5| Gone but never forgotten

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Note: Mentions of Rape, assault and drinking

No one in particulars POV:

All the boys were speechless as they stared at Alexas stomach and ribs. A river of emotions washed through all of them and questions flooded there heads.

Who could do this?

Why would they?

How could they hurt such an innocent child?

Was it her dad?

Simon was the first to break this hostile silence before Ed said something he'd regret, sensing his seething look.

"Lex, who did that to you?" Simon asked, not wanting to scare the already scared girl. Alexa looked down not able to face any of them.

"Lex, you can tell us, but if not, we can get Mum and Dad" Josh said getting ready to get up.

"No" she finally said, holding his arm, signalling him not to move. "Stay."

"Was it your dad?" Ed asked, trying not to sound angry. Alexa nodded subtly.

"But it wasn't his fault!" Alexa said, sensing the tension from all their faces.

"Alexa, you don't have to be scared of him. Your with us now, your safe." Axl could barely get the words out thinking of what's that girl had gone through.

"I'm not! I promise it wasn't his fault" she cried.

"So it wasn't him?" Josh said trying to piece together what had happened.

"W-w-well yyyes" she stuttered. "But it was only because he was ill" she cried, with a broken voice.

"What do you mean, ill?"

"What did you dad, exactly do to you?" Josh pried.

Alexa contemplated whether to say anything or not. She didn't want to get her dad into trouble, but she also trusted her new family.

"Well, after mummy disappeared, daddy got really ill. So after she went, it was like I had lost both of them" She sniffed, trying not to cry. "Before mummy went, they were both the best parents! But after it happened, daddy got really ill. He was sad all the time, and I couldn't make it better." All the brother listened in despair.

They couldn't imagine the pain of losing someone you loved and then the only person left you had turned against you.

"He then started taking his medicine. And then when he drank to much, he would hit me. And soon I was just his slave" she cried into Ed's arms.

"But, what about your mum, did she never keep in contact" Alex asked.

"Well, she had been ill for ages, and then one day we were told she had to stay in hospital. But then all of a sudden, she just never returned. Daddy never said were she had gone, but after that, I felt I had lost both of them." She finished, crying into Ed's arms.

Realisation hit all the boys realising that her mum had died. But her Dad, not being able to face telling her, let her believe that she just disappeared.

"But Lex, didn't you leave your dad like 2 years ago? Where are the new bruises from?" A very concerned Axl asked.

"Well you see, before I got adopted by you guys, a man took me in. But he only fostered me for the money. So the only times I could eat were at school, I would go hungry on the weekends. And he would just lock me in my room, and beat me if I didn't follow his orders. It was only until a neighbour saw me, through my bedroom window." Alexa shuddered as the memories came rushing back.

"Alexa, did he ever.......ever, you know?" Alex didn't even have the strength to say it. Alexa looked at him puzzled.

"Alexa, did he ever-

"Did your foster dad ever touch you?" Ed interrupted, scared on what the answer would be.

"You mean rape?" Alexa said with a crack in her voice from all the crying. The boys were shocked at how much they tried to sugar coat their questions thinking she was so innocent. No child should every have to know the meaning of that word.

"Yyeah" They all stuttered not wanting to hear the answer.

"He did it to me for 3 days, until the police broke the door and took the bad man away" she wept as she buried her head in and continued to cry. All the brothers looked at each other with a mixture of denial, anger, stress. You name it, they thought of all the times two years ago, when they were living their privileged life.

Little did the know in a million years, that their future sister was suffering, and their was nothing they could have done. They were all interrupted by their thoughts when the front door opened.

"Hi, guys, Hi Lex, did you all sleep alright? Sorry, the  queue at Sainsbury's was-

Their parents stopped talking when they saw everyone's expression.

"What's going on?" their Mum asked.

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