James Rogers Ash Michaelson

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A week after that conversation my son James Rogers Ash Michaelson was born. His eyes were red at first but after a will his eyes changed to blue and brown. He has Kols hair and his nose.

He is Beautiful. Perfect. He eats a mixture of milk and blood. 7 years after he was born he was full grown. An adult. Even though he's only 7 he is already smarter than all of us Combined.

James always preferred we used his second middle name Ash than his first name. I have no idea why but he just didn't like it. Kind of like Bucky in that way. I was surprised when I saw that Ash never had a soulmark. He didn't have a soulmate. I was sad when I found out. To never have that someone there. To never have a Bucky.

Elijah said that it didn't matter that he didn't have one. They didn't but they still love me. They had me. Even though I would never be with any of them they still had me. They reassured me that even though he didn't have a soulmark he still had a soulmate.

"Family meeting now" NiKlaus called from the meeting room. At that time me and Ash were reading next to each other.

"Seriously, do we have to go mum" Ash said Lazily.

"Come on Ash" I say bragging him up from his seat.

We all go to the meeting room.

"Right now that Ash is strong enough to protect himself we can come out of hiding. It is time that the world fears us again" Klaus says smiling.

"FINALLY" Kol say happily.

Ash goes over and hugs his Dad both happy to go back home.

"I believe we should go pack" I say smiling at them.

A week later we were moving back into the house in New Orleans.

Even though we raised a kid we weren't different. Now there was just another one of us. Equally Vicious and Brutal. It was odd with Ask with a kid you normal see yourself above them. In charge of them but with Ash he's an equal. He fallows the rules the same rules as all of us.

He's an adult and a Michaelson.

"Right let's get some revenge" I say standing up.

"On who Mum" Ash says.

"The man who chased us from our home and tried to kill you. Marcel" I say with a grin.

"Sounds like fun" Klaus says standing next to him.

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