40| #Vaxl

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No one in particulars POV

"Oh come on, that's soooo not true" Vince laughed, picking up a Malteser, throwing it up in the air before successfully catching it in his mouth.

"Yes it is, I'm supposed to believe you joining basketball club a week after me was a coincidence" Axl laughed, trying to look directly had Vince who was now 'looking' out of the window in a totally different direction.

He wasn't fooling anyone.

"It was a coincidence!" He insisted, trying not to let his smile, alter the tone of the sentence.

"If that was a coincidence, then I'm the straightest man alive" Axl said, taking Vince's hand, making him look into his eyes, before kissing him softly on the lips.

Pulling away softly, Vince stared into Axl's brown eyes, causing goosebumps to go up all of their arms, and their hairs to stand on ends.

"Ax, in all seriousness, how are you?" Vince asked.

It was now Axl's to turn to look out of the window, before reluctantly sighing in defeat and looking back at his boyfriend.

"It's Alexa you should be asking" he half heartedly chuckled, bringing his knees up and leaning on them, slumped in a mood.

"No, I'm serious. Just because it's affecting Alexa, doesn't mean it's not affecting you as well. Your the one who helped Alexa get out of her shell when she first came. Not that she needed anymore confidences." Vince added at the end, laughing at how Axl told him, when Alexa first arrived, she stole the living room chair.

"Who are you, my therapist?" Axl asked me trying to lighten the mood a little.

"For your information, therapist is in the job description of the boyfriend" Vince said leaning backwards, expectantly.

"So come on then, spill"

Alexa's POV:

I stared around my bedroom, my vision blurred slightly, from the salty tears that repeatedly hijacked my vision every now and again.

What was that monster I just saw a few days ago?

That wasn't my daddy.

Getting up slightly, barely able to stand or see anything correctly, I hobbled over to my bed, going under the covers slightly, hoping the warmth of my blanket would make some of the pain go away.

But I was wrong.

My pillows developed wet stains of my tears, but none of that compared to what I felt inside.

Although of never spoken properly to my brothers about how i feel inside, it doesn't mean I'm always happy.

As my old care worker, Andy always told me repeatedly.

Sometimes it was okay to not to be okay.

A week after Alexa had joined the orphanage:

Alexa walked down the stairs of her new home, hastily clutching the banister so she didn't fall down the steep, mahogany staircase that cascaded down to the main hallway.

Well, she says 'new', she had been there for about a week now.

Don't get her wrong, she had pretty much hit the jackpot when it came to children's homes.

Theresedale Children's home was not a bad place.

Sure, there were times where due to the budget cuts, all the children had to go hungry.

The only meal they ever really got was at school.

Sure, they never had the latest games, phones or the biggest bedroom.

But all of those imperfections got cancelled out because of the people.

Andy, the head care worker and Matt her social worker were practically her second parents.

They weren't like to stereotypical horrible workers whom hated their jobs, or abused the children.

They were just, different.

Andy could never have children of his own, so when the horrible man before him had quit his job as head care worker, he jumped at that chance to be around children.

And as of last week, he had officially been care worker there for a month, and couldn't help but he intrigued when a little shy girl came to stay for a while, who didn't say a word.

No tears.

No smile.

No anger.

Just pure silence.

"Alexa, Alexa" Andy called up the stairs, startling the life out of the poor girl.

Alexa looked up, flinching slightly, fear written all over her face when she stared at Andy.

Acknowledging his presence, she barely nodded at him to continue.

"I'm going to the supermarket later, you want to tag along?" He asked, trying to get the girl out of the house at least, as by the pale hue on her face looked as if she hadn't been out for months.

"I'll even let you pick out some ice lollies" he bribed. Despite their weekly food budget not covering that at all, Matt and Andy occasionally used their own money to by small treats, knowing they mean so much to the children.

Sitting down on the steps, patting the space next to Andy, Alexa remained lifeless, staring at the man.

"You don't have to sit next to me if you don't want to, you can sit up there. I just want to talk" he said, pointing to the few steps above him.

Looking up at the space, slightly further from Andy, she reluctantly sat down, making her self as small as possible, trying to take up little space.

"Alexa, look at me Darlin" he said softly, being very careful not to scare her.

The young girl hesitantly stared up at the man in front of her.

And there was something about him, she didn't know what it was, maybe it was his kind eyes, or his submissive, kind body stature, but she didn't feel as afraid.

"You know you don't have be strong all the time" he said, looking up at the girl who was clearly trying not to let the tears fall.

"It's okay not to be okay"

And when those 6 words left his mouth, the poor broken girl let out a loud sob, before tears were flowing freely down her face.

And somehow despite all of that, she felt slightly less broken than she was a couple of seconds ago.

A/N: sooo did you like it?

How did you like the flashback?

Do you want more of those?

Did you like Axl and Vince moments?

Let me know what you think in the comments.

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