42| N-A-T-A-L-I-A

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A/N: hi guys, remember everything in italics is meant to be sign language. Enjoy!!

No one in particulars POV

"So everyone, this is Natalia" Alex said, holding Natalia's hand and pulling her in slightly so she could see everyone.

Natalia broke into a kind smile before waving at everyone around the living room.





Alex pointed, signing their names slowly so Natalia could take it all in, while Ed looked in awe at how intelligently his younger brother had picked up this language so quickly.

"Hi" Natalie shyly said, still slowly getting used to speaking out loud.

"Wow, she's pretty" Axl whispered to Simon, who was used to seeing girls with excessively bleached hair, face pasted with cheap makeup, never even bothering to learn Alex's name or personality.

Mind you.

Alex wasn't much better.

"I know right, so much better than his last one" he whispered back, both forgetting Natalia could lip-read almost perfectly.

Thank you

Natalia signed to both of them, making them both go a deep shade of red causing Natalia to giggle slightly.

"Alexa, our sister. She'd so love to meet you, but she's......a bit.......well not up to it at the moment" Ed said, leading everyone into the family room so they could sit down.

Natalia nodded, having heard a shortened story of what had happened to Alexa and her dad. Natalia herself, had not had the best family dynamic to look up to at home. Being born deaf to very ignorant parents was difficult sometimes.

Her parents knew in their eyes something wasn't right when Natalia never responded to loud noises, or them cooing her name as a toddler. But they never bothered to look into it at all, assuming she just had low intelligence. So when her parents found out she was deaf through school, it was all lip-reading.

No sign language allowed.

God forbid her parents try and make her life a little bit easier.

But no.

Sign language wasn't in their book of things that were important.

So Natalia was so happy to here when Alex had told her about this girl called Alexa they had adopted. Giving a young girl another chance at life. Natalia couldn't help but wonder whether if she had been put up for adoption, she would have had a nicer life..........


"Hold up hold up" Josh said, waving his hands in front of him to get everyone's attention, while everyone turned back around, amused of what Josh had to say.

"Yes Josh" Alex smirked.

"Lemme try once more" he said. Replaying the signs he had just memorised, he began to sign towards Natalia. "My name is" he said, whilst signing exactly that, causing Natalia to nod frantically in enthusiasm giving Josh a sense of hope.


He signed, but was really confused when he could clearly see Alex and Natalia trying to stiffen a giggle.

"What now" he asked, through his arms up in confusion, his voice going up a few octaves from his frustration.

"Mate, is your name shit?" Simon asked, so sincerely, putting his hand on Josh's knee for effect while everyone burst out into laughter.

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