Lullaby(Chapter 3)

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(So I think I'm on the right week, I don't know to be honest. This is probably my most time consuming book to do but I love it so here you go. Also one of the longest chapters I've ever written in any book.)

It had been a long couple of days. Me, Natsu, Lucy and happy just defeated a evils and crazy duke and didn't even get paid for it. Ezra is coming back soon oh and Happy was almost cooked alive. Gray was stalking us and now there is this thing called lullaby that was brought up. I've heard of that before but can't remember what it was. "I guess we should try and find another job." Natsu said while laying his head on the counter. I sat next to him drinking some f/d and happy was munching on some fish. "Aye we're running out of food money."

"If we had taken that 2 million jewel we'd be sitting pretty." Lucy said, I put down my cup dawn and leaned onto Natsu putting all my weight on him. He didn't really care so I layed there peacefully. "Y/n don't forget rents gonna he due next week." I fell over onto the floor with a loud thump. Natsu sat up quickly and looked down at me. "Y/n you alright?" He asked, I just groaned and didn't move. Me and Lucy decided to look at the jobs. "Finding a magic bracelet, breaking a curse on a cane, reading someone's love horoscope. Hunting a volcano demon!? Jeez, I didn't know wizard jobs were so varied." I nodded in agreement, reading over all the jobs. "Well let me know if you find one your interested in taking on. The masters away on conference so I'm covering for him." Conference? "What kind of Conference Mirajane?" I asked, perking up in interest. "One for guild masters. Every once in a while they get together to talk about the state of things. It's like the magic council but not. Excuse me Reedus? Could I borrow a light pen?" I soon lost interest and walked over to Gray. He looked up at me as I walked over and sat down. "What's up ice boy?" I asked, leaning on him playfully. "Nothing. What are you doing Y/n?" He asked, I sighed leaning on him more. Dramatically putting my hand on my head. "My rent is due soon. I need to find a job. Or me and Lucy will be living on the streets, very tragic." He chuckled lightly at me. I then realized he had no shirt on. I sat up quickly, "Gray where did your shirt go!?" He looked down the shrugged. He then looked over at Natsu, Happy and Lucy. "Hey Lucy, I wouldn't stay with those losers if I were you, you too Y/n. You'll get plenty of offers form other teams." Cana stopped drink for a moment and said. "Your clothes Gray." Gray realized his pants was gone now too. "Jerk." Nastu said, Gray sent an icy glared at the fire boy. Gosh, I wonder if they fight so much cause one if ice and one is fire. "Did you just call me a jerk dragon boy?" They got up in each other's face, angry as always. "And what if I did? What are you gonna do about it?" They started yelling insults at each other and I walked over to Happy. Putting him in my lap and petting him behind the ears. "Looks like their at it again." He said, leaning into my touch. "Why don't you join the team of love with me Lucy?"Loke asked, I reached out and punched him. "More like the team of pervertness." I said, he then saw her keys and backed up. "Your not a celestial wizard are you!?" He asked, afraid. "Yeah she's got cows and crabs and stuff." Happy said, still eating fish. He ran away yelling about how they can't be together. What's up with him? Natsu then went flying into Lucy. I laughed at them. "Would you two knock it off already?" Lucy asked irritated. "Natsu started it I'm just following through."

"Um Gray, you called him a loser first so you technically initiated it." His eye twitched as he looked at me. I put my hands up in surrender, laughing. "Where are your clothes?" Cana asked again, Gray freak out. Natsu stood up and they started to argue again. I sighed, moving Happy off my lap. "I've got bad news!" Loki yelled, bursting through the guild doors. He scared the crap out of me making me fall face first in the floor. "Ow." I mumbled sitting up. "It's Ezra, she's on her way back!" I quickly jumped up. Ezra!? As in my favorite Fairy Tail member!? Every one else was terrified while I was excited. "Wow just mention her and everyone is freaking out." Lucy said, I grabbed her arm pulling her. She looked at me knowing why I was excited. "Well she is the strongest female wizard we've got in Fairy Tail, and more then a bit intimidating." There we're loud footsteps approaching. My excitement grew while everyone else became uneasy. Everyone was looking at the door, waiting. "Wow from these reactions you'd think she was some kind of demon." Lucy said, looking at the door as well. "I'm so scared!" A woman came walking in holding something HUGE over her head. When she set it down I saw her face. She had long red hair with sharp dark eyes. She had armor oh her top half while she had a skirt on her bottom half. "I have returned. Where is master Makarov?" Her voice held authority and she looked very serious. Awesome!! "Wow she's pretty." Lucy said, I nodded my head in agreement. Mira smiled at Ezra, answering her questions and welcoming her back. "I see."

The blacksmith mage(a fairy tail x reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt