Kidnapped? (Chapter 15)

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I just got back from a mission with Gray, Lucy, Erza and Natsu. "Hey, sorry to interrupt your conversation, but when I took this job, I was originally thinking it be more of a me and my sister mission, you know? So why'd y'all come along?" Natsu put his hands on his hips. "Aww, come on, isn't it obvious? We're fairy tails strongest team, so we got to stick together." Happy jumped in me with a smiled. "And don't you forget it." Gray said, me and Lucy were slightly taken aback by this. We smiled at them, "no Job is too tough, not for me, happy, Erza, and old droopy drawers here." I laughed at this comment, Gray wasn't amused. "Aww lighten up, i'm just messing with you, Loopy." I laughed loudly at that. "Well, I don't appreciate it and that's not my name." Erza frowned, "please forgive me I didn't mean to upset you. I let myself get carried away. It will not happen again. If you would like, you may strike me now." Oh my, she didn't even do anything wrong. People where whispering as we walking into town. What's going on. "Why's everybody staring at us?" Gray asked, I shrugged. "I don't know but I have a bad feeling." Erza blinked slowly. "It feels like pity." I looked forward and stopped in my tracks. No way. We all ran and my worst fears were true. The guild hall was destroyed. Tall, metal beams stuck out from the guild hall. "Our guild. Someone did this to our guild!" Natsu shook in anger and I felt sadness bubbling slowly in my chest. "But Who would do such a thing?" Erza asked, that's when I saw Mira. "It was Phantom." We looked at her. "Are you serious?" Gray asked, I felt heat and turned to see Natsu. "You mean Phantom did this?" Mira nodded sadly, "we couldn't do anything to stop them. They got us good." We entered the basement of the guild, everyone was there. Why would phantom do this? We found Makarov and he was drunk. Great. "Sorry you weren't here sooner." Natsu clenched his fist, "why The heck are you all just sitting around down here?" Makarov looked at us and smiled. "How'd it go girls? You finish the job like good girls?" Ew I'm icky now, "master, do you understand The gravity of the situation?" Erza asked, "the guild hall has been completely destroyed." Master waved his hand dismissively. "There's no need to get yourself all worked up. It's not the end of the world or anything. It just goes to show you how cowardly those dunderheads in the Phantom Lord guild really are. They struck with no one is here. Is there anything worth bragging about?" Mira looked down sadly to the floor. "It was after everyone had already left for the night." Erza sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. "I suppose we can be thankful for that. At least no one in our guild was hurt in the attack." Master shook his head after taking a big gulp of his drink. "We shouldn't troll ourselves worrying about people Who don't even have the guts to face us head on. Forget about those fools." Natsu punched the wall, breaking it slightly. "We can't just let them trash our place and get away with it!" Master closed his eyes and crossed his arms. "I'm not talking about this any longer. Will handle job requests down here until the upstairs is repaired." Natsu gasped in frustration, "we shouldn't be worrying about jobs right now!" Master yelled at Natsu to stop and I sat in a chair. His hand came out towards Lucy's butt. I quickly grabbed his arm before he could. "And you tried to spank me because?" Mira fumed, "hands to yourself, master." He just laughed and ran off like a child. Natsu looked down, "I don't understand why he's being like this." Mira frowned deeply. "Listen, this is just as hard on him as it is on you. He's mad, but conflict between the guilds is strictly forbidden by the council." Natsu stomped angrily like a toddler. "It's not fair! Those phantom creeps started it." I payed my head on the table, tryong to block out some noise. "If The master decision is to not retaliate, then we must respect it."


"Well this is a pretty big mess we're in isn't it?" I nodded my head, me and Lucy walking home. "I had no idea the Phantom Lord guild and fairytale had such a rivalry between them. Honestly, I thought about joining them before we met up with Natsu." I rolled my eyes and scoffed, "like I was gonna let you do that." She laughed lightly, "yeahhh, they've got a reputation of being almost as crazy as fairytale. But I love our guild. I don't regret my decision at all." I teasingly bumped her side. "You you better not." We laughed and entered the house. "Fairly tails kind of like our family." We opened the door to see Happy, Natsu, Erza and Gray sitting at our table with food. I just dropped my bag at the door and greeted them. I should get used to this. "Since The guilds been attacked, we can assume their phantom Lord members in town." Erza said as she drank some tea, she even made a cup for me! "They've probably found out where everyone in fairytale lives by now." Lucy shuddered at that thought and honestly so did I. "Mira said it would be safer if we hold up together. You know, strength in numbers." That's when I noticed Natsu pouting in the corner. "That's. Why everyone in Fairy Tail is having a slumber party tonight." Erza smiled and closed her eyes. "You are both attractive teenage girls. I wasn't entirely comfortable with you just being here alone with Natsu and Gray." Thanks Erza, I feel cared about. "I Felt I could only relax if I stayed here as well." Natsu finally snapped from his silent state. "It's not time to relax." He later on the floor and I sat down on my bed. I stretched out as chaos erupted. Gray joined me on the bed, apparently going to sleep. "We have a serious problem here. You boys hygiene. I refuse to sleep in a room that reeks of sweat." Both boys didn't wanna bathe. "Come on boys, do we have to take a bath together like we did when we were kids?" I later back in my pillow and closed my eyes. Quickly falling asleep in my clothes. I woke up to Erza changing my clothes with her magic and smiled. "Thanks Erza." I heard an Awww com from the girl and then I was being suffocated in a hug. This is ok. "Do you have any idea why Phantom attacked us out of the blue like that?" I heard Lucy ask and I cracked my eyes open. Should I join the conversation? Nah. I cuddled up into my pillows and began to snore lightly. That was until Natsu slammed his hand on the table. "He is afraid! He scared that Phantom has too many members for us to handle." I then heard Lucy tell him to keep it down because I was sleeping. Not anymore. "That is not true and you know it." Gray said, Erza stood up from her spot in my bed. "It's just like Mira said before. The consequences of us going to war with phantom or no were near worth the fight. The order of the magical world is at stake here." I shifted slightly to hear the conversation better. "But I don't understand why. Are they that strong?" I already know Natsu is smirking with hsi next comment. "They ain't got nothing on us? We could take those clowns." I opened my eyes and stared up at Erza. "No, if we were to engage them in battle, neither guild would survive. Their strength equals ours. Phantoms master, Jose, is also one of the 10 wizards saints. Which means he's on par with Markarov. They also have an elite group of wizards similar to her S class known as the element four. However, their biggest strep may be "black steel" Gajeel. I believe that he's most likely the one behind The guild halls destruction. He's known as the iron dragon slayer." I sat up quickly at that, there's other dragon skaters!? "I but not it was the only one! So if he's the iron dragon slayer, does that mean he eats iron?" Oh great, that sounds painful.


The next morning we had to deal with something that makes my blood boil. We walked through the crowns to find Levy, Jet and Droy pinned to a tree with the phantom mark on Levy's stomach. "Phantom lord did this." I heard master come up behind us and walked forward. I took out my weapons and created a hammer. I used it to pry the nails off and helped them all down. "I can take our headquarters being reduced to rubble. But I will not let harm come to my children without taking revenge. We have no choice but to go to war."


We took them to the hospital, me and Lucy sat with them. "Phantom Lord is heartless. How could they do this? " I gritted my teeth, "clearly they're trying to get a rile out of us. They know we wouldn't do anything about the guild. So they went after the members." My fist clenched and unclenched. I thought if how me and Lucy got along with them. Levy came up about Lucy's writing books. She also took instead in my book collection. The boys taught me some cool tricks too. Levy also let me borrow her books. "And just the other day, she worked so hard to help us out. What they've done is unforgivable. They're gonna pay." Tears slipped from her eyes and soon mine followed.


We walked down an alley way in the city. "Ugh, I can't believe everyone just took off without us. But Levy and the boys need someone to look after them, so I guess it's up to us." It's started to rai but there were no clouds. "Lucy, I don't have a good feeling about this." We looked forward and saw and blue haired girl. "Drip, drip, drop." That's weird. Juvia is the rain woman. It's always with me. What soda pu are you, pray tell?" I stood in front of Lucy, "We have no reason to tell you anything about ourselves." She walked by, repeating what she said earlier. "What's with all the drip dropping?" Lucy asked Juvia, she pulled out an umbrella and kept walking. "Pleasu to meet you. I'll be going now." I glared at her and then heard someone saying no over and over. A green haired man appeared before us, speaking French. "I but you Bonjour, mademoiselles." Lucy held onto my arm. "Juvia, you mustn't shy away from the task at hand." What task? "No, Monsieur sol." What is going on here? "my monocle whispers many things. It tells me these belle dames before us is or sought after cible." They we're looking for us? Why? "does it? So they are the ones." Lucy looked at me, the bag we had now on the floor. "Cible? That means target." Lucy said, I held my weapon in my hand. Hiding it from view. "I have not told you my name.  I am sol of the element four. Also known as "sol of the earth." But It'd behoove you to call me "Monsieur Sol." The element four? Oh so their from Phantom. "I've Heard of the element four. you're with Phantom!" Sol smiled at us, "correct. We've been sent here to collect you and bring you back to the guild with us at once. She is The rain women, Who is also part of the element four. She's known as "Juvia of the great sea." Lucy grabbed her keys as I made my staff. "You're The ones who attacked my friends. Aren't you?!" Before we could do anything water encased us both. "A. Reasonable guess, but we are not the ones to blame. That honor and the renovation of your guilt hall was the work of monsieur Gajeel." I tried to stab the bubble with my staff but it didn't work. I can't breath, neither can Lucy. I tried hard to break free but couldn't. "Why are you doing this?! Let me out of here now!" Juvia held up a hand, "don't waste your energy. My water lock spell cannot be broken." I saw Lucy's eyes beginning to close. "Lucy!" I lost my breath and felt black in my vision. No! I can not fall asleep now. No. My staff fell from my hand and onto the floor out of the shell. I closed my eyes as my lungs constricted.

Then everything was black.

The blacksmith mage(a fairy tail x reader)Where stories live. Discover now