Jellal (Chapter 25)

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Gray smiled at me but his leg gave out. I caught him quickly, letting him lean his weight on me. " we're running out of time. We gotta rescue Erza." He tried to get up but passed out. I laid him down slowly, what are we gonna do? I shook him lightly trying to wake him. He didn't budge, I sat him up, letting him lean against me. Simon walked up and grabbed Gray from me. "Come on." I stood up, Happy in my arms. I followed Simon, we went outside and walked up the stairs towards the top of the tower. It was a silent walk, cold wind brushing my skin. The sun setting behind the ocean, I herd Natsu stir and turned to look at him. Natsu asked what happened and I couldn't help but laugh at the memory. " well, you were eaten by the owl. Luckily, Gray was able to save you." I looked up at said man. He was still out, Happy had taken him off Simon a while ago. Bringing him somewhere safer. " he defeated the owl but he was badly wounded during the fight. Your friend is taking him to a safer place." I looked up and felt my heart pound angrily in my chest. The satellite square. " no way! You gotta be kidding me. I lost to the owl freak, but Gray was able to beat him?" I cupped my ear and glared at Natsu. "Would you keep it down? And it's not your fault, you didn't know that owl could eat people." I crossed one arm over my chest, the other straight at my side. Natsu stared at the arm but said nothing. " it doesn't matter what happened. He's still gonna hold this over my head for at least the next month. Man, this sucks!" I think you're more focused on it the Gray is. Natsu wiggled his way free. " I won't stand for this. I demand a rematch. Bring that bird brain back and let me show him what I've got." Simon grabbed his scarf and dragged him up the stairs. I tiredly followed, dragging my feet more with each step. " we don't have time for that kind of nonsense right now." That's when Natsu glared up at Simon, looking like an angry cat. " don't wanna be rude, but do I know you?" I sighed and shook my head slowly. Of course he's already forgotten, I blew air slowly from my nose. " i'm Simon. I was friends with Erza back when we were kids." He let go of Natsus scarf and he stood up. Placing both arms behind his head. " oh, in that case, it's nice to meet you." Simon leaned into the wall, holding his stomach in pain. I was quick to his side, "Simon, are you all right?" He looked at me and then started forward again. " don't worry about me. I'm fine. I just got word from Wally. He and Millianna found Lucy and Juvia, but they're in bad shape." My heart skipped a beat, bad shape? I don't like that, leaves me with to much imagination. " he said it looked like they took down one of the Trinity Raven." I smiled widely at that. Those are my sisters! Absolute badasses. " they hadn't heard that we're not enemies anymore. So they were confused when I ask them to take the girls to safety." Once I see Lucy I'm not letting her out of my sight again. And Juvia, gotta make sure she's ok too. "Sho's also informed me that the last member of Trinity Raven has been defeated." Natsus mouth dropped open, a angry smile on his face. " I didn't get to do anything." He grumbled, yeah me either. Except get my rib and arm cracked. Yeah I did get to do that. " now they're out of the picture, that just leaves Jellal. Erza's is gone to find him." Of course she did, that's Erza to a T. Never asking for help and trying to do everything alone. " she's got a score to settle and whether we like it or not, she wants to do it on her own. I'm sure you're aware she and Jellal have quite a history. It's as if they're destined to fight each other." That would make sense, after everything he did to her. But Erza is letting her emotions take over her judgment. " i'm worried about her because Jellal's stronger then she knows." That's when he turned back to me and Natsu, his eyes pleading. " I beg you. You have to help her fight him." Natsu crossed his arms and shook his head. " not gonna happen." I sighed, knew it, he's gonna let Erza do it alone. And I get why, it's not our place to jump in. "Erza is strong, she'll be just fine." I said, waving a dismissive hand at Simon. He all but choked as he gawked at me and Natsu. He grabbed us both by the collars and slammed us against the wall. " what's wrong with you? You claim to be Erza's friends, but you refuse to help her?" I grabbed his arm, trying to pry him off. Damn he's beefy. " this is her fight, she wants to handle it on her own. She'd never forgive us if we butted in on the action like that." I nodded, agreeing in what Natsu said. Simon let go and backed away from us. Jeez that kind of hurt. " there's no way that she could ever win against Jellal." I felt anger brewing in my chest. Natsu felt the same way, I can tell. " what? She's stronger than you give her credit for, so watch your mouth." Simon turned back to us, a hopeless frown on his face. His fist tightened, I've never wanted to punch someone more then I do now. " you got it wrong. I'm not saying that I doubt the power of her magic." I relaxed back, waiting for his explanation. And it better be good. " despite everything that's happened, I know Ezra still wants to try to save Jellal. I have no doubt in my mind. In her heart, she could never truly hate The boys she remembers from childhood." My heart ached, knowing that feeling. Knowing you should hate someone for what they did. But not being able to. "Jellal is viciously cunning. He knows exactly how to manipulate her feelings to his advantage. And that's not the only thing working against her. As you know, the magic councils preparing to fire an Etherion blast. When that happens, the tower and anyone inside it will be wiped out." My fist clenched, jaw tightening. I looked out to the water, hoping everyone was safely away. "If what Sho told me is correct, we only have 10 minutes." I felt my heart sink, my hand latching onto Natsus. Comforting myself Morley then him. " she ordered everyone else to leave the tower and went to face him alone. If you know her as well as you say, then you know what she's up to." Natsus grip on my hand tightened, but the pain didn't make me flinch. Erza is to selfless, sometimes I hate it. " she's giving up her life and when the blast comes, it will take them both down together." Ok, well I've been slightly lost this whole time. And if he would have explained this too me on the walk I wouldn't have disagreed. " you should've said that to begin with. Tell me where I can find Erza!"

The blacksmith mage(a fairy tail x reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin