"Machi's Surprise Testimony"

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klavier raised a brow at him

'Exactly who else do you need to hear from?'

'A witness who, until now, has not been given a chance to speak in this court. ...Because he doesn't speak English'

Klavier face remained as smooth and unreadable as possible

'You don't mean...'

'I do. The defense calls defendant Machi Tobaye to the stand!'

the judge stared back at in him in his hazel-nut brown eyes

'Wh-What!? But he doesn't speak English...'

'We'll use an interpreter!'

Klavier gave him a look through his eyes

'Interpreter? I'm afraid you'll have to look elsewhere. I only speak a few phrases, such as, "I love you," and, "Where is the toilet?"'

'The defense would like to request Lamiroir as the interpreter'

apollo requested

'L-Lamiroir!? But there's a possibility she's protecting the defendant...!'

'But she'd be interpreting for the defendant! Why would she lie?'

'This is most unusual...'

the judge said, apollo eyes went over to klavier's to see his reaction,  who seemed amused by this, he huncted over and chuckled

'Ah ha ha... Bravo, Herr Forehead. Herr Judge! The prosecution agrees with the defense's request. If Lamiroir lies, I'll be able to tell. Even my limited knowledge of the language should be enough for that'

he said simply, as if he was ordering his favourite coffee at a cafe shop

'Well, if both prosecution and defense are for this, I see little cause for refusal'

"Finally! Some progress!"

'Bailiff! Please show the defendant and Lamiroir to the witness stand!'

the bailiff nodded as he hurried off at once, after a few moments, lamiror appeared next to machi, klavier was the first to speak up

'I suppose there is a first time for everything. Shall we proceed?, Your name, to begin with. ...If you would, Lamiroir'

she nodded and complied

'Yes... He says, "Machi Tobaye, the defendant."'

'Hmm, this is certainly a first for this courtroom. Not that we really needed an interpretation of that message in particular'

Apollo breathed in and out 

"So far, so good..."

'Very well. Mr. Justice, if you would'

Apollo stared back at him, his anxiety getting the better of himself

'Huh? If I would what, Your Honor?'

'"Would what"!? You called the defendant to the stand, did you not? What would you have him testify about!?'

"What do I want him to testify about...?, Ack, I hadn't thought that far yet!"

trucy nudged him lightly in his chest with her elbow

'Apollo! Aren't you going to ask him what he was about to tell us yesterday?'

'How can I if I don't know what he was saying...?'

Lamiroir raised a hand polietly

'Excuse me, a moment. If I might speak?'

'Yes, Lamiroir?'

the judge allowed

'Just now, Machi said there is something about which he "wishes to testify"'

Apollo shot up to face them both

"Machi wants to testify about something? What could it be?"

'What sort of testimony is he talking about?'

'...One moment, please'

lamiorir spoke back to machi in their language, apollo gripped the edges of his benches anxiously

"Argh! The suspense is killing me..."


lamiror said, apollo felt his blood pressure go through the roof

"What? What!?"

apparently, he wasn't the only one on edge, the judge looked like he was about to jump out of his seat 

'W-Well, Lamiroir?'

'According to Machi... He has "proof of his innocence"'

Judge eyes widen 


Klavier remained as calm and composed as ever

'...This is a surprise'

Trucy smiled brightly

'Yahoo! Victory, Apollo! We did it!'

Apollo however, was deep in thought

"This is sounding too good to believe. And I know what that usually means..."

the judge took a minute to compose himself

'Well, if that's true, then this is vital testimony! Lamiroir... I mean, Machi! Please testify to the court!'

Lamiroir nodded as she translated machi's words

"Very well"'

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