Erzas story (Chapter 22)

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(You know the drill^)

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(You know the drill^)

We were in a row boat, hot sun baking me alive. "I'm worried about the people who are stuck in the cards." Lucy said, I nodded and dunked my face in the water. Trying to cool down at least a little. "Do you think they're okay?" Lucy asked Gray, who nodded. "We let the military know about them before we left, so I'm sure they'll be fine." I fanned my face a noticed Gray move closer to me. He put an arm out and I looked at him confused. "Come here." I scooted close and he started to use his magic to cool me off. I sighed in relief and noticed Juvia staring at us intensely. "Wait a minute. Where the heck are we?" Gray asked Juvia, who snapped out of her trance. "I don't know. We've been following salamanders lead." Lucy turned to said male. "Natsu, are you sure we're going the right direction?" Of course he's throwing up, great. "Man, we're relying on your sense of smell. Pull it together." Juvia leaned forward with an angry look. "How dare you disappoint my love with your childish actions!" My love? Is she talking about Gray? Gray looked down, frustrated. "Jeez, can't believe how easily they were able to knock us out and kidnap Erza and Happy. We're pathetic." I looked down in shame, thinking of how I couldn't do anything for Erza and Happy. "In our defense, they must've been powerful wizards to beat one as strong as Erza." Gray glared at Juvia, he had a look I'd never seen before. "What? They didn't beat her. Quit talking like you know her, cause you don't." Juvia apologized quickly and I felt kind of bad. I don't think she meant anything by that. "Calm down. What's your problem?" Lucy said to Gray and he sighed. "Those goons who attacked us said they were old friends of Erza's. Which makes me wonder if we know her any better than Juvia does." Natsu sat up all of a sudden. His sickness gone. "I just got a weird feeling." We looked over and watched as a bunch of birds began to die. "What's happening to them?" We looked down and saw broken wood with dead fish all around. All the animals in the area are dead, strange. "I've never seen anything like it." Gray squinted, studying the wood. "That's wreckage from a fiore naval ship." What was the Fiore army doing out here? " Okay, I'm creeped out." I placed a hand on my head. "How come all the animals are dying, but we're fine? And what was the army doing out here?" I asked myself mostly, Natsu looked up and furrowed his eyebrows. "Hey, what's that?" I turned to see what he was talking about. There was a giant tower? It was unwelcoming. Like dead roots reaching towards the sky. Jagged rocked surrounding it. "That must be the tower of heaven." I said, remembering what the man from earlier said. "I'll protect us." Juvia said before covering us with a water bubble. "My water dome will keep us from being seen." I smiled at her, giving her a thumbs up. Natsu fell to his knees, ready to throw up again. I stared up at the tower, this place is bad news. We made it to shore, bidding the boat behind rocks. Skipping out quickly we made our way to the tower. We got close and looked up, "They've got a ton of lookouts." Gray mumbled quietly, I hummed in agreement. "Let's charge them." I flicked Natsus nose and he glared at me. "Don't be stupid, we don't know how many are in there. We're probably outnumbered by a lot. Just charging in would be suicide." I scolded, he grumbled under his breath, pouting like a child. "Man, this is going to be tricky." That's when I noticed the flying lizards. Creepy. Juvia came back to the surface of the water. When did she leave? "I found an underwater passageway into the tower." I clapped my hands softly together for her. "Seriously? Way to go." Gray praised her, Juvia turned to me and smiled evilly. "You hear that Y/n? I was just praised by Gray, not you!" I smiled awkwardly and give her a thumbs up. "Good, job?" What does she want me to say to that? She calmed down and patted her dress down. "We can swim there in 10 minutes." Well, we'll all be dead by then. "We can hold our breath that long, right?" Gray shrugged and me and Lucy looked at each other. I mean I used to swim but the longest I can go is 5 minutes. Juvia created a bubble, "In that case, I suggest you wear these. It's a Water shell containing oxygen. This way, you can breathe well in the water." Wait did I say that out loud? That was supposed to be an internal thought. "Wow, you're awesome. And who are you again?" Natsu said making her sigh sadly. We jumped in the water and began to swim. I might have to asked Juvia to do this with me more often. It beautiful in the ocean. We made it into the under ground space. "So we're gonna need the tower now, huh?" I looked at Natsu and noticed his scarf around his head. What a geek. "I wonder where they're keeping Erza and Happy?" Lucy held the bubble In her hand, "They may look silly, but they sure do work." Juvia looked at me with a piercing look. "I'm impressed you made it here, because I purposely made yourself smaller so you'd have trouble breathing." Lucy looked shocked and I just smiled. "Oh, okay. Uh, thankssss." I slowly back away from her. Why does she hate me all of a sudden? I heard a roar and a man yell 'intruders.' Great we got caught not even 2 minutes after entering. A bunch of soldiers appeared making me sweat drop. "Identify yourselves!" Well this is awkward, running into a bunch of half naked teen in your basement. Well except Juvia, she's still fully clothed. "Guess we don't have a choice. We're gonna have to fight them." Natsus fire began to heat things up, drying me off immediately. "You losers wanna know who we are? Where the wizards who are gonna pound your faces in!" Natsu made an explosion, the dust cloud covering us. I pulled out my weapon, making a gun. Oh yeah baby, while on vacation I learned a new weapon and how to use it. The thing is I haven't used it in battle yet. Let's hope it works. We jumped out of the smoke and I immediately began to fire. I only know how to make a simple pistol now. Luckily I have unlimited ammo, don't ask how. Magic. I'm a pretty good shot I must say so myself. Not missing once yet. One of the men came up behind me, that's when I split the pistol into two. I quickly shot him and jumped away. A guard ran up to me, gun pointed at my heart. I jumped up, using his gun as a landing surface. I jumped off of it and kneed the man in the face. He fell and I continued forward. They were all taken down quickly. Guess I overestimated them earlier. "That seems to have done the job." Juvia said, Gray nodded. "Good work, team." Gray said, giving me a fist bump. "I hope we're not calling attention to, oh who am I kidding." Lucy said, yeah don't even finish that sentence at this point. Natsu picked up one of the guard and began to interrogate. "So where is the blockhead, buddy?" The mouth of one of the faces on the wall open. A ladder extended out. They know we're here. "I think that's their way of saying come on in." Gray is right, I walked up to the ladder and touched it. Natsu put a hand on my shoulder and pulled me back. "I'll go first Y/n, in case it dangerous." I rolled my eyes but let him go first anyway. I won't hurt his ego today. One by one we all climb up. We began to walk down the hall way when Natsu yelled out for the blockhead. "Jeez, would you keep it down?" Lucy hissed, Gray shrugged, " I don't see a point in sneaking around anymore, not after all that ruckus that went on downstairs." We had somehow found a table with food. Natsu shoving his face, Gray eating and me and Juvia as well. I offered some of my banna spilt to Juvia. But she just glared at me and pushed it away. "Fine, more for me." I grumble before taking a big bite. Lucy I haven't offered any to you. " what the heck are you guys eating?" Lucy asked, Virgo then chimed in. "I suggest you join them before there's nothing left." Lucy just shook her head. She didn't deny my banana split tho. It was one of our favorites. "The door that welcomed us in, was controlled by a magic user." Juvia inquired after she took a drink. "Then they are well aware of our presence." Yeah they are, "But why would they let us in?" Lucy asked, I've been wondering that too sister. "You think they were trying to provoke us?" I shook my head, swallowing the rest of my banana split. "I feel like they're taunting us. Like this is some kind of amusement to them." I noticed Virgo staring intently at Lucy. Oh yeah, she's here. "Not to be rude, but your bikini leaves Little to the imagination." Lucy covered herself. " should I change?" Virgo began to wiggle her fingers. " yes, I'll help you." Gray looked over, blushing madly. I quickly stood in front of him, hands on my hips. "Keep your eyes to yourself Gray." He chuckled and then I got dragged backwards. Wow, she changed me too. "I brought this over for you from the celestial world." My dress was almost exactly like Lucy's, same pattern and neckline. The only difference is that mine wasn't as lose and was f/n. Instead of green. I also didn't have a bandanna. Instead I had cute little flower clips.

 Instead I had cute little flower clips

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(What Lucy's looks like)

"I brought this over from the celestial world," Virgo said, I blushed deeply in the outfit. "So boys, do I look super cute in this outfit or what?" Lucy asked,  Gray nodded his head, "Oh yeah, you look great." He then looked at me and smiled. Noticing how shy I was feeling. I don't dress up like this often. "You look very cute as well Y/n." He said and I flushed, shaking my head and hands. "Son't complement them." Juvia cried, I sighed and played with the hem of the dress. It is super pretty I won't lie. "I wish you luck, princess." Lucy smiled at her and then turned back to the others. "Oh, did you guys want me to ask her to bring you A dry change of clothes to?" I turned to see Natsu fully dressed and Gray drying his clothes with Natsus fire. "He's not a dryer, you know!" Lucy said, I heard footsteps and turned to see more guards. Great. Before we could attack them Erza appeared. Wiping them all out. "Erza!" I called, smiling brightly at her. When she saw us her eyes widened. "It's you. What are you doing inside the tower?" I put my hand on my hip. "What do you think? We came to find you." Juvia began to introduce herself but got cut off but Erza. "Go home! This place is far too dangerous." Natsu clashed his fist together. "You're not gonna scare me into leaving. I ain't going anywhere till that blockhead gets a good taste of my fist. I'm gonna make him pay for shooting me in the mouth!" Erza shook her head, standing her ground. "You have to go."

"Your friends kidnapped Happy! I can't leave here without him!" Erza looked surprised by the news. "They got him to? It must've been Millianna." Natsu shook with anger. "Where can I find him?" Erza looked down, "I'm not sure." Natsus tensed and clenched his teeth. "This means war." Gray sighed, "Who are you declaring war against?" Natsu took off again, as quickly as before. Making it past Erza and out the door. "What a moron." Gray said, shaking his head slowly. "Let's go and help him!" Lucy said, determined. Erza pulled out her sword, with a quick no. "You don't have to worry about happy. Millianna is a cat lover. She'd never do anything to hurt him. I promise I'll bring them both back to the guild with me. But you four need to leave immediately." Lucy shook her head saying how we can help. "I don't want your help. This is my problem. It doesn't involve you." She stared to walk away but wouldn't let her. "Actually it does." She stopped and turned to glare at me. "We have fought together so much. Worked as a team, we are a team. We're not just gonna leave you to fight by yourself." She looked away, not saying a word. "Erza what's up with this tower? And who is this Jellal Guy? I can understand if you don't want to tell us. You said the creeps who kidnapped you used to be friends of yours, right? Well, we are friends now, and we're here to help you. And no matter what happens, were always gonna have your back." Gray smiled, "Yeah, they're right." Erza shoulders tensed up. "Leave!" I crossed my arms, making the decision I wasn't gonna leave. "You're freaking me out, because this isn't like you at all. What happened to the woman who'd tell us to shut up and come along, whether we wanted to or not? You wanna steak here and help you out. Master taught us that even the strongest Warriors need a little back up every once in a while." She turned to look at us, tears streaming from her eyes. " i'm sorry, but you can't help me now. The odds are stacked against me. Winner lose, this battle, I'm staring death in the face." I tensed at her words, what? " what do you mean by that?" Gray asked, she held her stop tightly. " there's no point in fighting what's inevitable. I can't. But what I can do is share my story with you, while I'm still here. This building is the tower of heaven. It's also called the R system. Over a decade ago, a cult dedicated to black magic began its construction. It would be used to cast a for bidden spell that brings the dead back to life. The spell required multiple human sacrifices, so the cult of ducted citizens of the surrounding areas and force them to build the tower as their slaves. The only reason I know this is because I was one of those people. Anyone who dare to resist the cult or try to escape the tower would mysteriously disappear. We never had any peace of mind. You lived in constant fear. But we bonded and made friends we could trust despite that, even though we knew we wouldn't be together long. One of my friends in the tower was a boy named Jellal." She told us about how they started a mutiny. " so we took a stand for our freedom. We hope to save our dear friend, Jellal. He was like the leader of our group back then. You're a strong sense of justice that I truly admired. However, something happened to him. It's almost as if he became an entirely different person. There's only one way I would describe Jellal's New persona,"

"Pure unadulterated evil."

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