25| Axie

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"Axie, Axie" Alexa repeated, using her new nickname for Axl, which he knew would physically kill his reputation if anyone else heard it.

"Alexa, what have I told you about that nickname" he groaned, covering his face, trying to prevent his face from going red.

"Awww come on Axie, don't me so mean" Josh fake-pouted from the other corner of the room.

Axl death glared Josh, about to do the same thing to Alexa, but he melted, when he saw her innocent doe eyes looking up at him.

"You just told me not to do it in public" she earnestly said.

Axl sighed, but everyone in that room new he was going to give in.

"Yes Alexa?" He said, picking up the girl and putting her on his lap.

"When do you think I will see daddy next?" She asked making Axl's jaw clenched slightly, trying to hide his anger.

"Well sweetie, he told you as soon as he feels better from his cold, he still has to self isolate, so it might be in about two weeks" Axl said, not sure if he believed a word of what Daniel had told them. As much as he wanted to for Alexa's sake, he almost 100% knew Daniel was lying.

He looked down at the young girl who was now distracted by the little ropes hanging from his hoodie.

He couldn't help but wonder what Daniel was doing in that alleyway with those people.

Hopefully nothing dodgy.


Daniel breathed heavily, while is hand rested on his heart, feeling the violent beating against his chest.

The frantic thumping got louder and louder until he thought his head might explode. Right there on the spot. His heart was pounding and he couldn't get the disgusting taste down the back of his throat.

He needed more.

He looked up but he cringed as car headlights blinded his already disorientated eyesight. The lit up cars and buses shone down past the run-down alley. He just hoped that the poor passengers couldn't see were he was knocking his thick head against the brick wall.

Why had he done this?

He had just got his daughter back.

He was a pathetic excuse of a father.

A wave of coldness overtook him and he had to rub his hands repeatedly to avoid getting hypothermia.

His chattering teeth drowned out the dull street noise around him. But it didn't drown out the uncontrollable irrational feelings.

But his breathe ring got louder.

And faster.

And soon a coherent high pitch noise that would be enough to burn someone's ears off it was so loud had invaded his hearing. And soon enough, he didn't even know what was real and what wasn't.

That meant one thing.

The drugs were kicking in.......

His sweat glands fluctuated as cold dampness surged his face. Despite his frantic wiping against his crumpled hooded sleeve, it kept on coming.

Daniels eyesight started blurring. Rubbing his eyes frantically trying to decider what was in front of him, he held on to the dirty gutter pipe, that was soaked in a thick substance. He staggered, struggling to keep his twig-feeling legs up.

But his legs gave out and he came crashing down to into a deep murkey puddle.

The puddle splashed as brown droplets filled with god knows what splashed softly onto the mans face. His cheeks were becoming freezing. And his fingers were becoming shrivelled up.

Until darkness consumed him.


'Alright alright, I will" Josh drones over the phone to Ed.

Ugh, why was he even here?

He'll tell you why.

Or he'll give you a hint.

A little seven year old.

Why did she have to be so cute?

Bless her, she was so worried about Daniel, so she has made me go out to the shops, buy him some medicine, so I can drop it off.

I walked down the street, holding some generic cold syrup in one hand, along with some pain killers in another.

Josh walked passed the dodgy alleyway that always bought a shiver down his spine. But he shook it off before turning down the road into Daniels apartment complex.

Ugh, he doesn't deserve this.

Alexa deserves us.

Her family.

Not some dad who doesn't even care.

Who's only doing it out of guilty conscience.

No, she shouldn't think like that.

In his defence, Daniel had actually been sticking to all of his terms for the contract.

So maybe he is trying to change.

But even so, there is no way she going to live permanently.

Not on my watch.

Once Josh had finished his little rant to himself, he hesitated before knocking on Daniels door.

Expecting to hear frantic tidying up and quick footsteps on the other side, he only heard silence.

Tapping my his foot impatiently against the skirting board, he decided to knock again, this time, a little louder.

Again, he waited.

But nothing.

Should he go in?


If he's ill, he might be asleep. And I don't want to risk carrying anything to the family. He thought to himself.

"Daniel, if you can here, I'll leave the medicine out here. We'll see you in two weeks" he said, in a slightly louder hushed voice. Also slipping in the little 'Get Well Soon' card that Alexa had made last minute.

Should he have gone in?

Actually, maybe he should.

He turned on his heels to go back up the stairs, his phone started pinging.

FROM ED: Josh, u may want to get home before Alex eats all the chicken.

FROM ALEX: Lol Josh, I'm eating ur chicken rn. Hehehehe. Nom Nom Nom.

FROM AXL: Joshie, hurry up I wanna eat.

He frowned slightly at the text from Axl.
That didn't sound like Axl but his question was soon answered when the next message read:
Ignore that last message, Lex had my phone.

And with that, he turned back round towards his house.

After all, they weren't seeing him for about two weeks because he would have to self-isolate.

A/N: guys be proud, I uploaded!!!!!!!!

So, I know a lot of you didn't like Daniel, but did any of you wish this on him?

Do you think he deserves it?

And do you think he'll make it out alive? After all, they aren't checking up on him for 2 weeks?

Is this the end?

And how will Alexa feel?

I'll try and keep up my uploading streak of not uploading late.
The latest will be next Fridays.

Fresh out of the orphanageDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora