Bucky and I

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Me and Sebastian wait as the Avengers walk into my house. They all look at me weirdly.

"What" I say confused.

"Umm there something on on your chin. Doll" Bucky says.

"Oh shit. That's just some. Well gardener" I say riding it of.

"Gardener??" Nat says questioningly

"I got hunger. So Sebastian got me a bite to eat" I say walking over to the group of people.

"And by bite to eat you mean drinking someone's blood" Vision says

"Yell done. 100 points to the Synthesise" I say patting him on the shoulder.

"Ok so this is how we're going to do it. Sebastian over here is going to teach you how to fight against a vampire and while he's doing that I will have a look at all you tech and make it better" I say

"I take care for the Technical upgrades" Tony says with a hint of announce.

"Haha. Please. I'm for smarter than any Stark. Most of Howard stark tech was mine. And I have been around for a lot longer than most of you. Well expect to the gods but they aren't very... Well how do I say it" At this Sebastian steps in.

"What my master is trying to say is. She's going to help you. You must thank her and start so she can go back to her family" When Sebastian says that Bucky and Steve pull on odd face.

"We're her family" Steve says anger.

"You were her family. Now let's get started. Everyone will come with me at first so master can analyse your fighting Techniques so she can find out what would be the best upgrades to make" Sebastian says leading the group.

When we get to the training room Sebastian gets them to fight each other and other thing. I sit at the front Observing and analysing there techniques. I write down weaknesses and things to improve on.

"Ok iv seen enough. I would like to talk with each one of you, see you suits and your equipment. Then I will start to work on your suits and tech. Sebastian will take the physical side." I say walking over to we're Sebastian is.

"Master" Sebastian greets me.

"Right I'll take Bucky first" Bucky and me walk out of the room as the rest continue.

"Iv missed you Benny" Bucky says as we walk to a meeting room.

"I have as well" I smile at him. The warning Elijah gave me about not getting attached to Bucky. Forgotten. I know that Bucky will die one bay but he's here now. And iv missed him.

"Let me take you somewhere" Bucky says


"It will be a surprise. Tonight 8 and don't bring your Butler"

"Sebastian want be happy with this but ok" I say. I didn't realise how much I missed him. I pull him in for a kiss.

"I missed you so much" Bucky says through kisses.

"Right. Stop we need to get to work" I say pulling away. Bucky pouts and sits down.

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