Fighting the "Fairy Queen." (Chapter 28)

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Evergreen sent an explosion at us, me and Erza dodged it. Erza attacked her right while I attacked her left. She was able to dodge Our attacks. Erza using double long swords as I used a dagger and pistol. Me and Erza landed next to each other on one roof. While Ver green landed on the one opposite of us. " we've got a score to settle." Erza re gripped her swords. " this saves me the trouble of hunting you down I suppose. Erza jumped forward, me close on her trail. " The sooner I defeat you, the sooner the others will be turned back!" She pulled down her glasses but Erza closed her left eye. She sliced at Evergreen who jumped away. " so that heinous artificial I actually worked in your favor? Then let's see how you like my very machine gun." She sent bullets of magic towards us. I quickly created a giant sheik, absorbing the magic bullets. Good thing I've upgraded this. Erza got in close making Evergreen run away. That's the thing that annoys me about her. She acts tough but runs away. Me and Erza followed behind her. She shot attacks at us as we ran. " you're quiet adapt at deflecting my thorns, aren't you? I'm just getting started. I wonder, can you handle twice as many?" I got in front of Erza, absorbing more of the bullets. I heard her groan in annoyance. Erza then jumped up, holding a sword with her foot? She threw the swords at Evergreen. Pinning her to a wall. We stood in front of her, staring her down. " personal character aside, you're still a member of fairytale, the same as anybody else. So if you wanna call yourself Titania, then feel free. I don't even know who gave me that name in the first place." I walked forward, standing in front of her. " now, turn the girls back to normal. Or, like I said, i'll have to force you to." She looked down and laughed. " you're being a bit naïve, aren't you? I'll have you know, my stone ice cream at me another ability as well." Erza started forward before she said. " Remote control. Dropped her knees and Bow before me. If you refuse, then I'll use my power to top of your precious little statues and shatter them!" I made a dagger and put it to her throat. " I tried to plain ice, but I know they're more ways to turn them back. I don't need you alive for them." He eyes went wide as she stared at me. She laughed nervously, "your-your bluffing." I glared at her before looking back at Erza. She re equipped, pointing hundreds of swords at Evergreen. " i'll admit Evergreen, I never took you with someone who sacrificed for life for her ideals. If they must be shattered, I will have no other choice but to collect your soul in retribution for their demise." She began to sweat before letting out a scream. I slammed my fist into her face. "That's how you bluff, next time try doing it better." I mumbled, pulling my fist back from her face. " all right, you win."
I smiled at Erza and we fist bumped. "Honestly Y/n, I don't know how your only a C class wizard." I laughed and rubbed the back of my head. "Well, actually, I'm a B class." Erza look at me shocked at then smiled. "Congratulations, when did you find out."

" well, yesterday Master asked to speak with me. He told me that he was going to promote me to B class but I'm close to A class and could just skip to it. I declined his offer though." Erza smiled widely, pulling me into a hugged. My poor head. "Wow, why haven't you told anyone?" I sighed and smiled sadly. "I just don't know how everyone will take it." She smiled softly at me and took my hand in hers. "I'm sure everyone will be thrilled." I nodded my head before looking down. I'm not sure about that.


I followed Erza through the town, going to find Laxus. As we ran we noticed Lacrimas all around the town. I don't like this. Erza stopped and so did I. " according to Evergreen, Laxus should be hiding inside this building. Erza opened the door, not paying attention to where we were. I didn't follow, waiting for her to realize her mistake. She walked out, embarrassed she just bared into a bath house. "Erza, you really should read the signs before you walk into place." She looked down in embarrassment and I sighed. "Alright we've got to find out where he is." I looked around trying to think like Laxus. Me and Erza ran around like headless chickens. It was infuriating. We stopped at the sound of an explosion. Dark energy was everywhere. Who's magic was this. I looked at Erza for answers. "Mirajane." She muttered, my eyes went wide. I never knew how much power Mira really had. We didn't take much time to stand around. Quickly, we ran down a street, not worried about getting caught in a trap. We need to find Laxus, and soon. We heard a shattering explosion and Erza looked at me. " that came from Kardia Cathedral." Of course he's hiding there. It's a big building where people worship their gods. He's that's self centered and cocky to think of himself as a god. I could sense immense magical energy from the church. Not just Laxus. That must be Mystogan. We made it to the doors and I spotted Natsu. "So here you are." They both said in sync, I glared at the blond man. "Erza, Y/n!" We both looked over at Natsu. " hey, you made it out of there." That's when I spotted Mystogan, staring at us. The first time I was him I couldn't tell any of his features. Now I can tell her has blue hair, a very familiar shade of it. " wait, Who the heck is that guy?" Natsu asked, I looked at him confused for a moment. Oh yeah, he gets knocked out every time huh? "That's Mystogan." Erza answered, throwing Natsu off. Laxus took the distraction as a chance to attack Mystogan. His hood and mask exploded. Reveling my suspicion were true. "Jellal?" Erza said, taking a step back. How is this possible though? I thought Jellal and Sergrain was confusing but this? My brain can't handle it. " oh, so you know this guy?" Laxus asked, not the time you lighting eating bastard. " wait. I don't get it. So Mystogan is really Jellal?" I guess? I'm as lost as you buddy. "Erza, please forgive me. I was afraid you'd see this. I'm not your friend Jellal." What? But? Don't tell me he actually had a twin this whole time. " I do know of him, but I'm not him. I'm sorry." He turned away from us. How is that possible? So your not him and not related to him. But look exactly like him? I'm not buying that bullshit. All of a sudden he dissolved and I dead panned. Sooo he's not gonna fight with us? " well, that made my brain hurt. I can't think about it right now." Same, I can try and figure it out tomorrow. " all right man! It's you against me. I'm gonna take care of this clown. That cool with you?" He turned to us but I could tell Erza wasn't listening. She was shaking, eyes wide. Greattttt, way to go Mystogan. I noticed Laxus about to sent an attack our way. Quickly I made my staff with a rubber handle. Conducting his lighting into it and redirecting it away from us. He glared at me and I smirked. "Nice try, Laxus." He sent more electricity my way. I tried to do the same as before but there was too much. It quickly over took us, electrocuting me and Erza. Erza let out a scream as I clenched my jaw. I won't give him the satisfaction. " it's quite a face you're making their girlies. Ugly." I smiled the best I could and scoffed. " yeah well, we're being electrocuted. What's your excuse?" His face contorted before he sent us flying backwards. We hit the ground, my body feeling cooked alive. " that's enough! I told you, your mine, jerk. Let's go." I sat up slowly, my muscles spasming. " hey, didn't even notice you." Natsu froze, clearly offended by Laxus statement. I rolled my eyes, turning to Erza. Her eyes were closed as she later there. Twitching every so often. " oh, you're about to notice me pal." Natsu jumped at Laxus, flames engulfing his fist. Laxus dodged his punch before sending electricity his way. Natsu was able to dodge the lighting. His foot flew towards Laxus who blocked it. "Be careful!" Erza called, struggling to sit up. Laxus better be worried once we recover. " you don't got to worry about me." Laxus used this time to kick Natsu in the face. He then pulled him forward before punching him a couple times. Natsu grabbed onto his arm, throwing a punch. Laxus was able to dodge but not get away. They threw punches at each other, only a few of Natsus landed while all of Laxus did. Laxus stomped on Natsu's head, I was able to get up. Quickly making my rifle. I shot it at Laxus, using my power shot. It hit him and he grunted, glaring at me. That gave Natsu an opportunity to attacked, but it didn't work. Laxus hit him away and Erza jumped at Natsu, knocking him out. "Not nice." Laxus said with a smile, I rolled my eyes. Erza stood up and requiped into her black wing armor. She jumped at Laxus, swinging her sword down. He blocked it and she glared at him. "All right, Laxus. What have you put in the sky? Tell me now." He tilted his head to the side, smiling. " what? You haven't heard? That would be my thunder palace." Wow, that's a creative name. " you're absolutely despicable. To you think that you would attack your hometown." Laxu just laughed and I felt my anger build. " honestly, it breaks my heart. But that's just the way the game is played, doll face." I scoffed and looked over at me. " yeah right, you're just a coward. Taking a whole town hostage because you know you can't win otherwise? Pathetic." I could tell that lit his fuse to the max. His face turning red as his jaw clenched. Erza sent a kick to his face, he was able to grab her leg. " there's only two minutes to go." He said, Erza turned back to me and Natsu. " go. Destroy them now!" Natsu shook his head, stopping me from moving. " we can't okay? If we attack those things, I know they're just gonna zap us right back." Great, so the only way to take them down is at the source. Laxus. " seriously? You're using body link magic to protect them?" His cocky smiled was back, but I could tell he was angry. " yeah. And they're gonna stay up there until I give the order to blow." Woah that didn't sound ok. Laxus used his lighting again, engulfing her whole body. " it's a shame you won't be around to see it." She flipped away, requipind again. " ha! Lightning empress armor. Nice try, but it's not gonna protect you from my attack." He sent another strike and she jumped away. I made my way over to Natsu, kneeling next to him. " now that we're using the same magic, it's a fair fight." She took her staff, sending a zap of blue electricity at Laxus. They sent attack of attack at each other. My lips were set in a straight line. I don't like this, nobody is getting the upper hand. They stopped for a moment, talking. Natsu stood up and I followed. "Erza! We just leave it alone already? I told you that I was going to be the one to fight him." Erza looked back at him, her glare softened into a smile. " then I'll have to put my faith in you." Erza tan pass, pulling me with her. " hey! Where are you going? Hold on. You're not gonna try to take that thing down?" I guess? I have no clue honestly. " i'd like to see you try. Attacking even one of those lacrimae can be deadly. And who knows how many of them are floating above town right now. Besides, you're out of time." Erza looked forward, eyes set of stone. " i'll just destroy them all at once." Uhhhhh, is that really a good idea Erza? " is that so? You must have some kind of major Deathwish then." Erza shook her head, looking back at Laxus. " no, but if that's what it takes." We began to run, not even glancing back. " i'm leaving him in your hands, so don't let me down." Erza said to Natsu, I glanced back at the dragon boy. Sending a smiled and wave. " i'm putting my faith in you two, you hear?" We nodded, counting forward. I'm not sure how we're gonna pull this off. " what are you destroy those things are not, you two better make it back alive!" I smiled at his words, don't worry Natsu. I'm not gonna die today. Erza transformed, pointing the swords at the floating lacrima. I took her had and she looked at me. "Y/n.." I smiled at her, holding her hand tightly. "We'll take it together Erza. Your pain is mine." She looked at e with wide eyes before smiling. " I call upon the power that lies within my swords. Give us strength. Help us protect our dear city. My comrades in fairytale, please lend me your strength as well." She looked at me with that. I nodded my head. Erzas breathes we're heavy, tired with how many weapons she summoned. " it's not enough." The lacrima began to spark to life.

'Are we gonna make it in time!'

The blacksmith mage(a fairy tail x reader)Where stories live. Discover now