Freed the demon (Chapter 12)

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As the two men fought I sneakily found a way to get those stupid cuffs off. Jeez if I get grab one more time imma- my thought was cut it by their magic clashing. I pulled out my weapon and made a quick shield. Jeez their both so strong. " this could go on forever, so do yourself a favor and give up." Natsu said as they stared each other down. My shield morphed into a sword. " I would never give you the satisfaction." Lyons words made Natsus fist go into flames. That's when I heard a cracked and turned to see the ice wall breaking. When it exploded I saw Gray standing on the other side. Gray entered the room and glared at Natsu, "Leave him to me." He glanced at me and I nodded my head. My sword lowered as I took a step back. " it's time we settle things once and for all." Natsu gritted his teeth, " no way man! You already lost him once!" Gray finally made it between them. " and it's not gonna happen again. I'm ready to end this now." I noticed Lyons face change as Gray spoke. " you seem awfully confident." Grays shoulders sank slightly. " you were right Lyon. I'm the one who's to blame for Masters death." Lyons eyes shot daggers at Gray. Irritation radiating off of him, "But you're no better. You've threatened my comrades, brought harm to the villagers, and now you're trying to destroy what Ur gave her life to create. It's time we accept our punishment, together." I quickly moved to be by Natsu. "That stance, not the ice shell!" My blood ran cold and i ran to Grays side quickly. "Gray no you can't!" He turned slightly and hit me with his shoulder. I slid back and was able to stop. "Are you insane? You wouldn't Dare!"

"If you wanna live, change the villagers back to the human forms. And then leave this Island, and never return." A magic circle appeared below Gary. "Gray please don't do this!" I called but he ignored me. "If you agreed that I'll stop. Otherwise, this is the end." Ice began to circle around Gray rapidly. Forcing me to jump back away from him. "Don't do it."
Natsu yelled, I slipped back farther from the force of the spell. "All these years I've lied to myself. I didn't want to admit that sue died because of me. But she did. And it's time I took responsibility. So I will hear it now. I'm not afraid to die. If that's what it takes!" I closed my eyes, dragging myself forward. I can't let this happen, I came here to try and protect everyone. All my friends and family. I will not let Gray die here.

'Natsu, Erza, Y/n, all my friends in fairytale. The rest is up to you. I don't wanna leave you, but my time is up.'


I dug my feet in the ground and ran. Natsu followed my lead. My plan was to tackle Gray but Natsus was not. "Shut up!" With that his fist quickly made contact with Grays face. I stood there, flabbergasted at what just happened. "Natsu!" Gray glared up at him and I sighed in relief. "You can't just bust in and steal the scene with a bunch of fancy talk. Get to the back of the line, pal." Grays furrowed his eyebrows, "back of what line!?" Oh my goddess, even in situations like this? Something's will never change. Gray grabbed Natsu by the scarf making me want to throw myself into the wall. Natsu gripped his arm tightly, "yeah? And how's dying gonna settle it, huh? Because it sounds like you're running away to me." They glared at each other for a moment before everything began to shake. "What now!?" The temple un tilted, Natsu began to, beat up the temple? "This is bad, now the moon's gonna shine on Deliora." I heard footsteps and turned to see the weird short guy with the red mask and green hair? "pardon the interruption." He and Lyon began to speak to each other. I get a bad vibe from this guy. "I don't like this guy." I mumbled quietly, widening my stance slightly. "That weirdo fixed it all by himself?" At least I'm not the only one who finds him weird. "Hey so what'd you do to fix it huh?!" Natsu yelled at them man. The man began to laugh and Natsu was not happy. The man then ran away and Natsu followed him. Natsu turned. "I'll let you handle that ice guy." Natsu then turned away from us. " it'll look bad if you lose again. And not just for you." Natsu ran out and Gray turned to me. "Lucy and And earlier were fighting off some of these guys minions. Go find them and help them." I put my fist up and bumped his with mine. " all right gray, but don't you go trying to kill yourself again. Because if you do I'll have to beat you up." His eyes widened slightly before a soft smile grazed his face. "Ya ya, jeez you should exactly like Ur." I smiled and turned in my heel before running. 'Erza is going to kill me.'


I ran up to see Lucy summoning Cancer. Erza spotted me and I shivered, "Y/n.." I though she was gonna kill me before she placed a hand on my head. "Of course you got dragged along. Oh poor Y/n." I quirked my eyebrow, she then grabbed my head and slammed it into her armored chest. "Everything is okay now." Ouch, her gaze then casted to Cancer. "We've met before haven't we?" He was on his knees with flowers. He then saw me and smiled, "Ms, y/n." I smiled back and waved. " I thought you always had baby what's with Miss!? And aren't you supposed to be on my service!?" Lucy screamed at the crab, making me giggle. That's when I noticed all the weird masked people. Happy flew up and landed on my shoulder, smirking. "I think someone's jealous." I laughed with him and he held onto me. Cancer made quick work of them. "Excellent work, let's head to the temple." Me and Lucy nodded to each other when a voice piped up. "No, wait!" I turned to see an old woman being held up by a younger man. "We won't let you interfere with the cold emperor." I furrowed my eyebrows. "Those headpieces. You people are from the city of Brago. And you want revenge." Oh, that makes sense now. Lyon used their hatred and fragile state of mind. Making them think he can actually kill Deliora. I stepped forward, "I could never understand what you all went through. But this cold emperor guy, he's crazy and a fraud. He's convinced himself he can kill deli or a but he can't. He's not strong enough." The old woman swatted me away. "Come on!" I yelled making everyone jumped back. "Don't you remember what he did to your home? That's what he's gonna do to this island, the village here. Do you really want other people to go through what you did? Deliora is sealed away, and you wanna bring the monster that killed your people back?" All the people looked down, in shame, guilt and sadness. That's when I felt the pins in my head again, making my knees weak. A loud roar pierced the air. No. "That doesn't sound too promising." Erza grabbed my arm and pulled me up. She had a thoughtful look as she stared at me. "Whenever something happens with Deliora you always have a reaction. It's like you're somehow connected with it." She then shook her head and looked at me. "Or your sensitive to the moon drip. It might be affecting you like it affected the people of this island." I nodded my head and steadied myself. "That would make sense." I looked at the temple as the floor shook.

'Deliora is free.'

The blacksmith mage(a fairy tail x reader)Where stories live. Discover now