46| Colour

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A/N: just a warning, the main subject of this chapter is Racism. I have asked one of my friends who has dealt with this in their life to help be do this as sensitively and as realistically as possible.

No one in particulars POV:

"So how'd it go with Daniel?" Josh said, as Ed walked down the stairs, a day later from his talk with Daniel, tossing his watch on their wooden table. Half expecting a rant about how bad of a father Daniel was, it shocked him the least when Ed breathed a sigh in relief and said:

"You know what, it was okay"

"Okay? okay? alright, what have you done with my brother?" Josh joked, even though he was confused himself.

"I just think we need to cut that more man some slack." Ed said, signalling Josh to just trust him on this one.

As much as Josh wanted to know, he knew just to leave it. That and he'd sus Daniel out later.

"Where's Alexa anyway?" Ed said, picking up the post and looking through all the bills.

"Oh, she's with Mya at the playground, Axl and Lydia are with them." Josh replied.


"Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" Alexa and Mya yelled, running around the playground, whilst Axl and Lydia shook their heads at their antics.

"Hey Axl, Axl, a basketball court, Troy might be there!" Exclaimed Mya, enthusiastically despite a cheeky smile remaining on her face. She knew exactly what she was doing. Lydia couldn't help but giggle at her younger sisters sass, this was Axl's time to drop the bomb

"Uh, now come on Lydia, I'm sure Mya would loovveee to know about the crush you used to have on m-

Was all Axl could say before a hand was slammed over his mouth by a mortified Lydia.

"THAT WAS UNCALLED FOR" she yelled, throwing wood chip at Axl who ran off trying to defend himself.

"Hey Mya, maybe we should- OOMPH" Alexa attempted to say, before she crashed down on the floor, bringing whatever she crashed into with her.

"Oh gosh; I'm so sorry, I- Alexa

All of a sudden she heard a piercing screech when she tried to scramble herself up trying to to make a big seem, Mya trying to help them both up.

"OH MY GOSH, CAYDEN" a woman in her late thirties screeched, throwing her magazine behind her, almost hitting the unseen man reading the newspaper next to her, charging over to the girls is her bright pink high heeled sandal shoes.

She pursed her thin, bright red lips when she saw the sight in front of her before shoving Mya and Alexa aside onto the wood chipped ground next to her, totally ignoring their yelps.

Alexa studied the woman's obnoxious tan, and her almost black highlights in her bleached short hair, until it hit her. Alexa leaned over to Mya to inform her of her discovery.

"Psst, Mya" Alexa whispered, nudging her friend who was still trying to recover from her fall. She pointed at the woman who was frantically trying to brush all the non-existent debris off her sons pristine outfit.

"What is it" Mya asked intrigued.

"She's just the woman my social worker warned me about!" Alexa said, still in a hushed voice.


Alexa dramatically paused before giving Mya her answer.

"A Karen" she said finally.

"WHAT WERE YOU THINKING" the woman yelled, pointing her finger accusingly at Mya even though it was Alexa whom accidentally knocked the boy over. The boy stood protectively against his mother's front, hugging her for dear life.

"What's going on!?" Axl said, running over with Lydia by her side having heard the commotion from their bench.

"SHE knocked my precious Cayden over, you need to control her instead of sitting over their letting them run wild" she said, still pointing her finger at a very horrified Mya before pointing at Lydia, accusing her of neglecting Mya.

"Look, I am- we are so sorry" Lydia immediately started even though inside, she knew it was an accident. "Is your son okay-

"Okay? Of course he isn't okay" she interrupted, now staring at both Lydia and Mya.

"But Axie, it was me, not Mya" Alexa confessed, tugging on Axl's sleeve sounding very distressed.

"A likely story" The woman mumbled, rolling her eyes.

"Look, my sister is very sorry, maybe we should just go home" Axl said, fed up with ladies attitude, handing his phone to Mya to call Ed so they could be picked up.

"Yeah, maybe you'd better go home" she said, still looking at Mya and Lydia, which confused Axl and Alexa, but unfortunately didn't confuse Mya and Lydia having dealt with this behaviour several times.
"Or better yet, go back to your own country" she mumbled loud enough for only them to hear.

As soon as those words left the woman's mouth, Axl did a full 180 turn, much to Lydia's dismay who just wanted to ignore her and leave.

"What did you just say" Axl seethed, causing the woman to turn back around while he stared into her eyes, trying to hold back his temper.

"What's it to you?" She spat, still clutching her sons poor arm. "They should lighten up, it's just a joke, oh wait.............." she sarcastically jibed. (A/N: this was a real slur that my friend has heard)

"Axl seriously, please, let's just go!" She pleaded. His eyes softened when he saw how desperate she was. So with a sigh, he agreed, the frustration inside him trying not to leak out knowing that she was going to get away with it.

"Alright, alright" he said, causing the woman to smirk, as she turned back to where she was sitting.

But her smirk was soon wiped when she saw that the man reading the newspaper had his phone held up as if he were recording that whole scene.

And as all four of them triumphed, they almost collapsed to the floor when the newspaper came away from his face and the man was revealed to be Daniel.

A/N: Hey guys, as always, sorry for the 3 week delay, just a note, this book is coming to an end, only a couple of chapters left now!!!! So excited as I've never properly finished a continuous book like this before, so I'd just like to thank all my readers!!! And a word, particularly aimed nepheleeltelehe unless anyone else used to follow me on tumblr, I forgot the password of my tumblr and somehow that account now belongs to someone else so pls unfollow that, I will be making a new one and I'll let u guys know the username.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2021 ⏰

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