23| Crisps

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Here's A little chapter to distract you all from Alexas situation, Enjoy Xx

Alexa lay sprawled across the three person sofa watching one of her all time favourite films. Axl and Josh sat diagonally across from her not really paying attention to the film, but glued to his phone, while Simon and Alex sat on the other side.

It was all fine until the God came onto the screen.

Troy Bolton.

Alexa suppressed a small grin as he played basket ball.

But unfortunately for Alexa, that grin did not go unnoticed.

Her smile took over her face unintentionally as her eyes glued to the beauty on the screen.

Not making a sound, Alex nudged Simon drawing his attention away from his phone and subtly pointed at Alexa with his eyes.

Simon followed his brothers gaze until it fixated on Alexa before he broke out into a humoured chuckle.

"Well, at least she has taste!" Simon mumbled so only Alex could hear.

But what kind of brother would Alex be in he wasn't going to embarrass her.

"Yo Alexa, you'll hurt your eyes if star at Troy's abs so hard" Alex yelled, startling Alexa as she shook back into reality. But when his words hit her, it was impossible for her to suppress the grin that had spread across her face. Her giddiness took over as she smiled, hiding her face into the cushion on the sofa while everyone 'awwed' at her reaction which only made her flush a shade of pink.

Alex then began to rises from his seat and moved to the end of the sofa she was laying across, leftest her legs up so he could fit.

"Awww Alexa cheer up, if it makes you feel any better, Axl said he's attractive" he said earning a confused death glare from Axl.

"HEY!? When have I ever said that" as Ed laughed at their childishness.

"So what is it about him then?" Alex asked a little too eagerly.

"Alleexxxxx" she groaned, burying her face further into the sofa.

"Is it his abs? his face? his twinkling eyes?" He asked, getting Lou after bad more excited after each suggestion flowed by a mortified groan from Alexa.

"Don't hide your face, Troy wants to know!" He earnestly said, aiming well aimed pokes at her undefended sides.

It was moments like this where Alexa just wished the sofa would just swallow her up.

"Ahahlleexxx your nahat funny" she weakly laughed, giving everything not to bat his hands away, but to keep the pillow covering her beet red face.

"Awww look who's blushing!" A new voice said.

Josh looked down adoringly at the giggling child while removing pillow from her stubborn hands and pulling them above her head.

"Simon nooooooooo" she said, dragging of the 'no.' At this point, Josh didn't even know whether she was deliberately getting his name wrong or she was just playing. Either way, that wasn't going to end well in her part.

She buried her face on the right side of her neck, but not before Josh had enough. He blew a massive raspberry on the left side of her neck where she had left it open before letting go of her arms and digging them into her hollows.

"NAAAAAHHHHHHOOPOP SIIIIIHIHIMMMAHAHAHHAHANNNNN" She squealed loudly, clamping her hands down at the speed of lightening while she wriggled, trying to come to terms with her shocked state.

"Simon? SIMON" he yelled in mock-disappointment. "I'm Josh!" He said working his way up and down her ribs, each rib giving off a different tone or pitch.

"Aww, she's probably just thinking of Troy" Alex added, sitting on her legs and spidering all ten fingers over her poor stomach.

Alexa lay there in hysterics, but there was nothing else she could possibly do.

Despite her hands now being free, she weakly batted Alex's hands away from her worst area, but that in no way stopped her infectious laughter from filling the room.

"IMMMM NAHAHAHAHTTT THIINKING OF TR-AHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH" she burst out into her loud giggles when Alex stuck his index finger into her belly button.

"Awwww Alexa, I think Troy would be upset?" Alex interrupted, making her go more red by the second.

Because she was only 7, they didn't want to kill the poor girl, so when her silent, shortness of breath laughter bubbles out of her mouth, they decided to retreat there tickles.

They both got up and let her sit down properly but not before-

"Simon can you pass me the popcorn" she asked, signalling Josh to hand her the bowl.

Josh looked at her to see if she was serious and by the cute smile creeping up her face, he already had the answer. He grabbed her and put her in his lap before his fingers did their magic to make her laugh again.

And something told the boys, that wouldn't be the last time that would be happening.

"Now go up a little higher- STOP, that's too high" Axl instructed from the corner of the room in front of a very confused Simon. (A/N Innuendo bingo, lol)

He was currently trying to get Alexa to steal Ed's last pack of crisps that he had in his hands, but Ed has fallen asleep, so actually, he was doing him a favour by eating them before they went stale. Right?

Axl continued signalling until Alexa was at the peak height to reach for them.

In Axl's mind, he figured that Ed wouldn't flip his
sh!t when he woke up to no crisps if Alexa was somehow involved.

But just as she was praying them out of his giant hands, Ed blinks his eyes open to an innocent looking Alexa holding his hands trying to get something.

But Ed wasn't born yesterday.

Or was he?

No, philosophy is for school.

He had finished school.

And he is getting distracted.

And knew Alexa wasn't the one behind this.

"ALEXA RETREAT RETREAT RUN" he heard Axl he'll from the corner.

"AXL" he yelled, getting up and running after his little brother.

Axl picked up Alexa and ran, using her as a shield for anymore bad things that might come his way.

When Ed finally caught up he grabbed Axl.

"Don't think I won't tickle the sh!t outta you Axl. Did you know Alexa, your 'hard man big brother' Axl is ticklish" Ed smirked, recounting all the times he had used that against his brother.

"Wow ticklish and likes Troy. I am leading so much." Alexa innocent remarked from the side.

"I DO NOT LIKE TROY!" Axl yelled from the floor.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night" Ed said,
Waking out with his now empty pack of crisps.

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