"Wocky Kitaki's "Truth"..."

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when he got to the defendants stand, he was already showing sighs of aggression, the thing was about mr wright, he was aggressive yes, but only to people who pushed him and his limits, and he was more professional and intimidating, then reckless and impulsive, this guy, wasn't like him at all

'So... You, son, are the defendant... Wocky, are you?'

he asked, wocky jumped at him, and started giving him attitude on the spot

'I ain't your son, old man! You step to a Kitaki, you best be prepared to step strong!'

klavier, who wasn't intimated in the slightest, said

'You "step" to a public official, you'd best be prepared to step into jail'

'You got to hand it to him, Wocky sure has guts!'

trucy said, apollo however, was on the verge of a nervous breakdown

"It's not his guts I'm worried about..."

'Well then, the court will now hear testimony on the defendant's motive... ...from the defendant himself!'

the judge asked, mocky growled, but complied, as he started to testify about the crime, apollo quickly turned a page to his notebook, clicking his pen open

'I'll tell you one thing, that doctor was a quacker!, Someone had to show him what's what!, I was in his clinic 'bout half a year ago. He messed up my op something bad., And then he just lets me go, without a word. See ya later, bye!, So I gotta go in, get another doc to patch me up again!, That was the day I done figured it out. No O.G.'s gonna let that pass!, That's why I went to his pad that night, know what I'm saying!?'

apollo couldn't believe what he had just written out, this was bad, even the judge looked surprised

'You're saying you were one of the victim's patients...!?'

'Lotta stuff goes down when you're keeping it real on the street. Tru dat. I tell you one thing, that doc was wack!'

the judge just nodded

'Hmm... Very well, the defense may begin the cross-examination'

"I can't believe this is the first time I'm hearing about all of this..."

apollo honestly didn't know what to question, he decided to try out the third, fourth and fifth ones, since he had the best feelings about them

'So you were a patient at the Meraktis Clinic half a year ago? For what reason?'

he asked, hoping this would lead somewhere, he didn't understand how mr wright went about cross-examinations, and then find a contradiction so fast, took him 10 minutes just to figure out what to ask 

'I had what you might call a "mark of honor"'

wocky said, klavier, cool-headed as ever, asked him

'Can you explain precisely what was wrong?'

'We had a little run-in with the Rivales Family. That's when I pulled a jack move... ...and ran into an ambush. G busted a cap right in me'

he explained

'According to my sources... you "couldn't stand the stress of waiting... ...and ran in 15 minutes before the appointed time." ...By yourself'

he said, wocky got upset and glared at him, offended by his words

'Hey, I was more than a match for those guys!'

'So you were carried to the Meraktis Clinic from there?'

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