Beauty pageant mayhem (Chapter 27)

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Me and Lucy were walking home, her on the ledge like always. She lost her balance, almost falling. I quickly grabbed her arm and pulled her back. " Man, that was a close one." Lucy sighed, looking down. " I haven't been able to find a decent job lately. And you've been taking on so many." I smiled, scratching the back of my head. "It's no big deal Luce." When we made it home Lucy was on Guard, ready for someone to pop out. I rolled my eyes and put my bag down. " looks like we're alone, for once. I wish we could just come home without having to search the place for weirdos." I turned to Lucy, smiling slight. I slipped my shoes off, wiggling my toes. Walking so much makes my feet sore. Lucy went toward the bathroom, going to take a bath. I grabbed a book and sat on my bed. It was nice to just relax and read. I noticed a lump in Lucy bed and pulled up the blanket. Natsu looked up at me and I sighed. "Oh hey Y/n. I was about to fall asleep." Happy was passed out on top of him and I rolled me eyes. I pulled them up and dragged them over to my bed. Letting the lay down. Lucy did her night routine and walked in. She began to get in bed when she looked over at me. "That better not be what I think it is." Lucy came over and dragged a sleeping Natsu out of my bed. I just sat back and watched, an amused smile on my face. Lucy screamed when she saw them, waking Natsu up. He stood up and waved at her. " good morning." Lucy wasn't having any of it. She pulled his scarf tightly with a glare. " don't play cool. What are you doing in my room, in my sister's bed with your cat?" She pulled the scarf off him, making him spin. " go away!" Natsu just fell forward onto me. I grunted and glared down at him. Really? " five more minutes." Happy walked up to Lucy, reaching for the scarf. " give Natsu his scarf back, you meanie." Lucy looked down at it, confused. Does she not know where he got it from? I thought back to a conversation we had once. I was coming back home from a mission when I was the scarf flying in the wind. I quickly jumped up and caught it. When I looked down at it I recognized it as Natsus. I made my way towards the guild when I spotted him. He sat on the floor, holding his head in his hands. His breaths seemed to be labored and his eyes wide. I quickly ran towards him and kneeled down. "Natsu! Are you OK? What's wrong?" He looked up at me, looking torn. "My scarf, I lost it, I-" he chocked on a breath. I quickly put in on him. "Hey hey breath! Look, I found it." He looked at me with wide eyes before pulling me into a hug. He sobbed into my chest, "thank you, thank you." After that we sat down and he explained how it was a gift from Igneel. I smiled at the memory but looked down at Natsu when he let out a pained moan. " hey, are you sure he's gonna be OK?" I ran a hand through his hair, slightly concerned. "Aye. He's probably just feeling a little sickly because he ate all that ether-nano." I remember that, I slipped out from under him. Grabbing a rag and putting cold water on it. When I came back I flipped him onto his back and place the rag on his head. I pulled the blankets over him. I sat at the edge of the bed as Lucy and Happy talked. Lucy look at me with a smile when Happy told her about Miss Fairytail. "We could pay our rent for months with this if we win." Hapoy just smiled, " even though Mira and Cana are entering the contest too, we might still have a shot at it." I laughed and rubbed the back of my neck. "Oh no, I'm not pretty enough for that." I felt a shiver as I looked back to see Happy and Lucy glaring at me. "Don't say that n/n! I'd say you're equals with Mira and Cana!" I flushed at Happy's comment and waved a hand. "Well- I-I don't know about that." Lucy smiled mischievously, "ah but wait. We're younger than she is, which makes us the exciting new model!" I don't know about that but ok Lucy. " we can do it! Yeah, bring it on!" I just sighed, knowing I would get dragged into this by Luce. I grabbed a blanket and pillow, making a bed in the ground. I laid down, closing my eyes. Im gonna get some sleep before I die tomorrow.



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