"Klavier Being Smug"

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'I knew you didn't have what it took'

he said, apollo would've been a little hurt if he wasn't so pissed off at the moment, he had glad to see he wasn't the only one who was upset, ema looked like he wanted to strangle him, and trucy was glaring daggers at klavier

'You... You jerk! Just what was I in here for? Comic relief!?'

Trucy gritted her teeth

'Yeah! Apologize!'

she demanded, klavier chuckled in amusement

'Oh, sorry!'

trucy slammed down her one fist on the bench

'That's no way to apologize asshole!'

"He's angered the Trucy now. Look out..."

he's seen trucy rage once, and that was enough for a lifetime, she was terrifying when she wanted to be, just like her father, even the judge looked extremely wary of her, as if she was going to walk straight up to the prosecutors bench and bitch-slap klavier across his face

'Ahem. If we can please end the bickering. Now'

the judge said calmly, ema huffed as she snarled in distaste

'Whatever! I'm not leaving! I can't leave like this. I'll come up with some clue to solving this case if it kills me!'

she vowed in a very serious voice, this was. one of the few times apollo and her every saw eye to eye

'But your testimony has already given us enough to convict the defendant...'

Apollo cringe at his words

"Ugh, don't say that..."

but to their surprise, ema just grinned as he put on her pink glasses

'Ah! Ah ha!'

Apollo semi-glared at her

"Ah ha" what?

she pointed at the photograph

'This bloodstain... The criminal tried to wipe it off, right?'

'That seems to be what happened, yes'

apollo agreed

'We might be able to find out what was really written here!'

ema said with a grin still playing at her lips, apollo's eyes slightly widen

'...! Really...? You can do that?'

she nodded

'That's right, with this! It's called Luminol! Maybe you know of it? It's a chemical that reacts to blood'

klavier then chimed in

'Ah yes, have we done those tests yet...?'

ema shot him a glare, clearly still upset about everything that had just happened

'Hah! As if I'm going to tell you!'

she snapped, klavier carried on as if he didn't hear her comment

'The blood stains covered a section of the carpet. In order to perform blood tests, that section was removed and submitted. Perhaps we should request it here in court now'

'Right! Go for it, Apollo!'

she motioned for him, apollo looked back at her

'Huh? I have to do the test?'

'You just have to spray the luminol on it! Simple!'

"A chemical that reacts to blood... I've heard of this somewhere"

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