"Poisoning Vera"

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'Owning the same nail polish does not a murderer make, I have been in solitary confinement for half a year. How could I poison her?, Her father died of the same poison... the meaning of which should be clear, The prosecution's case holds. She poisoned her father, then attempted to poison herself, Surely, you aren't going to suggest I was responsible for poisoning her father, too?'

the judge nodded

'Well... ...I'm afraid the defense's claim is sounding rather unlikely'

'Naturally. For one, I don't even know the Mishams. Isn't that so, Mr. Justice?'

Apollo semi-glared at him, but said nothing, the judge then banged his gavel

'Very well. Mr. Justice, begin your cross-examination'

"I'm accusing Kristoph Gavin, my ex-boss. But I know he poisoned the Mishams! The question is "when" could he have done it...? Not to mention... "why"?"

Apollo felt a sensation in his bracelet, he touched it and his senses started to go off, he examined the left hand of kristoph, he tensed at the part when he was talking about him not poisoning drew, apollo stared at him, right into his cold blue eyes, nothing like klavier's

'It was you who killed Drew Misham'

Kristoph remained as composed and calm as ever

'...A empty statement worthy of your new mentor, Mr. Wright'

Apollo crossed his arms as trucy glared at him hatefully

'Oh, really? ...But you see, I saw it. Right when you said "her father, too"! Your hand tensed unnaturally, and a little devil appeared to give me the news'

Kristoph raised a brow at him

'...... And? Let's assume, for the sake of argument, that you saw me being "tense". What does that mean? Are all tense witnesses guilty? And tell me, was Drew Misham fond of nail polish, too?'

apollo shook his head

'...Sorry, but there's more than one way to poison a man. You don't need nail polish to get to someone's mouth'

Kristoph stared down at him, his face remained neutral, but his eyes were harsh

'Ah, then I must be very talented indeed. You see, Drew Misham was killed on October 6... ...while I was already in my solitary confinement cell at Central Prison. If that's not an alibi, then I don't know what is'

'...But you found a way, all the same. And I found it, too'

Kristoph frowned as he started at him, apollo then showed him the stamp of the magical famous troupe

'This is how you poisoned Mr. Misham!, and I'm sure this commemorative stamp requires no introduction'

Kristoph remained silent, apollo took this chance to lay into him

'The night Mr. Misham died, he was seen writing a letter. Atroquinine was found on this stamp, Mr. Gavin'

Kristoph stared him down hard

'So am I to understand this stamp was the murder weapon?'

'Yes, you are. Oh, and yes... ...this stamp was found in your prison cell!!!'

he cried out, kristoph said nothing in return, the entire court was shock to their core, klavier was conflicted, only apollo and trucy remained clam

'...That is all, Your Honor'

he finished off, the entire courtroom went berserk, the judge slammed down his gavel multiple times

'Order! Order! Order! P-Poison on the back of that stamp!?'

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