"What I Saw 2"

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'I was on my way from the stage to the backstage exit, There was something like a little window there... That's how I saw it, There were two shots... I couldn't do anything to stop it, But it wasn't Machi!, It was a grown person! ...I know it was!'

'So you did witness the crime! And the killer was... a grown person, you say?'

the judge said, klavier grinned over at apollo

'Ach. This is my first time hearing this, I assure you. Nice play, Herr Forehead'

he said leaning over his bench, apollo huffed but didn't say anything

'Very well, Herr... er, Mr. Justice. You may begin your cross-examination!'

trucy however, was grinning ear to ear

'Great going, Apollo! You were right about Lamiroir. ...What's wrong? You don't look too happy'

"This whole thing smells fishy... That's what's wrong"

he thought to himself as he went back to exmaining his notebook, trucy gave him a confused look, but didn't say anything more

'A "grown person"... That's a little vague'

he pointed out, Lamiroir frowned underneath her mask

'I am sorry. My skill with your language is... lacking, I know'

'Certainly you could at least see whether the shooter was male or female?'

the judge asked in a poliet tone

'...... It was a man. A young man'

'And you're sure of that?'

she nodded

'Yes, his voice was quite clear'

Apollo ear's perked up at that


the judge's eyes swuinted at the diagram

'Hmm... Looking at this diagram, it seems the dressing room was quite cluttered. It does seem likely that you wouldn't have had a clear view of the shooter'

'As a singer, I rely more on my ears than my eyes. When I hear a voice, I do not forget it. That voice... was the voice of a man'

klavier snapped his fingers together in a rythum

'So you heard a voice. But wait... ...Couldn't that have been the victim, Mr. LeTouse?'

'Absolutely not. Did I not just say that I do not forget a voice? If it was Mr. LeTouse who spoke, I would have known'

'Hmm... Indeed. So you were at the window, and you heard the shooter's voice, the voice of a young man'

the judge stated

'Apollo! This is a good testimony! That proves it wasn't Machi!'

trucy said, hoping this would left his spirits up, instead, apollo remained as natural as ever, he still had an off feeling about everything that was going on

'Indeed... If this turns out to be true, it would cast this case in a considerably different light. What is the defense's opinion of this testimony...?'

'...There's something about Lamiroir's testimony that rings false'

apollo admitted finally, Lamiroir looked up at him a little surprised, klavier on the other hand, grinned as he snapped his fingers in approval 

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