Breaking the "Curse." (Chapter 14)

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Who knew how cute Erza would look with animal ears. Ok but she's going a little crazy right by now. "It's The only way we can change The villagers back to their human forms." All the villagers began to cheer happily. Its good to see them so happy, but why is Erza giving them false hope. "Where you wanna go? Do you think we should climb up the top of the temple? It's a lot higher up there." It's adorable how excited Natsu is for this honestly. "We'll do it from here. The villagers can't go near the temple, and they need to witness this." Gray shook his head and Lucy held my arm. "I don't know what she's thinking. I mean, she can do some amazing things, but still." Lucy hugged my tighter, "so, what do you think she's going to do to it?" I'm not sure, but I think she has a plan. I hope she has a plan. "This Is giant armor. Increase is my strength and allows me to throw farther. And this." She then summoned a giant spear. "This is the spear of Haja. It repels darkness." Everyone was amazed by her, even me. But I'm still super concerned on how this will work. We all stood there as she talked about how she's gonna use Natsu fire for a boost. I started to sink to the ground when Gray grabbed me. "You alright." I grumbled a yes and just let him hold all my weight. "Now i'll have to time our attack perfectly, but I think you should give me just enough power to do the job." Natsu smiled widely, "sounds like a killer plan to me!" At this point Gray is just holding me. I give up on this life. They stood on one of the watch towers the village had. Erza aimed her spear and threw it. The power made the tower explode. The spear flew towards the moon like a rocket. The moon cracked and Gray let go of me. I feel to the floor, that didn't actually work did it!? Wait? A glass like wall shattered, "it's wasn't the moon that shattered. It was the sky." Lucy said, I got up and held my hands out. Sparkling dust landed in the palm of my hand. Gold light engulfed the villagers, however when it disappeared they were all the same. "They not transforming." Gray said, "that's because these are their true forms. The moon drip never had any effect on their appearance. However, it seems to have altered their memories." Oh, this all makes sense now. "They Think they're humans have been transformed into demons. But it's the other way around." Ok so they've always been demons, welp. Lucy fell to the ground and I just smiled. Erza explained how she figured out and I heard / voice behind us. "Your quite the detective. I knew I could trust you and your friends." BOBO!? The chief gasped as he saw his son. "getting stabbing the chest hurt pretty bad, we gotta do more than that to kill a demon." He laughed and Gray had a look of betrayal. "But, on the boat, you just disappeared into thin air." He then took off into the air with wings and I sat down. This is all too much, I think I'll nap for 100 years. The chief began to fly and flew up to huh his son. I smiled brightly at this, everyone began to fly up. "Yeah, they are definitely demons." Erza said, Natsu then came up and threw his arm over my shoulder. "I don't know. If you look at their faces they kind of look more like angels to me." I wrapped an arm around Natsu on a side hug. "I don't know if I'm rowdy enough to party with demons." Lucy said and I rolled my eyes.


We had a feast with the demons and the food was delicious. I saw all the girls fawning over Gray making me laugh. "Looks like someone's getting a lot of attention from the ladies." Lucy said as we watched him get dragged away. "He'll scare them off sooner or later." I flicked Happy's head and he looked at me sadly. "Well, i'll have to admit I was wrong about humans." I looked over at the chief and he smiled at me. "All of these years, we've chosen to hide from the outside world. We were so afraid the others would judge us by our appearance." Bobo smiled, "you no the curse? That was just a rumor we spread so no one will come to the island and bother us." I looked down sadly, feeling bad that people treated them badly. "Well, it worked, because the sailors at the dock were terrified. Nobody wanted to come here." The chief looked up at us with guilt. "I know, and it's a shame. But after meeting you, we've changed our minds. You restored our faith in humans, and I were not afraid." He then looked at at me. "And you save me when I was ready to give up. Thank you." I waved my hand and smiled. "Don't worry about it." I smiled at everyone and then dug back into my food. It was delicious. The laughing died down and we all looked up. Blue boy and pink girl are here? Me and Erza stood up. "How can I help you?" She asked maming the blue guy smile. "You fairy tailers are tough. The cold Emperor so banged up, he couldn't even make it down here." The pink girl then chimed in. "That's why we've come to pay you a visit in his place." Lucy stood up quickly to talk to them. "wait just a minute! I thought we were cool. Didn't Lyon tell you guys what happened?" Blue haired guy rolled his eyes. "Yes, but that doesn't matter to us." A hard glare was on pinky's face. "We wanted to settle things with your Ourselves." Natsu ran up with a huge grin. "all right, why don't you show me what you got?"
Fire sprouts from his hand but Bobo stops him. "Thanks for the help, but we can't keep relying on you, so let us fight them." Erza walked forward to intervene. "Normally I would agree with you, gentlemen. But I think it's best that I handle this one." She then went toward the minions. "We me again, you gave dear Angelica quite a beating earlier." Pinky said, ew that huge rat with stinky breath. "She seems like a formidable opponent." Lucy called out, telling Erza that Pinky can control inanimate objects. And then Natsu told her not to use magic on blue boy. She then ran up and knocked them down with one blow. Jeez I never wanna fight Erza. "She didn't even have to use any magic." Pinky and blue got up slowly from the ground. They then seemed to give up. "Wait, so you're not here to attack us?" Lucy asked them, they both looked down. "I doubt this is going to make up for all the trouble we caused you. But we wanted to apologize in person." Blue boy said, happy smiled and jumped into me. "Oh, so you guys came here to settle things in a good way." Pinky folded her hands in front of herself. "The Cold emperor told us everything. Thanks to you we can finally let go of the pain Deliora cause just so many years ago." Grays eyes widen, "you me and you were victims of deliora too?" They both nodded solemnly. "When we were children, the monster ravaged our village. We watched it murder all of our friends and family."

The blacksmith mage(a fairy tail x reader)Where stories live. Discover now