"The Meraktis Clinic"

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'Yes, I went to the clinic that day to speak to the doctor, I wanted that chart, but I failed to get it. So I went back to the clinic later, In any case, I didn't shoot him. You don't even have proof I stole that pistol, do you, And that brat was spotted in the park at the moment of the crime, Frankly, I don't think it matters if Dr. Meraktis was shot in the temple or not'

'You went back "later"...?'

the judge questioned

'That chart was dangerous, you understand. I needed to get rid of it, that's why I went that day...'

Klavier looked over at her

'But you couldn't get the chart then, could you?'

she shot him a nasty look

'...And later that night, Dr. Meraktis was shot. I heard about the shooting, waited a day, but then I had to go back... ...No easy feat with the cops all over the place'

apollo's eyes widen

'...Ah! Th-That was you!?, you were the burglar?!'

she eyed them now with shock

'That was you two? If only I had one more minute... ...then I could have opened that safe and gotten the chart!'

the judge couldn't believe what he was hearing

'What!? That's trespassing! And brazen, at that!'

she raised a brow at him

'Oh, is this a trial for trespassing now? Besides... You can't blame a girl for wanting to protect herself... They are gangsters, you know'

the judge then suddenly banged down his gavel

'In any case, Mr. Justice, your cross-examination!'

"Admitting the little crime to avoid the big one, eh?"

cleaver, apollo would admit that, it was a cleaver tactic, but it wasn't going to work, he will prove ALL of her crimes right here, right now

'The doctor was shot in the right temple, yes?'

he asked, high-lighting the statements he was asking so he wouldn't confuse himself, she simply put her hand on her waist

'So it seems'

klavier then interjected

'...Let's review the facts again, shall we? If the killer shot from this location... ...the bullet would've struck our victim square in the forehead. However! The entry wound... ...was in the right temple'

the judge nodded in agreement

'Yes, we heard testimony on this yesterday. At the time of the shooting, the witness was standing here. Just before the gun was fired, he shouted. The victim turned his head to look... and was shot'

'But that testimony was proven to be a lie! Our egregious panty-snatcher, Mr. Stickler, did witness the crime... But he was standing to the north, next to the trash can where he tossed those panties! If Mr. Stickler shouted from this location, the bullet couldn't hit his right temple!'

apollo argued, alita shook her head at him as she smiled smugly

'Silly, silly attorney...'

she taunted, like as if apollo was a child, he snapped his head at her, in both anger and nervousness, anger for being taunted with, and the nervousness came from her smug attitude


he said in a demanding but an anxious tone

'Do you remember what you had for breakfast that morning?'

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