True intentions (Chapter 5)

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Lucy groaned as we walked down a giant corridor. "This is useless, we can't find him anywhere." I sighed and looked up to the ceiling. "He could have left for all we know. This sucks." Lucy grabbed my arm and tugged me lightly. "What do you say we just go back to Erza hm?" Happy screamed and we looked back at him confused. "Erza gave you an order to go after the fat man. So you have to do what she says Lucy." At this point Happy was sweating bullets and I backed away disgusted by the sheer amount he was producing. He began to ramble on how we would get punish and I tapped my foot impatiently. Lucy looked terrified and I just shrugged my shoulders. "Yes Erza seems strict and all but I doubt she'd truly hurt us if we just told her we couldn't find him." Happy began to punch my leg aggressively. "No no no y/n don't do that!" He was crying at this point and I just stared down at him. "Hey I was just kidding!" Lucy said as she happily continued down the hallway. Happy made a snarky comment and Lucy stopped to yell at him. Oh brother, this will be a fun hang out session. I stumbled slightly as everything started to shake. "Uh why is the building shaking like that?" Lucy asked as we looked around. "I don't know but it probably has something to do with Natsu." Lucy sighed and nodded her head. "I agree." The building shook even more and I had to dodge some debris. "Let's go find him." I said, lucky and Happy agree and we took off down the hall.


What we stumbled upon was Erza violently shaking a member of the dark guild, Kageyama I think. Me and Lucy stood their awkwardly staring. "Bad timing huh?" I nodded my head in agreement.


"What!? Erigor wants to use Lullaby on the guild masters!?" Lucy yelled, my had began to shake as I thought of this. If he does kill them what will happen to all the guilds. Oh this is bad. "We have to stop him." Natsu yelled, balling his hand into a fist. "That's easier said then done. Erigor cut off our only means of reaching Clover and has headed there by air." Earns said as I examined the wind barrier Erigor put up. This is one nasty spell. "If we get out of here we could catch up to him in the magic mobile. But, we can't do anything until we figure out how to get in the other side of this barrier." I reached a hand out to it and instantly pulled back when my finger where cut up slightly. "Ouch, we'll how the hell are we supposed to do that Gray?" He came up and grabbed my hand, putting ice on my fingers. I flushed slightly. "Are you dumb? Why would you touch it Y/n?" I looked away and huffed slightly. I heard a yell and saw Natsu punch the barrier with fire. He flew backwards and hit the floor hard. Natsu continued to try and bust threw the barrier. Over and over he failed and got hurt. I can't watch this anymore. I grabbed his arm and pulled him back. He glared at me but I shot one right back making him falter. "I know your frustrated ok!? I know you wanna save the man you see as your father but you can't do that if you tear yourself apart! We'll figure out a way but please stop!" Tears entered my eyes slightly. I looked down and clenched my jaw willing my delft to not cry. An arm wrapped around my shoulders and pulled me into a hug. Natsu patted my head softly. "Your right, I'm sorry y/n." I sniffed before pulling away and smiling at him. He looked at Lucy and screamed. "What's the matter!?" Lucy said as she looked petrified. "We can use you new spirit. Remember the one who pulled me threw the spirit world!?" Lucy shook her head and crossed her arms. "Yeah but normal people would suffocate." Lucy began to try and explain to Natsu how the spirit world works. Happy then screamed saying he remembered what he was trying to tell Lucy. He then pulled out the key he stole dint the weird guy. "You got your paws on Virgos key!?" Lucy reprimanded him as he told he he told her that Virgo asked him to give it to her. I looked at the barrier before I screamed scaring everyone but Erza. "What y/n!?" Lucky said and I grinned at her." I doubt that barrier goes under ground and Virgo can dig right? Let's go under the barrier!" Everyone looked at me shocked as Happy jumped on me excited. "That's what I was thinking n/n!!" Lucy took the key and summoned Virgo. Virgo appears but, smaller? "Who are you?" Lucy asked, terrified. "What's up Burger? Man you look great. You lost some weight." Natsu said, smiling at her. "My name is Virgo. I apologize for any trouble I might have caused you." Lucy's eyes popped out of her head. "She didn't just lose weight Natsu!" Ok I'm out of this conversation, I walked back over to the barrier and waited for them to be done. Finally she started to dig and I walked back over. "Oh wow! Look at her go!" Gray said as he watched. "Nicely done Lucy." Erza said before slamming Lucy's head in her chest. She then looked back and me and smiled. "You too y/n!" She reached up and patted my head softly and I grinned like a crazy woman. "Alright you guys time to bust out if this joint!" I walked up next to Gray and looked down. "Alright this will be interesting." I turned to see Natsu picked up Kageyama. A smile smile graced my face at this action. "I know he's one of our enemies but I'd feel guilty if we just left him here to die." One of Kageyamas eyes opened and I saw Erza smile at them. Once got out immediately the wind was intense. Lucy's skirt flew up and Virgo tried to help her. But her skirt flew up. The boys were staring, I glared at them and held Virgos skirt down. "Oh, thank you my lady." I smiled and nodded my head. "It's no use. You'll never catch up to Erigor. You can't stop us. We've won." Kageyama said weakly. We all stared at him intensely. "Where's Natsu?!" Erza said, looking around. "Happy not here either." I shook my head and face palmed. "Seriously the moment we got out they took off."


We were in the magic mobile when Kageyama asked why we brought him. "Because you obviously need a doctor!" Lucy said, looking at his beaten up state. "And since everyone left town you'll have to see one in Clover." I zoned out of the convention once again thinking of Natsu. I hope he's ok. I looked out the window blankly. That's when our vehicle flew making us tumble around. I hit a chest and arms wrapped around me protectively. Once we came back down I landed, cushioning my fall was Gray. "You alright?" He asked me as I sat back into my seat. I nodded and he looked out the window behind me to Erza. "What happened!?" He called, Erza called back. "It's okay! Everything's fine now!" Lucy looked at Kageyama and apologized. "Could your butt be any bigger." I giggled slightly at that. Lucy got mad and started yelling. I started to feel concerned for Erza for some reason. I think Gray could talk cause he whispered to me. "You alright?" I shivered and I nodded my head. "Yeah just lost in thought." I looked back through the window to see Erza.

Please don't overdo yourself.

The blacksmith mage(a fairy tail x reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن