"Phoenix Wright vs Kristoph Gavin PT 2"

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payne shook his head as he flipped his hair

'You get points for flair, but that's about all you get'

apollo blushed a tint red as he started to sweat bullets

"I thought I was on to something there, too!"

payne smirked smugly as he rubbed salt into apollo's open wounds, mocking his theory

' hardly need to point out that standing there would be impossible. The victim is facing a solid cupboard! Or are you claiming the killer climbed the cupboard and hit him from above? Hah!'

apollo grumbled at him as he stared down at his notebook, trying to think of a way as to how it could've have happened, phoenix saw how apollo was struggling a bit and backed him up

'It's simple logic, If this was the only place the killer could have been standing, then that means at the very moment of the crime--'

apollo cut him off accidentally as he now had figured it out

'Wait! I know! At the moment of the crime, the cupboard... wasn't there!!'

he said, phoenix nodded, not really caring he was just cut off

'What's this now?'

the judge asked

'that's the only explanation! Right, Gavin?

he sneered as he glared into his soul, kristoph said nothing as he pushed up his glasses, phoenix took his silence as he defeat as he looked up at the judge

'Your Honor! I have a demand for the defense, We should arrange to examine the cupboard in the Hydeout immediately!'

the judge nodded as he looked at the baillif

'Bailiff! Send a team to the crime scene immediately! Have them try to move the cupboard!--'

'i wasn't finished yet'

phoenix then took a piece of paper out of his pocket and gave it to the judge

'There's one more thing your men should look for, give that to the bailiff'

the judge looked at the note, ...and nodded at once

'Hmm...? Mmm, yes... I see. You do belong in the courtroom after all, Mr. Wright'

he said, amazed how he never lost his touch within the seven years, apollo couldn't agree more with the judge, if their was anybody of being worthy as legenadary, it was phoenix wright

'...whatever, where continuing while the bailiff is away, . Look at the diagram again, It's been, If the killer was standing here at the time of the crime, then this cupboard wasn't here, Apollo, try moving the cupboard'

apollo nodded as he did as told

'Thank you, now see the problem?'

the judge's eyes widen as he stared down at the diagram

'Wh-What is it now!?'

'Look at the diagram of the crime scene, we've found yet another contradiction, if i'm right, this is the final contradiction'

apollo stared down at the diagram, ..and noticed their was something off

"Huh? Oh dang"

phoenix caught his reaction

"Notice something, Apollo?'

apollo nodded a bit as the judge banged down his gavel

'Now then. Mr. Justice, please point to the new contradicting indicator! Is it the victim? The killer? The witness? The second witness? Which indicator in this diagram contradicts what we know about the crime?'

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