33| Suspicious

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No one in particulars POV

"What are you doing here?" Axl seethed. Lydia giving Alexa's dad the death glare which made Daniel crumble inside and look down in shame.

"Please Axl I'm begging you, I just want-

"Alexa, Mya, go upstairs now" Axl said, with some authority in his voice as opposed to his usually jokey self.


"Now girls come on. Axl if you like, I can take them to my place. I'll drop her back when you call" Lydia said, sensing her friends frustration and the girls lack of understanding.

"You know what, thank you, that would be great" he said, looking gratefully at Lydia while she ushered Mya and Alexa out the back door.

Axl swore he could here Alexa under her breath telling Mya: It's okay Mya, I'm pretty sure they're just planning my surprise party.

Oh the naivety.

Turning back to the man at the door, he stared coldly at him, signalling him to go on.

"We'll come on then. What Oscar-winning tragedy performance are you going to put on today?" He said, having no sympathy whatsoever. Shaking almost, balling his fists until they were almost white, chanting to himself that Alexa deserves far better, Daniel finally spoke.

"Axl, I swear, I-

"What the hell is going on here?" A voice from behind them said.

Ed, trudged down the stairs trying to wipe the whipped cream out of his shoes until he looked up, and his whole demeanour changed.

"What's he doing here?" He said, slamming his shoes down and walking towards the door where his younger brother stood.

"Alright alright, just let him speak. Where the fuck were you last week?" Axl asked, resisting all his anger which was eating at him inside.

"I was visiting one of my relatives" Daniel finally blurted out causing Axl and Ed to exchange glances.

"Relatives?" Ed asked, urging him to go on.

"They're really ill, and got taken into hospital last week. I promise I would never ever just leave Alexa like that!" He pleaded, looking both of them in the eyes.

"Which relative?" Axl quizzed, trying to pick up any suspicious body language that he may be giving off, or any stuttering and uncertainty in his speech.

"My uncle" Daniel said, while Axl continued to study him, wishing he knew whether what Daniel was saying was true. Did Alexa have a great uncle? Damn he wish he knew.

"What's his name?" Axl asked quickly after so he had little time to think.

"Mark" Daniel said, without skipping a beat. "He's always had compilations with his health, but I guess last week they all caught up with him. He said, resisting the urge to cry.


Either this Mark guy was really ill or he deserved an award for that.

Axl contemplated whether to trust him or not, but the look on Ed's face decided before he could.

"Alright" Ed said, finally earning a questioning look from his brother. "I'm sorry to hear about him. But a call would have been nice" he said, as calmly as possible.

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