Ruined Vacation (Chapter 21)

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Soooo I come back from a mission only to find that Loke is a celestial spirit? Why is it every time I leave some weird stuff goes down, like when Natsu switch everyone's body's. I sighed, I mean, if I don't go on the mission though I won't be able to pay rent. Or get me and Lucy food.  Now were on a nice vacation at the beach. "Jeez Lucy, I don't even know if I can believe your stories anymore. How is it that everything weird happens when I'm gone" I yelled, we were riding the waves on this giant surfboard. Lucy just laughed loudly as we hit a big wave. I spotted Erza and Gray playing Volleyball and decided I wanted to join. Letting go I fell into the water. I swam up to the shore and called out. "Hey guys! Mind if I join you?" Erza smiled and hit the ball to me. I spiked it at her and she bounced it again. "On it!" Gray called, hitting the ball down with a laugh. Erza dug it up and I set it. I looked back, wondering if Natsu was okay. Nope he was not. He was riding that surfboard with Lucy still. And on the verg of throwing up. I giggled and turned back just to get a volleyball to the face. I stood their for a second before glaring at Gary. He smirked, "Hey, it's not my fault you weren't paying attention." I rolled my eyes and hit the ball at him. Hard. Heheheh sweet revenge.


We all ran down the beach, the hot sand burning the soles of my feet. How'd we get here? Long story. I jumped on Natsus back and he just turned and smiled at me. Alan's resort. I've always wanted to come here. And now I'm here and so excited. I settled down at a spot and I smiled mischievously at Gray. He caught my look quickly, "Y/n. Why are you looking at me like that?" Next thing he knew me, Lucy and Natsu had buried him in the sand. Making him into a mermaid. I laughed at his face, looking at the giant boobs we gave him. Next think we did was go on a float. Gray and Lucy pushed us and me and Erza braided each other's hair. Then we got back on land, and of course Natsu started trouble. He stole Grays bathing suit and used Happy as a cover. Poor Happy. "I don't think Happy likes being used as a cover-up.." Lucy said as Happy cried loudly. At the end of the day we went back to our hotel. I laid in my big bed, snuggling into the pillows. My door busted open and Lucy came in. She wore a tight red dress that had a slit down the side. She pulled me off my bed and threw a f/c dress a me. "Put it on!" She yelled, I rolled my eyes but did as she said. It was sparkly and tight fitted. The neckline went up my neck and it was sleeveless. She gave me matching heels and helped me do my hair. Once that was done she forced me to sit down and did my makeup. "Awww Y/n you look so pretty!" I flushed and stood up, clasping my hands together. "Let's go get Erza now!" Lucy said, we walked to her room and knocked on the door. When opened it and I saw Erza standing by a mirror. "Erza get ready! Natsu and Gray are waiting downstairs. Wanna go find them and play some games?" Erza looked thoughtful for a moment. "That's right, there's a Casino here, isn't there?" Erza quickly re-equipped. She wore a dark purple dress that had roses on it. White gloves and her red hair was pulled into a bun. My jaw dropped to the floor. "So how do I look?" Lucy, of course was a Little butt hurt while I stumble over my words. "Jeez Erza, beautiful isn't even beginning to explain how you look." Her eyes widened slightly and she smiled at me. "Thanks Y/n, you look quite gorgeous yourself." My face became fire and I fidgeted. We made it downstairs to the casino that was packed. I got downstairs and spotted Natsu in his everyday clothes yelling at a worker with Happy. I then spotted Gray in a red dress shirt near by. He cleans up nicely. That's when I saw a blue haired girl talking to him. Wait, that's the girl who kidnapped me and Lucy! What's she doing here? I looked at Lucy as she talked to Erza about something. We made our way over to a bar and sat around for a while. Until we heard an explosion. "What's all the commotion about?" Erza said as we all turned around. Someone said something about a parade but my gut didn't feel right. We continued our game and Erza kept winning. "Looks like today's my lucky day." Erza said, I smiled at her and noticed the dealer change. What's up with that. I don't have a good feeling about this new guy. "I have a feeling that this hot streak is just getting started." Erza said, Lucy leaned forward and winked. "Oh yeah?" I stared at the new dealer, why is this guy giving such bad vibes. "In that case, I've got a special game for you folks tonight." I quirked an eyebrow and leaned forward in my seat. "Special game?" I asked making him smirk. I looked down at the card and saw it spelled "Death." What the hell? "And while we're at it, what do you say we raise steaks A bit higher, sister?" Erza seemed to recognize the man dealing. "It can't be. Sho, is that you?" The man's smile widened. "So you do remember me." Erzas lip began to quiver and I stood up quickly. Holding my weapon in my hand. But not transforming it yet. "Your alive?" Erza said, what is going on? Erza couldn't even speak as I glared at the man. "I think we'll take our leave now." I said, pulling Erza from her seat. The man frowned and shook his head. "Sorry but no can-do." The man said, the lights then went out and I heard a gunshot. "What's going on?" Erza called out into the darkness. When the lights came in everybody but me, Lucy and Erza were gone. "Well, where did everyone go?" I asked, looking around confused. We then turned to see Sho pouring cards onto the ground. I made my staff and held it firmly. That's when I noticed everyone from the casino was stuck in the cards. Is that his magic? It must be. "You use magic?" Erza asked, looking stunned. "That's right. You're not the only one with powers anymore." Erza shook her head slowly, "But who taught you that?" I heard a meow and Lucy was tied up. They tried to tie me as well but I quickly made a dagger and cut them away. I tried to move to Lucy but more of the weird restraints blocked me. "Let her go!" A cat girl appeared behind Lucy. "Well, aren't you all Rosy?" Erzas eyes widened when she spotted the girl. "Millianna, you can use magic too?" How does Erza know everyone here? "It's been a while, Erzy-Werzy. " Please, you have to let her go. She's okay. She's a friend of mine." Millianna glanced at Lucy and then me. "A friend huh?"

The blacksmith mage(a fairy tail x reader)Where stories live. Discover now