Train station (Chapter 4)

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We stopped at the top of a hill looking down at the train. Guess the dark guild had taken over the train. "I can understand cars and boats, but why'd they hijack a train?" Lucy asked curiously "Because there idiots clearly." Lucy glared at me and I just shrugged. "It doesn't seem like it would be a very good choice for getaways since it can only follow the tracks it's on." Happy said as he peered out the window. "Yes that's true. But they are quite fast." I was crammed in the back now that Gray joined us. Natsu sat on the floor laying his face on my lap while Gray looked down at him- and he's in his boxers again. "Then I guess it's up to us to figure out where those Eisenwald guys are going in such a big hurry and why." Lucy looked back and her jaw dropped. "Your naked Gary." She cried, "am I?" He looked down and I face palmed. "The military has already been called to action so it's only a matter of time before someone catches them." Lucy said leaning out the window. "I hope that's the case Lucy." Erza switched gears before driving forward.


Gray was the the roof again as we flew through the city. "Stop Erza! Your going way to fast, your gonna overload the S.E plug." Erza ignored him and continued to plow forward. "Theres no telling how many innocent people could die if Lullabies song is played! I can't slow down. We have to stop Eisenwald before it's too late."  I heard Grays frustration as he yelled back. "But at this rate you're gonna use up all your magic before we even start fighting." I couldn't see Erza face but her voice sounded determined. "We'll then, I'll just have to rely on hand to hand combat. Besides, I've got you and Natsu as backup." Well shes putting a lot of faith in these two isn't she. "I feel like there was something important I was supposed to tell you Lucy." I looked down at the blue cat next to me. "Oh really? What was it?" Lucy asked, Happy scratched his head. "I don't remember. It was just something about something I was supposed to tel you. Um you're-" Happy was cut off by Natsu grumbling. "Totally sick for real." Happys paw Shoto up and he announce. "That's it." Lucy went demon mode as she yelled. "Are you kidding me!?" Natsu climbed over me quickly before leaning out the window. "Woah, you going to fall out Pinky!" I yelled as I tried to pull him back inside. "That's what I'm aiming for." He responded, I rolled my eyes holding on to him tightly. "I'm, so if it wasn't "Lucy's totally sick," then what the heck was it? Something weird like that." Happy pondered on what it was while me and Lucy held onto Natu. I held his waist while Lucy held his legs. Together we were able to pull him in from the window. Le payed on my lap and I placed a hand threw his hair. Lucy got annoyed with what Happy was saying and asked. "Why are you saying I'm weird?" That's when I heard Erzas voice. "What's that up ahead?" I looked out the window to see the Oshibana station. There was smoke coming from the building while a bunch of people stood out front. We got out of the car and Erza wasted no time running up to the worker with a megaphone. "Excuse me, what's going on?" The worker looked at her with a confused look. "Why would I tell you lady?" Erza pinched the man making him uh, die I think. She then asked the second worker what was going on with a more stern voice. He also died. And I was going to die from holding Natsu all by myself. His arm was around my shoulder as her tried to get his bearings. Lucy was helping me but apparently not anymore. Erza kept yelling at workers as they dropped like flies. "Seems like her questioning method is very counterproductive." Gray crossed his arms and replied. "Erza's got her own way of getting things done." We looked over at Gray and of course he's naked. "The Eisenwals guilds inside, let's go!" Erza called, I nodded my head as Natsu continued to pull me down. "So what I just gotta drag Natsu around? He's heavy." "Sorry..." Natsu grumbled


"A small army unit stormed in earlier, but they've yet to return!" Erzan called to us as we ran through the halls. Our foot steps echoed in the hollow gut of the building. "I'm guessing that they've been caught in battle with the Eisenwald forces." I stumbled slightly as Natsu shuffled on my back. Man why do I have to carry him? I gasped as I spotted a group of men later across a flight of stairs. That's the army Erza has mentioned. "They've been completely wiped out." Happy cried in terror. We slowed to a walk as we passes all the body's. "They we're up against a whole guild of wizards. A small contingent like this would never stand a chance against such a powerful group." I felt a shiver down my spine before stopping in my tracks. A croaky laugh echoed about us, bouncing in waves of the clean, white walls. "Welcome, step into our parlor Fairytail flies." A giant group of men stood before us. All with wicked sneers and crooked smiles on their faces. Lucy looked terrified as she commented on the mass of people. "You fiend. I take it your Erigor?" Erzas question made the man laugh again. He was lean and tall with barley any muscle. His chin was long and square. Eyes dark and small, with no eye brows above them. Below his eyes however were black marks. His nose came to a point at the end and bellow was a lopsided grin. His hair was Snow White, and it stuck up straight. Except for the bangs that flopped forward to the side of his face. He wore only pants, his bear chest shown to the world. With blue illustrations covering him. A black cloak was on his back and in his hand was a scythe. Lucy ripped Natsu off my back before shaking him violently. "Hey you." A man with black hair directed towards Natsu. "It's your fault I got in trouble with Erigor. Get up." Natsus face immediately changed, his motion sickness finally freeing him. "We're not threatened by any of you! Tell me what your planning to do with lullaby!" Erza stood tall as she stared them down. "Oh, you haven't heard yet?" He laughed more and he jumped in the air, floating upward. "What do all train stations have?" A riddle? Right now, are you kidding?? "You plan to broadcast the lullabies song?" Well Erzas smart. He laughed again, ok what's so funny? "Thousands of Nosey onlookers have flocked to this station to get a glimpse of the action. Who knows, if I rain the volume enough I may be able to extinguish the entire city with my melody of death." What!? No way, does he plan to kill his men as well? "What reason do you have to commit such a heinous crime against the innocent people of this town?!" Erza glared at the man. She gritted her teeth together in anger has he smiled down at her. "This is a cleansing of all the fools out there who fail to appreciate the rights they hold so dear. Who remain ignorant to the plight of those who've had their rights stripped away."  I sneered at the man, "You took away your own rights the moment you joined a dark guild!" I called, his smile faltered as he stared at me. "You have all turned a blind eye to the injustice of the world. So now the reaper has come to punish them!" Lucy put her hands on her hips. "Killing them isn't gonna help you get your rights back, it's only gonna make it worse! That's the whole reason you were kicked out of the wizards league in the first place!" His grin widened as his eyes squinted. "We have given up on trying to get our rights back, we want power, power so we can stop all sins." I noticed the guy who yelled at Natsu crouch down, his left palm placed on the floor. "We're rolling in a new age of darkness. Course by the time it gets here you flies will be long gone!" A magic circle encased him before black shadows short words is. Giant black hands came from the shadows. One began to each for me and Lucy. Before they could get close Natsu destroyed them with his fire. "You again?" Natsu grinned when he saw the black haired man. "Eisenwald dude, I knew I recognize that voice." I started at Natsu with a deadpan expression. "Look who finally woke up. Couldn't have done that like, before I carried you all the way here." Natsu smiled at me before looking back to the dark guild. Wow. "Well, looks like we have a party here, huh?" Lucy shook here hands frantically back and forth. "No Natsu, these are the guys we have to fight!" Natsu punched his fist to his hand with a wide smile. "Like I said, a party." Lucy pointed at the men before us. "This is the strongest team fairytail has to offer. You better be ready!" Erigor flew into the air once again. "I leave them to you!" He called to his guild before vanishing into thin air. "Natsu and Gary. Go. I need you to stop him." Erza said to the two boys. "If the two of you work together not even Erigor can beat you. I'm leaving him in your hands." The two immediately started to glare at each other until Erza yelled at them. They ran off after him, leaning me, Lucy, Hapoy and Erza. A man in a black and yellow striped outfit latched black strings to a balcony, ready to chase after the two of them. He brought himself up to the balcony and the black haired man claimed he was going with him. "We'll catch up with them once we're finished with all the men here okay?" I nodded my head as Lucy looked terrified. Erza put out a hand, she summoned a giant sword. She caught it in her hand before pointing it at the men. "If you insult the fairytail guild again in my presence I swear none of you will live to see tomorrow." That made the men angry as they all drew their weapons and jumped at us. I threw my magic item to the ground making a naginata. But I didn't have to do anything, two swipes from her sword had them all flying. She continued to slashed away the enemy, changing out her weapon every now and again. "It's time for me to kick but too!" Lucy grabbed her gate keys. Happy was upset with that but Lucy ignored him. Lucy summoned cancer. He jumped towards our enemies destroying their weapons and hair? Some men approach me, I quickly pulled out the staff and took out a few of their feet. One man came up behind me wrapping an arm around my neck while his friend came to my front. I brought my legs up and kicked his friend making them both lose their balance. And the guy holding me fell his grip on my loosened. I used my momentum to quickly flip in to my feet and take out a few more men. "Still so many.." I heard Erza say as we stared out into the sea of crusty men. I mean men. "Thought we took care of most of them. Annoying but I'll wipe them out." Suck confidence! I love Erza so much. She used her magic again. Her body was covered in a golden light. All the men began to peeve out. When she was done she worse a beautiful silver armor with wings. Wow. "Now dance my swords!" She took almost all them men down immediately. I backed up to stand by Lucy. Once all but one man was down Erza transformed back. "Oh man! I think I'm in love!!" Really Lucy? Tha last man standing ran out in fear. "I would imaging he's going to look for Erigor. You should follow him." Lucy looked at her surprised. "Who is?" I bumped my hip to hers. "Who else would she be talking to.." I trailed off when I noticed Erzas glare. "Just do it!" Lucy got scared and began to run but I stayed. "DODNT I tell yo-" she lost her balance and began to sink to the ground. I grabbed her arm helping her down softly. "After that and driving the magic mobile I know your tired." She sighed and nodded her head. I reached in my bag and grabbed an apple I brought. "I know it's not much but eat this to give you some strength." She smiled and took the Apple. "Thank you y/n, now you catch up with Lucy." I nodded my head and ran after my sister.


"Now where did that fat one run off too?!" Lucy yelled as we ran down a corridor. I slapped her arm making her look at me. "Omg could you not call him something else?" She shrugged and I sighed. "You guys better find him or else Erzas gonna strangle you." Oh yeah, I forgot Happy was with us. Lucy yelped at what Happy said and I rolled my eyes.

Now where is this guy?

The blacksmith mage(a fairy tail x reader)Where stories live. Discover now