"Apollo Always Get's Stuck With The Weirdest People"

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they barely stepped inside, and a wired conversation was already happening

 '...I think I hear what you're saying. "We're All Doing It For The Money", end quote'

'No no no no! Not at all!'

Apollo sighed as he plopped down on the chair, he can already tell where this was gonna go

'...Looks like someone's already meeting here'

'Maybe that reporter?'

the man turned his head away from the cop and smiled at the two, taking out his pencil and notepad

'Hey there! How ya doing? Who might you be?'

'Ah, sorry, we didn't know someone was already here. I'm Apollo Justice, attorney at law'

he stammered a bit as he fixed up his posture, making himself more presentable, he narrowed his eyes at him, studying him intently

'You? You're Justice!? You?'

apollo blinked at him

'You... know me?'

'Do I know you? Of course I know you! "Stares Down Witnesses On Stand Till They Spill Beans", end quote'

Apollo blushed a tint of pink as he glared at him

'Th-That's not true!' 

"What's he writing...?"

Trucy raised a brow at him

'Are you a reporter by any chance?'

'Woo! You! You're Trucy!'

'Eh? Am I famous?'

she said, tilting her head to the side, he nodded, writing quickly in his notepad

'Oh yeah. Oh yeah! "Trucy Wright Hates Carrying A Bag: Puts Everything She Owns In Her Panties", end quote'

Trucy blushed pink as she slammed down her hands on the little table

'That's so not true!'

'Just hold on to your breeches, there. I'll wrap up this interview in a jiffy'

 she blinked


'So, guard. I think I know what's going on here. "Guarding Rooms Is My Life. What Else Could I Possibly Need?" end quote'

the guard facepalmed

'No! How many times do I have to tell you this? Look, I've got work to do. You deal with him'

before apollo could object the guard walked away, leaving the three alone in the room

'Um... did you come here to interview the guard?'

'Ooh wee, what a pickle! "Accused Wouldn't Talk, Had To Interview Someone Or Go Plum Crazy", end quote'

Trucy paused as she stared at him


Apollo sighed as he rubbed his head, he knew he had a bad feeling about this

'...I should've guessed'

'Where're my manners!? Name's Brushel. Spark Brushel. "I'm Not Picky -- Journalist Just Closes Eyes, Writes", end quote'

"What's that nauseatingly strong mint smell every time he grins?"

'Until you've been interviewed by me, you don't know what thrilling is! "Wild Romp Through Crossroads Of Mayhem, Madness", end quote'

Apollo held back a groan

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