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the judge slammed down his gavel loudly

'...Court is now back in session. Prosecutor Gavin, where is Detective Crescend?'

'In the witness lounge, ready to be called at any time'

klavier answered, apollo heard the edginess in his tone fo voice, the judge simply nodded at him

'Very well'

'Might I add... I don't believe any of this. He... Daryan was the first detective I ever worked with. We stopped working together when he moved to Criminal Affairs, Division 3... But his guitar playing... it fires my imagination!'

he said, apollo did feel a ping of sympathy, but at the same time, that doesn't mean someone is a good person or not, just because someone is your friend, doesn't make them innocent

'That's nice, but it has nothing to do with the matter at hand. ...Correct?'

he added a bit more softer at the end, not wanting to be a complete insensitive asshole

'Oh, I know. ...Herr Forehead'

he said, putting on his usual grin, but it didn't feel as smug as usual

'Very well, call the final witness to the stand! ...Detective Daryan Crescend!'

as soon as daryan went to the stand, you could feel the tension rising, getting darker and more edgy by the second, although, if apollo was being honest, his kind of tension was nothing compared to the show down that happened between kristoph and phoenix

'...Name and occupation, please'

klavier said simply, his face as un-readable as ever, daryan grunted as he crossed his arms, but complied

'Daryan Crescend. Detecive, Criminal Affairs, Division 3. That's the International Affairs Division, for those of you who didn't know. ...And I'm a guitarist for the Gavinners. Maybe you've heard of us?'

he asked, shooting a look up at the judge

'Do you fully understand the circumstances under which you stand before us today?'

was his reply

'Yeah, I understand, Your Honor. What I don't understand... is how you let this happen, "partner"'

klavier still had on his grin, but apollo could see in his shimmery blue eyes, he was very unamused

'You gave me your word I wouldn't be standing here'

daryan sneered, glaring at him, klavier simply shrugged

'The situation's changed, Daryan... And don't call me "partner"'

Daryan scoffed 

'Feh. So much for old friends'

Klavier didn't say anything back, apollo didn't know why but he felt a very hot angry swore though within him, seeing klavier being pressed like that, he wanted to punch daryan in the face

"I see what you're doing, Daryan. You're "pressing" the prosecution!"

'...Your Honor, if we could begin the trial?'

apollo said, with a hard expression playing at his face

'Yes, it's high time we did. Let's hear your testimony. You may begin with your response to Lamiroir's testimony. If, in fact you have anything to say about it'

daryan shot him a nastly look

'Oh I got plenty to say. Lying must be a national pastime in Borginia. ...And wherever you're from, Mr. "Justice". Hah!'

he laughed mockingly at his last name, apollo held himself back from throwing a book at his head, he didn't want to know what his boss would say about that, ..probably praise him though to be honest, but he didn't to get in trouble in court either

"Conventional methods are out the window, huh... ...Here goes nothing!"

'The diva's lying, plain and simple. She's got nothing to back up her story., n the first place, she never heard my voice!, She "forgot the words because she heard gunshots"? As if!, Didn't Detective Ema Skye hear those gunshots during the third set, anyway?, The shooting took place when I was on stage, man!'

he cried out at the end, slamming down his fist in frustration, everyone flinched, but regained their composure

'Hmm... So you claim Lamiroir's testimony was a lie?'

'Hey, don't get me wrong, I dig what she's doing, trying to protect that kid. And she's got the court eating vague statements out of her hand just 'cause she's blind'

Klavier grin was still playing at his lips, but his eyes showed what he was really feeling, he wans't happy, he was angry, and felt betrayed by a friend

'...You go too far, Daryan'

he simply shrugged

'Look, all I'm saying is, you've got a reliable witness. Why not listen to the detective?'

'Detective Skye...? Hmm... I see. Mr. Justice, you may begin the cross-examination'

"He didn't waste any time finding our weak spot... I can't do this with Lamiroir's testimony alone. I'll have to find some other way to prove when the shooting took place!"

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