'm going to implode. Lucy walked up to me, ready to go home for the night. We walked out same route. Lucy by the edge of the canal and me by her side. " I wish Mira would keep her crazy suggestions to her self for once." I mumbled in agreement and Lucy glanced at me. "So why we're you so upset earlier Y/n?" I choked and hid my face. Why was I upset? I don't know either. I laughed, waving my hand dismissively. " oh, did I seem upset? No not at all." She didn't seem to believe me but let it slide. We made it home and of course Natsu was there, sitting on a chair. " would you stop breaking into our house?!" Lucy yelled, I just trudged over to my bed. Falling face first into the fluffy mattress. " i'm sorry, but there's something really important I need to tell you." Lucy sighed, looking done to the floor. " let me guess, you don't wanna go back to work." All of a sudden Lucy gasped loudly. I looked at her, concerned. Her face was red and I quirked an eyebrow. Lucy backed away from him, slamming into her dresser. " would you please get out?!" Natsu tilted his head and leaned forward. " but I got to tell you something." Her eyes winded before she yelled. "Get out of here!" Natsu flinched back in shock and I just stared in confusion. "Woah, what's your problem? There's no need to be rude." Natsu made his way towards our window. Patting my head as a goodbye. I felt my face become warm. What is wrong with me? " would you go through the door you dope?"
Natsu ignored her, jumping out the window. I looked at Lucy for an answer, seeing her trembling. I crossed my arms over my chest waiting for her to speak. " oh no. Why do I feel so funny?" I felt my heart drop, knowing exactly what she's feeling. I didn't respond as I got ready for bed. Man this sucks.


The next day we sat at the guild. Lucy read and ate. I did the same, picking around the vegetables. Natsu came up, warping an arm around Lucy. I felt something bubble in my chest but tried to ignore it. " so how's it going?" Lucy pushed herself away from Natsu. " hands off! Please don't just drape yourself over me like that." Natsu looked confused, " hold on, what?" Lucy walked away and Natsu looked at me. I just shrugged, he placed a hand on my head. Ruffling my hair. He and Gray do this all the time but now it just makes my heart beat fast. "I'm sorry, I'm not sure what's up with her." I mumbled, picking around the vegetables on my plate. Natsu shrugged and then grinned. "Wow Y/n, never took you as someone so picky. Come on, eat some veggies." I glared at him, shaking my head stubbornly. He grabbed the fork and tried to shove some vegetables into my mouth. "Natsu stop it!" I whined, he only stopped when Erza came over. "Natsu!" She glared at him and he froze. His face went pale and he let out a small. 'Aye!' Me and Erza exchanged smiled before I heard Gray. "Natsu I'm sick of this! Stop acting like an idiot!" I turned to see Gray standing in front of Natsu now. " what does it matter to you huh? Do you wanna piece of me?!" Oh great. They started to fight and I just sighed, trying to ignore it. That was until a chair came towards me and slammed into my head. I glared at the two hearing yell a quick "sorry!" Natsu stopped saying he forget he had to do something when I heard Warren. " you won't believe this, but I think Natsu has a crush on some girl." My heart skipped a beat at that. Why do I care so much? I shouldn't. It's not a big deal. I groaned and slammed my head onto the table. I know who it is, Lucy. It's definitely Lucy. I was walking with Lucy out of the guild when Natsu asked her to meet him tonight. " what do you say we meet by the Sola tree in the middle of Southgate Park?" Lucy agreed to go, asking what it was about. " all I can say is that it's important. Make sure you come alone tonight." Natsu had a blush on his face and I felt my heart tearing itself apart. Do I like Natsu? But what about Gray? Ahhhh it's all to confusing. Natsu ran off and me and Lucy walked back home. When we got home I sat on the floor. So they're going to confess tonight. What if I? No, I can't follow them. Lucy got in the bath as I struggled with my thoughts. Should I follow? No I can't do it. But, uuuughhhh. Lucy walked around like a zombie, getting ready for this confession. She looked beautiful as always. That night Lucy left and I fought myself, and lost. I ended up following her like a snake. Ughhhh I feel so bad but at the same time I can't help it. I just want to make sure my sister is safe. Right? Right? I made it there, hiding in the shadows. "Hey! You made it!" I heard Natsu call to her. " it sure took you long enough. Wait, where Y/n? I told you both to come tonight." Wait, he was talking to me too? " now hurry up and summon that mage of yours. You know, what's her name? Come on. Oh yeah, Virgo." Wait, he wanted Virgo? " you see, the ground here is too tough for me to dig through. Only that celestial Mage you got could get past it." Lucy looked at him confused, asking what the important thing was. He looked around and spotted me, smiling. "Y/n! Come here!" Lucy looked over at me is shock. "Y/n! What are you doing here?" I chuckled and made my way over. "I realized we needed more milk." She looked at me with suspicion before Turing back to Natsu. " you're not gonna believe this, but there's an amazing treasure buried here." Lucy looked dead, inside and outside. " somebody told me that there's a photo album chalk full of embarrassing pictures of almost every member of fairytale." Of course, of course it's something stupid like that. What did I expect? " and they told me that Gramps buried it here to hide it. So I really want to dig it up." Natsu had a huge grin on his face and I sighed. I'm relief and exasperation. All that stress for nothing. " well, I ever heard someone say that you had a crush on the girl." Natsu grabbed the shovel, looking at us confused. " everyone was talking about how you kept saying I wanna see her." Natsu looked up, frowning. " I was just looking for Virgo. It's not like I got feelings for her or nothing. I was really just hoping I could get her to dig this hole for me." His grin came back, looking excited. My soul cannot handle this. Lucy was sweating, an angry look on her face. She beat up Natsu and I just watched with a blank stare. Lucy stared to run away, absolutely mortified. I sighed and looked at Natsu. He furrowed his eyebrows and I sighed. "Everyone really thought you had a girl you liked." I said putting my hands on my hips. His face turned pink as he thought for a moment. "Well, I guess there is a girl." I felt my bones jump from my skin. He smiled at me and pulled me into a hug. "But I'm not telling you." I grumbled under my breath, laying my head on his shoulder. I guess it's for the best.


The next morning I was super confused on what happened. Erzas swords were stuck in a pillar. Everyone was acting weird. Warren and Max looked terrified for their lives. Yup, the weird stuff happens when I'm gone.

'This guild is a magnet for trouble.'

The blacksmith mage(a fairy tail x reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ