12| Secrets

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Alexa charged down the stairs when she heard Ed shouting something about waffles.

She sat down on the counter before digging into the the sugary goodness. And then something she wanted her ask her brothers suddenly came to her mind.

"When can I see Aaron?" She asked, chocolate covered all over her mouth.

"Aaron? Aaron who?" Ed's head snapped up.

"Aaron" she repeated as if he was meant to know.

"She means her boyfriend" Axl said, coming in.

"Aaron's not my boyfriend UGH" she said dramatically. But then she had an idea. "Because I already have a boyfriend."

All 5 heads snapped up at the same time.

"You have a what now?" Josh said slightly amused.

"I already have a boyfriend" she said still eating her waffle.

"Well when, when can I see Aaron?"

"You can't see him until I kill your boyfriend" Alex smiled"

"You can't just kill people unless your the mafia. That's what Daddy always said"

They all looked at each other and smirked.

"Well Alex won't be killing anyone, anytime soon" Ed said giving him a death glare.


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Ed finally looked up from his phone at a bouncing 7 year old.


"Can I bake something?" she said, still bouncing up and down. He looked at her and couldn't help but smile at her enthusiasm and energy which had been sucked out of this house for a long time.

"Yes, you can. But call me for the oven" he said, probably regretting those words as soon as they left his mouth.

Alexa squealed in delight and ran to the kitchen. She used to bake with her mum and dad all the time. Now what would she bake? She decided to firstly look at what they actually had in the cupboards. To her dismay, that did narrow down a lot of her options but her eyes fell on the tons of chocolate they had.

Brownies it was then.

She gathered all the ingredients and thought of her grandmas recipe that was imbedded into her head.
Alexa weighed out all the ingredients, being sure to recite her grandmas quotes: 'Baking is a science, those numbers were put their for a reason'

But I'm sure those rules didn't apply with chocolate right? She thought as snuck in a few more chocolate chips. Once the batter was done she went to find Ed.
"Ed" she said, calling into the family room. There was no reply but as she waddled over to the sofa she saw Ed asleep across the sofa. She giggled to herself before she thought of an idea.

"ED" she shouted into his poor ear as he woke up with a jolt.

"Ah, Alexa" he said rubbing his ear drums. She giggled to herself.

"Can you come and put it in the oven?"

"Oh, I didn't realised you were actually baking" he laughed before getting up. They both walked into the kitchen and walked in to see Axl and Alex licking the bowl and the spoon. Ed and Alexa watched them amusingly until they turned around and noticed.

"May we help you?" Axl finally asked, polishing the spoon like a human vacuum cleaner.

Ed rolled his eyes while he put the brownies in the oven.

"Who made the brownies?" Alex said, with his head in the bowl.

"I did"

They both looked at her in shock.

"Well they're bloody tasty!" They both said, continuing to lick the bowl.


The brownies were done. Alex, Ed, Axl and Alexa all looked at each other before sprinting to the kitchen.
Ed walked into the best smelling kitchen before opening the oven door. Let me tell you they looked better than they smelt.

"GUYS, COME DOWN, IVE MADE SOMETHING" Alexa shouted up the stairs.

No response

Axl huffed. "FREE BROWNIES" he shouted.
And soon enough Josh and Simon charged down the stairs, narrowly missing knocking down their Mum and Dads photo frame.

Everyone took a bite of the brownie and indulged as the sweet goodness melted in their mouths.

"Ugh, This tastes soooo goood" Josh said, taking a mother massive bite.

"I know right" Simon said, stealing some from Ed's plate because his plate was now completely clean.

"Ugh, get a room!" Alexa said which wart a look from all her brothers, Alexa holding back a laugh.

"What? I heard Josh say it!" She said. Now all eyes were on Josh who was in the middle of trying to fit the whole slice in his mouth.

"Haha" he nervously laughed.

"What's the recipe?"

"The recipe is...........a secret. You have to be nice to me if you want the recipe" she grinned innocently.

"Okay, Okay, who wants the last slice" Ed said.

They all looked at each other, but what they didn't realise, was that Alexa had made off with it, running into the family room.

All of them ran after her and she dodged them easily being so small.

It was only when Alex swiped the brownie from her and held it above his head.

"Nooooo" she said, standing in the sofa trying to reach his abnormally long arms.

She huffed and ran into the kitchen before grabbing an unlicked spoon that the boys clearly missed. She ran and smeared it in Alex face and got laughter and claps from the other boys.

Alexa took one look at Alex's face.

"Run" he said.

Alexa ran up the stairs, attempted to skip a few before she ran towards her bedroom and just as she was about the grab the doorknob-

"Gotcha" he lifted her over his shoulder and set her down on his bed.

He wasted no time in attacking her stomach with a sea of tickles.


"LEAHAHAHATTT MEEEE GOAHAHAHAHAOOO" she squealed as he moved up to her ribs.

"Let you go? You smeared brownie mix on me!" He said. He then brought his face down and nuzzles his face into her neck getting brownie all over her which tickled her at the same time.

He then finally stopped and let her go before washing his face. Where her brownies really worth getting splashed in the face?


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