Knocked out again? (Chapter 17)

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We made it back to the guild finally. Lucy sat on a barrel staring at the floor. I paced back and forth, a hole appearing where I've been walking. My breathes were uneven and frantic. "Don't worry we'll get them back for this." Natsu promised us, Lucy sighed and I just began to walk faster than before. "I know I'm not worried about that." Her words made me stop walking. "It's just, all our fault." I clenched my fist and looked down to the floor. "Being targeted by dangerous people is just one of the downsides of being rich. At least you're protected by a real man like me." Elfman said confidently. My whole body shook, my vision shaking. "Hey, would you give it a rest already?" Happy looked up at me, "I have to say, I was shocked when I heard the news. Why'd you hide the truth from us?"  I shook my head, "We weren't trying to hide anything from you guys. It's not like we can just talk about the fact that we ran away, it's not a topic of conversation." Lucy looked down, "We've been gone for over a year and he hasn't cared. Now all of a sudden he wants to force us to come back? He's done all those horrible things just to get us to come back. I hate his guts!" My whole body shook thinking of what he did. "He doesn't care about us, he never did. All we were to him were tools, he wants his back so he can gain something." I bent down trying to calm my breathing. "Still, if we hadn't run away in the first place none of this would've ever happened." Sweat ran down my face as his eyes popped into my head. "Come on. Don't be ridiculous. Your dad is the one to blame." Gray said,  I shook my head again, "We brought trouble to the guild, Because of selfish choices we made, I'm sorry." Lucy stood up, "We're just gonna go back home, and hopefully all this will be over with." I stood up and quickly turned to look at her. "no."
I said quietly and she looked at me. "Y/n we can't stay here!" I shook my head and stepped back. "I'll leave fairytale, but I'm not going back." She glared at me harshly. " if we just go back this will all be over, why are you being difficult?" Natsu then stepped in, "Come on guys I don't think you have to leave. I can't see you playing the part of pretty princesses sitting around in your mansion" I looked at Natsu, "Laughing with us in this filthy guilt hall, going on adventures even though Lucy freaks out all the time and y/n is always pulling us out of trouble, that's who you guys really are. You said you wanted to stay with us right? Why would you ever go back to that place you ran away from? Come on. Who are you trying to kid, you're Lucy and Y/n of fairytale. You belong here with us." I felt more tears roll down my face and I slowly walk up to Natsu hugging him. He returned the favor and I buried my head in his shoulder. "Ah, don't you guys cry it's not like you." Gray said, scratching his head. I sniffed and pulled away from Natsu. "Yeah you guys are right." I took a deep breath and was able to calm down.  Suddenly there was a crash and everyone ran outside. The phantoms guildhall had legs? No, how? A giant canon emerged. Erza ran forward and transformed. "That's her adamantine armor." Someone said, what is she doing. "Erza don't!" I called out. Natsu tried to go to her but Gray held him back. "You're not gonna be able to stop her. just gotta have faith in her." The canon shot at us and Erza made a shield. It hit hard and her armor began to break. She got sent backwards and slid.  "Erza.." I mumbled, why is this happening. "Makarov has fallen and now Erza can't stand. Any chance of victory has slipped through your fingers. Surrender Lucy and Y/n Hertfilia immediately. You have no choice." Many of or guild members refused, "You hear that?! Lucy and Y/n are staying put." Everyone cheered and Lucy started  crying. "Maybe we should go with them and give ourselves up." She uttered quietly,  I shook my head at her. Erza sat up, "We would never betray them like that, you'd have to kill us first!" She yelled, everyone cheered with her. "You can stop asking now, cause we're not gonna give you any other answer! We're taking every one of you jerks down!" Natsu cheered, I ran a hand over my face. People are gonna die if this continues. "If death is what you want I'll give you a second taste of Jupiter!" Jose all but screamed "You've got 15 minutes to ponder the folly of your actions!" I gripped my hair, "There are only two ways the situation can play out. Either my troops will tear you apart or you'll be blown away by Jupiter." How can I stop this? Do I really have to go back? To that place? I shook just thinking about it. For now I can fight. Natsu then ran forward, Happy grabbing him and flying toward the guildhall. Mirajane came up to us, " Lucy, Y/n, come with me." She grabbed our hands and took us inside. "We have a hideout, I want you guys to stay there till this is all over." Lucy and I pulled away quickly. "No. It's all my fault that were in this mess. I can't just abandon everyone while they're out there fighting for us." I said, Mira turned to us, "It's not your guys fault, I don't see it that way, and neither does anyone else. We're just fighting for you. It's for all of us. It's for the honor of our guild. We're proud to fight this battle, each and everyone of us.  Please just do as I say." Mira put her hand out to us and I felt my vision go blurry. Lucy fell and I grabbed Mira. "They don't need to do this, please don't..."

then everything was black.

The blacksmith mage(a fairy tail x reader)Where stories live. Discover now