"The Great Reveal Of Valant Gramarye"

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apollo sighed as he sat at the office couch, string his coffee in his mug with the little spoon, when trucy got into the office, the first thing she did was 

'Hey, hey, Apollo!'

apollo sighed as he looked up from his mug


'Um, well, you know... ...Um, actually, nothing. I mean, something. ...Or maybe not'

she said, frowning as she looked off into the window, apollo felt his anxiety go up a little

'Out with it. The suspense is giving me an ulcer'

'Well, you know, the trial today? I was thinking... If you gave it a score, what score would you give it?'

'Score? Um, gee... I guess I would... um, or maybe... well... ...Bah. I'm just as bad as you'

'See? It's so... so vague!'

she said, staring out the window, her daddy always did that whenever he was thinking, or just sitting around, apollo sighed as he sit down his mug on the coffee table

'Clearly. Machi avoided a guilty verdict, which is something. Though I can't say I'm any less confused about the case, And the victim, Mr. LeTouse... Who would have guessed he was actually an undercover Interpol agent!? ...What a mess. And we don't have any idea what he was investigating'

he said in a defeated tone of voice, resting his head on the couch, his arms folded

'Well, true, but we know who shot him now! Lamiroir told the whole court!'

she sai, trying to bring up their spirits

'It's another mystery, Apollo! I love mysteries'

'I don't. Speaking of mysteries, what's Mr. Wright up to? I wouldn't mind asking his opinion'

trucy shrugged

'Now that you mention it, I haven't seen Daddy around a lot'

apollo raised a brow at her, then he remembered how trucy said when she went to go visit him at the hospital, he wasn't there

'What, is he some kind of stray that just wanders in and out at will?'

'daddy's not someone who follows the rules, he makes up his own rules, but he has been going out a lot, he says he can't say, but apparently, it's top-secret job he's been working on'

apollo raised up his head, now very interested

'Top secret...?'

Trucy shrugged helplessly at him, she didn't know all the details herself

'Anyway, you can't just rely on him to save the day! he hired you because he knew you were capable, And you've got me to help you We'll be fine!'

she said, apollo couldn't help but agree with her, though he still doubted his own skills, he couldn't rely on his boss to save him when he was still in recovery 

'Fine... right. Well, time's a-wasting, as they say. Let's investigate'

he finally said, picking up his mug once more, touch gently punched his arm, smiling in encouragement 

'That's the spirit!'

apollo took out notebook and pen as they started to go over the details

'Lamiroir dropped a bomb in court today... "It was Daryan"...'

'Lamiroir said she's never forgotten a voice, right? That's so cool!'

apollo blinked at her

'Um, I guess'

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