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The next bay was normal. I was in my lad working in Sams wings when  Sebastian came in to tell me it was morning. Then we did our morning routine and the Avengers arrived.

"Hello who's ready for a training bay" I say smiling at the familiar group of people. No matter what I was good to see them all again.

"Today Master will be showing you how to analyse your Opponents strength and weaknesses when fighting. She will teach you how to recognise them and use them against your opponent" Sebastian said walking to the training room.

We were about half way through the bay and I was fighting Bucky when the door open. I'm an instant Ash had his hands on Bucky and holding him to the floor.

"Wow wow wow. Calm down Ash. I was train g him. There is nothing to be worried about he won't hurt he" I said to my son who looked worried. She let go of him and stood up and hugged me.

Everyone seemed shocked and confused. Bucky looked angry. "Who are you and why do you have Benny's bog tags" Bucky said. I didn't even realise he had seen them.

I gave Ash my bog tags when he was a baby. I was I sign that he was my child and had my protection. He never took them off.

Ash pulled away from me and gleard at Bucky. "Is this the ass hole who is mates to you" Ash said. "He isn't an ass hole and yes. He is my soulmate" I said looking to Ask.

"I'm sorry can you please explain who this is and why he's wearing you bog tags" Bucky says a little more aggressively than needed.

"Ok this is my first born James Rogers Ask Michaelson." I says. At this Buckys face drops.

"You have a kid. Wait first born you have more than one" Steve says just as shocked a Bucky.

"Yes she does and you better stop looking at my mother like that or I'll kill you" Ash says steeping closer to Bucky.

"Hey hey hey Ask calm down there just shocked is all" I say putting a hand in my sons shoulder.

"How many kids do you have" Steve says. "2. Both boys. B-but I lost the second one" I say Ash can tell I was getting upset so he turned and gave me a hug.

"The way you talked about you soulmate and Brother I though they would be better but it just seems that they are weak" Ash says.

"There not weak just in shock" I say pulling away from my son.

"Wait your company is A&T is Ash the A" Sam says looking at me. "Yes he is the T stands for my other son." I says smiling at Sam.

"If your name is James why do you go by Ask" Rhody says. "I wouldn't want to be associated with anything to do with that man" Ash says pointing to James.

Ash was always worried that he would take me away from him and grew to despise him. "Excuse me you can't talk to me like that" Bucky say snapping out of his trance.

"Yea I can. You puny mortal" Ash says. "Now your starting to sound like the gods" I say shouting a glance as Loki and Thor.

"Oh yes be for I forget. Father told me to tell you that the rest are going to come later this month. They want to meet the project that has been taking up all your time the past 20 years" Ask says looking to me.

"The others" Nat says. "Masters vampire family" Sebastian says looking to me.

My Soulmate (Bucky Barnes)Where stories live. Discover now