29| Around the house

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A/N: I thought I'd do a POV of each brother to show what's going on in their own lives. Enjoy:)

No one in particulars POV

Alexa hummed softly as she made her way downstairs. She skipped every other step, making her way swiftly down before jumping three at the very bottom, causing a loud bang as her weight of her feet hit the floorboard.

"CAREFUL LEXA" shouted Ed his bedroom as she rolled her eyes giggling, before jumping a second time.

Ed was such a parent.

And she wanted to make the most of today.

But today wasn't just any day.

Today was the day she was going to see her dad again.

And to say she was excited was a slight understatement.

Axl's POV
I drummed my fingers against my bedside table anxiously gripping my phone.

Turning my phones volume write up and reloading the messages, I groaned, chucking my phone beside me.

Why hasn't he replied?

I had texted Vince asking whether to hang out tomorrow considering Alexa would be with her dad, but nothing.

I double checked once more because I swear to GOD, I'd he had left me on read, I-


Oh my gosh oh my gosh is that him?

I stared at my phone across the bed.

Why was I so afraid of a phone?

I hesitantly picked up the phone, immediately opening it and going to messages and sure enough, there was a little red notification sign on the side.

Partly because I already had like 300 unread messages but still, I could feel it.

Tapping on the green text app I scrolled right up to the most recent message.

I wonder what he said.

Still scrolling up, I finally hit the top.

Ok, time to find out what he-

For f*ck sake.

I read the message to myself.

Josh: Yo can u please come down, Alexas try'na eat all the chocolate cake and there's only so much a man can do


To be fair, at least he didn't leave me on read.

What if he-


Expecting it to be Josh again, I delved back into the message, pressing the notification, but what I didn't expect to see, was Vinces name at the top.

And unless I wanted for leave him on read, I had to think of something NOW.

Josh's POV
"Alexa, there were three chocolate cupcakes left when I last checked and now there's only two" I said, pretending to look inside the cupcake tin.


I smirked at her cheekiness, luckily she couldn't see because I was turned away.

"So............do you know what's happened to them?" I said, turning around and looking at Alexa who had chocolate icing all over her mouth.

"It's funny, I actually have no idea, have you asked Ed?" She asked.

Listening to Alexa flat out lie when I knew the truth, made me realise how our old neighbour Sophie felt when Axl and I used to lie. Eating the strawberries out of her garden while she had to pretend like he hadn't just seen us.

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