The fall of the tower (Chapter 26)

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Jellal's eyes were wide and vicious. Angry at Natsus little stunt he pulled. Jellal sent a blast at Natsu. The pink haired man dodged them all before jumping at Jellal. How ever Jella sent him back with a huge blast. I held Erza close, shielding her from the debris. I looked down at her and noticed her eyes opening. She sat up quickly, seeing Natsu getting hit by the blast. "Natsu!" She called out, trying to stand. I quickly grabbed her shoulder and pulled her down. Shaking my head, she's in no shape to fight. Natsu broke away from the blast and ran at Jellal once more. "Ha ha! You're so worried about wrecking your precious tower, you're not gonna fight me full on? Because I get the feeling you're holding back. And that ain't gonna work against me." I couldn't help but smile at that, trying to hide my fears away. " i'd watch my mouth if I were you." Jellal shot Natsu away from him. Natsu used a giant fire blast, sending it into the tower. " he's aiming for the tower." Erza muttered, more to herself then to me. Natsu smirked, a giant hole left behind. " now I'm angry. I didn't spend years building this tower just do you have some punk terret down. I won't let you." Natsu laughed, struggling to stand. Holding his stomach in pain. " tough break, Pal, but you can't say I didn't warn you. I told you destroying stuff is one of my specialties." His breathing was uneven and heavy. Sweat rolling down his body. Steamed covered the ground around us. Making everything warm. Jellal made the wind around us blow harder then ever. I held Erza to me, trying to keep us from flying. If only my weapon east broken. I felt my stomach churn, my eyes watering. This spell isn't good. "That spell, it could kill Natsu!" Erza called, I looked down at her with wide eyes before looking back. Before Erza could moved I shoved her back and ran. Faster then I'd ever ran before. I stood in front of Natsu, staring Jellal down. He immediately stopped, staring at me with wide eyes. He muttered something to himself. Clearly frustrated by my actions. Why does he hesitate. Erza then jumped in front of me. Erza I pushed you away for a reason. " you don't want to lose your sacrifice to Zeref, do you?" Jellal tilted his head to the side. " that would be a problem. The ceremony requires the body of a wizard comparable in strength to one of the 10 wizards saints. However, I can find a suitable replacement. You're not the only one who fits that bill." Erzas eyes widened and so did mine. " i'll worry about that after I kill both of you." I felt myself get tipped over, as if someone pushed me out of the way. Wait, he's only meaning Natsu and Erza?! He continued the spell but Erza didn't move. I couldn't hear anything they were saying. All I could feel was fear, fear of losing them both. That's when he shot the magic towards Erza. I ran forward, knowing I wouldn't make it in time. That's when I noticed Simon. He threw himself forward, blocking the attack. Once the smoke from the attack passed I saw him. He began to fall, I jumped forward, catching him. I softly brought him to the floor. Erza ran forward, kneeling to his side. " I had no idea you were still crawling around the tower, you despicable pest." I glared up at Jellal. Feeling angry at him, so much anger. " what the hell were you thinking? Why didn't you escape with the others? Talk to me!" Simon struggled to breath. His breaths ragged and forced. A small smiled painted his face as he look at Erza. " please, don't cry. It's OK. I'm happy to give my life for you." Erzas tears dropped into Simon. I backed away from them, letting them have space. I turned towards Jellal. He just smiled, stood there, and smiled. I clenched my jaw, this man, no, monster took away someone Erza loved. Erza cry made my heart ache. Jellal began to laugh hysterically. Making my rage grow twice in size. " what a perfectly foolish thing to do. He tried to play the valiant hero, but his death won't change a thing. Simon gave his own life to save yours, but he should've known I'm not letting either of you leave this tower alive." I ran forward quickly, landing a punch to his face. He flew backwards, slamming into one of the walls. Didn't know I could do that. "Shut up." I mumbled, he looked at me, shocked. That's when I heard a crunch. I turned to see Natsu eating the crystals from the tower. So much power radiated off of him. He punched the ground sending a powerful attack at Jellal. I jumped back, not wanting to get in the middle of this. Instead I stood by Erza. Natsu fell to the ground, holding his neck. " how could you be so stupid? Ether-nano is made out of all types of elemental magic. It'll poison you." I closed my eyes tight, hearing him scream in pain. Natsu why would you do that? That's when I felt the heat. So much fire come off of him. He's got forward m, hitting Jellal over and over. He then sent him down through the floor. For a moment they were gone, the next they shot right back up. I covered Erza, looking up at them. Jellal began to send shots back towards Natsu. He then created a giant magic circle. " he's casting the abyss break. But why? You'll destroy the tower so many died to create." Jellal smirked, rolling his eyes. " this tower means nothing. You see, now that I've done it, I could build another and half the time. Lord Zeref, your hour is near." His circle disappeared, pain written all over his face. " you'll never know what it means to be free. Not as long as you're possessed by that spirit. Why are you letting him manipulate you? You can do it Jellal! Free yourself!" Natsu punched him with so much force he shot down into the tower. It shook and rumbled. Jellal laid motionless. Natsu landed with a thud. I gawked at the power he held. He turned back towards us with a smile. I couldn't help but smile back. His eyes began for close and he fell. Erza ran forward, catching him. I followed her, kneeling down next to them. I hugged them both. Feeling so relieved. " I knew you'd find your inner strength. You're amazing." The ground began to rumble, a bright blue light engulfing the tower. Giant light geysers butter around us. I helped Erza pull Natsu up. How are we gonna get out of here? Erza turned to look at Simons body. " I'll go get h-" she shook her head, looking at me. "No, do not risk your life for his body." I looked down, nodding my head. I helped Erza put Natsu on her back before we ran. Everything fell around us, explosions happening all around. Erza tripped, hitting the ground. "No, it's over." Erza said, punching the ground. I pulled Natsu up, glaring at her. " don't tell me you're giving up. It's not over till we're dead Erza! Now stand up and keep moving!" She looked up at me with wide eyes before standing up. " what am I saying? I can't give up." She turned back to me, looking like she had a plan. She put her hand to a crystal. "Erza what are you dosing?!" She turned to look at me with a sad smile. Everything seemed to slow down in that moment. "I'm case this doesn't work, take care of everyone for me. Kay?" He hand went through the crystal and my eyes widened. I felt Natsu shift in my arms. "Erza." He mumbled, she turned back to us. " hey, what are you doing? I don't get it. Are you trying to go back inside that thing?" Erza looked down, shame written all over her face. " I don't have a choice. It's the only way I'll ever be able to stop it." Natsu tried to stand on his own but failed. I kneeled next to him as he sat up. " what are you talking about? Stop what?" There was another explosion. Answering his question perfectly. " now you see. It's the ether-nano. If it continues to gain power, the lacrima won't be able to contain it in the whole place will explode. But if I fuse my body with the magic energy, I can prevent that from happening." Natsu tried to crawl forward, furrowing his eyebrows. " i'm not gonna let you do that. There's got to be another way to stop it." She let out a scream and Natsu tried to run forward to her but failed. I ran forward, making it to Erza. " i'm not gonna let you sacr-" I was cut off by her arm swinging forward. Hitting me in the face, hard. I feel backwards, holding my nose in pain. "I'm sorry Y/n, I can't let you stop me. I promise I'll stop it. There's no need to worry. I'm determined to save all of you." Almost her whole body was pulled in. Natsu ran, crawled his way over to her. She reached a hand out and caressed his face softly. She then looked to me, patting my hair. " I can't even imagine what my life would've been like without fairytale. If it weren't for you and the others, I probably wouldn't be here today. I hope you know how important you all are to me. Thank you so much." Tears ran from my eyes as I took her hand in mine. Not wanting to let go off her. She smiled before pulling her hand from mine. " that's why I'm willing to make the ultimate sacrifice. If it means my loved ones will be spared, i'll gladly give my life." She got pulled fully into the crystal and I tried to push through. Not wanting to let her go. Natsu banged on the lacrima, " no way! Come out of there right now." I felt so tired, leaning down I tried to hold in my cries. "Erza!" He screamed, that's when the light exploded out. When it stopped the tower began to shake. I felt it falling, and then everything was black.

The blacksmith mage(a fairy tail x reader)Where stories live. Discover now