Back to a mess (Chapter 7)

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Of course the one time I leave on my own mission weird stuff happens. I was gone for what? Two days? They found an abandoned village that wasn't actually an abandoned village and ate a bunch of demons? Then Erza got arrested and Natsu broke in to save her?? I had just gotten back right after this happened, turns out Natsu wants to fight Erza as well. "Lucy how did I miss all off this?" She side eyes me and huffed. "Maybe if you wouldn't have gone on a mission all by yourself you wouldn't have." I deadpanned and her and rolled my eyes. Natsu tan at Erza only to be taken down with one punch. Everyone gasped in horror as I chuckled lightly. Gray and Elfman laughed at him, hysterical. I heard a thud and saw everyone around me falling like flies. Lucy sunk to the ground and I kneeled next to her. "What's going on? Talk to me Lucy are you ok!?" I noticed Erza was still awake as a man walked in. I looked up and him but couldn't see his face. He stopped as soon as he saw me. "Mystogan." When Masters eyes fell on me he gawked. "Your awake Y/n?" He asked, clearly shocked. I furrowed my eyebrows, "yeah I am, what the hell is going on!" Before he could answer Mystogan walked up to him. "I shall return." He said, the master responded, "no wait. Lift your sleeping spell before you leave." Sleeping spell? Why isn't it working on me. He started to walk away but stopped in front of me. His hand came up but he stopped, and then continued walking. I stared at him in confusion as he counted back from five. Once he was out the door everyone woke up. Lucy sat up in my arms and I sighed in relief. Everyone began to wake up and rub their eyes groggy. 'Why was I still awake??' Lucy asked who Mystogan was and Elfman answered. "For one, he's a contender for fairly tails strongest wizard." Gray joined the conversation, "yeah, and for some reason he doesn't want anyone to see what he looked like. So whenever he since here to take a job he cast a sleeping spell. Master Makarov the only person here who's ever gotten a good look at his face." I stepped up to master and asked, "wait, but master why didn't I fall asleep?!" Everyone looked at me shocked at what I said, Master looked up at me but before he couldn't respond someone cut him off. "Oh well, that's not true I've seen him before." There was a man with blonde hair standing on the balcony. "Laxus?" I heard Elfman say to the man. "And here's another contender." I studied his face, he had spike blonde hair, a lighting bolt scar over one eye. He wore a black jacket with fur and weird headphones with spikes. "Mystogan is just a little shy, you should all respect his privacy." He glanced at me for a moment and I stared back. "Alright Laxus!" Oh look Natsu is awake, "you and me right now!" Oh Natsu, why do you like being beat up? "Yeah pal, if you can't even win against the redhead why bother with me." Wow, he's so conceded he doesn't even know anyones names? And Erza is pissed off, great. "I'm saying I'm the guilds strongest wizard." I put a hand in my hip and glared up at him. This man is so self centered. "Come down here a prove it." Laxus snickered, "you come to me little man." Nastu ran up and jumped toward Laxus. To my surprise master stopped him with a giant fist. "Your not aloud on the second floor Natsu, at least not yet." Laxus leaned down and laughed, "I think you made him grumpy." How can someone get on all 7 trillion nerves? "That's enough out of you Laxus." The master said, Laxus Ignored him. "The most powerful one in the guild isn't a chick, or some hooded weirdo. You want to know what the strongest wizard looks like?"

"Shut up." Everyone looked at me, Laxus with an angry glare. "What did you-" "I said shut up you pompous bastard." Everyone's mouth fell agape. "I sure as hell hope you don't mean what your saying right now, cause if so you look like an idiot." He gritted his teeth, before he could say anything I continued. "You say you're the strongest? Has anyone truly strong ever flaunted about it? Every act as ignorant as you? You may be strong but you'll never be the strongest with that attitude. So shut. Up." Their was silence for a moment before Laxus stormed off.


I was sitting at the bar, having a drink when Natsu came up and lay his head on my shoulder. "Ahhh Y/n, you're so cool." I quirked an eyebrow at him, "what do you mean Natsu?" He wrapped an arm around me and I felt my head heat up. "The way you stood up to Laxus earlier." He grinned and put a fist up. "Makes me, so fired up!" And with that he ran away? Me and Lucy finally decided to leave the guild, "Hey, where are you going their cuties?" Ew don't talk to me, me and Lucy ignored them as we walked home. Lucy was lost in thought. "You know if we were S class we'd be sook rich." I glanced at her and rolled my eyes. We opened the door to see Natsu and Happy on Lucy's bed, working out? "Welcome home." He said making Lucy scream. She kicked him and he flew off the bed. "Who don't you jerks work out at your own house?" Lucy asked, Natsu began to say something stupid. I put my stuff by my bed and left to change into Pjs. I came back to find Happy holding a S class mission poster. Hm. A S CLASS MISSON POSTER. "Woah woah how'd you guys get that!?" I asked, really concerned Happy came up to me with the poster. "Well I just climb the stairs, and took it." I sunk to the floor slowly and I covered my face. "Since this is our first S class quest we decided to go with the smallest reward we found in the board. But 7 million is still a lot of Jewel." I groaned into my hand and felt to arms hook under mine. I was pulled im up into a muscly chest. "Come on Y/n lighten upp." Lucy pulled me away from him, "No! If the master knew we had this job request we'd be toast!" I decided that I couldn't get ready to sleep and changed.

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I came back to find that they left the request here. Lucy began to freak out, she then ran out the door. I followed her and that's how I got dragged into this mess.

'Oh god what's gonna happen'

The blacksmith mage(a fairy tail x reader)Where stories live. Discover now