Jellal returned (Chapter 36)

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"Natsu, can you hear me?" Hibbki asked, I looked at him. "Yes great tree." Natsu voice came from the hovering computer. I smiled, glad he was okay. "Great what? It's Hibbki from blue Pegasus. I'm glad I could finally reach you. Did you find Wendy and the cat?" Hibbki asked, still typing in his keyboard. "Yes, Wendy is still unconscious but Happy is awake." Natsu said and I frowned. What did they do to Wendy? "That's good, look I'm going to upload a map to you so you can find our temporary camp. Follow it to us quickly." Hibbki said, pressing a button. A bar pop up on the screen. The words "uploading" above it. I watched in awe, I've never seen anything like it. "Thanks great tree! I mean, Hibbki!" Natsu said, his location shown on the screen. "You need to hurry, I'm afraid we don't have much time right now." Hibbki said turning to look at Erza. The venom had taken over almost her entire arm. "Wait, I dint understand how Natsu knows where to find us." Lucy said, looking at Hibbki with questioning eyes. "I compacted the information and uploaded it to him. It's a fairly new concept so I'm not surprised you've never heard of it." Hibbki said, going straight back to work. "Wow, that's amazing." I said, looking back to Erza. "You hear that? Natsu will be here soon." I whispered soothingly, "Yeah, so you need to keep fighting. Me and Y/n will protect you." Lucy said, I smiled at my sister. Hibbki grinned at us and I raised an eyebrow. "What?" I asked and he chuckled. "Nothing, it's just nice seeing some light in the darkness." I rolled my eyes at his words but couldn't help but smile.
The venom spread up her neck, sitting as purple spirals on her face. Hibbki had turned off his magic, waiting for Natsu to finally get here. Bushes behind me began to rustle. Reaching into my pocket I pulled out my staff, ready to fight. Suddenly Natsu jumped out from the bushes. Wendy was thrown over one shoulder while the cats were under the other. "Miss me?" He asked, playfully sticking his tongue out. "Natsu!" Lucy called with relief, I smiled and relaxed. "You're here." I said, he pulled Wendy off his shoulder. "Alright time to wake up!" He said, shaking her roughly by the shoulders. "Hey! Be gentle!" I scolded him, the poor girl was already out of it. Wendy opened her eyes slowly, when she saw Natsu she pushed away screaming. "I'm sorry! I had too I'm so sorry!" She said, placing her hands over her head. I furrowed my eyebrows wondering what she was sorry about. Natsu bowed deeply. "I'm willing to overlook that right now, but Erza needs your help." He said desperately, I placed a hand on Wendy's head. "She was bitten by a snake and the venom is slowly killing her. Can you heal her?" I asked, Wendy's brown eyes wandered to Erza. "She's hurt?" The bluette asked and I nodded. "Please help us!" Lucy said, bowing as well. Wendy sat in silence for a moment before nodding. "I will! I'll save Erza!" Wendy said with determination, making me smile. She stood up and walked over to Erza, kneeling by the red headed side. Wendy placed her hands over Erza and a soft blue light began to glow. The purple venom receded back, Erza's face softened and her body relaxed. The light disappeared and Wendy took a breath. "She should be okay, now we have to wait." Natsu, Lucy and Happy yelled out in protest. Impatient for their friend to be healed. They watched for a moment before Erza shifted. Natsu laughed loudly, giving Lucy a high five. When his sights landed on me he wrapped his arms around me. Picking me up from the ground and spinning. "Erzas gonna be okay!" He yelled, placing me back down as I laughed. He then turned to Wendy and gave her a high five. Grinning down at the younger girl. I wrapped my arm around her shoulders giving her a tight hug. "Guess we owe you now." Natsu said with a big smile, Wendy looked down with a guilty look. "She won't wake up for a while, but once she does she'll be back to normal." Wendy said timidly. "She's looking better already." Hibbki said, leaning closely above her face. I kicked him swiftly in the side. "Stop being a creep!" I yelled, glaring down at him. "Now that your friend is healed I ask you don't make Wendy use any more magic. I can tell she's exhausted by the look in her face." Carla said, taking her place as the motherly figure once more. "That's not it! I'm just worried." Wendy proclaimed, I smiled reassuringly. "Don't worry, now that Erza is healed we're gonna take the Oracion seis down." I said, patting her head softly. "Yeah they better look out cause we're coming for them!" Natsu yelled, abruptly a light blinded us through the trees. "What is that!?" Lucy called, covering her eyes from the light. A beam of black light shot out from the ground. Black tendrils wrapping around it. "It's been unsealed!" Hibbki announced, trying to yell over the rumbling of the earth. "That's nirvana!?" I asked, Hibbki nodded his head in horror. The ground beneath us shook violently. Making me fight to keep my balance. Once the shaking stopped we all watched the light. "That's is definitely Nirvana." Hibbki said, eyes hardening. "How'd the Oracion seis beat us to the punch?" Lucy asked, wrapping her arms around herself. "This has to be Jellal's doing!" Natsu said making me freeze. "Jellal?" I whispered, thinking of the blue haired man. Natsu took of running into the forest. Before I could think I followed after him. "Natsu wait, what do you mean by Jellal!?" I called, racing to keep up with the salamander. "Wendy revived him! We can't let him get to Erza! I won't let him hurt her again!" He yelled, glaring straight forward. My mind swam with even more questions. Wendy revived him? But how? Why? I didn't voice my question, instead I continued to follow Natsu deeper into the forest. Through the trees a deal guild stood in our way. Weapons at the ready, but Natsu wasn't having it. He knocked all of them out with one blow. I should have expected it. When it comes to his friends his power only grows stronger. My legs strained, struggling to keep up with him. But I refused to lose him so I increased my speed.
'Man I really hate running.'

The blacksmith mage(a fairy tail x reader)Where stories live. Discover now