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No one in particulars POV:

"ALEXA, WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU HURRY UP?" Alexa looked around hurriedly, trying to get dinner ready whilst she did the dishes.

The 5 year old ran up to the stove and stirred the pasta, but a splash of hot water hit her hand. She cried out in pain and sprinted to the freezer to get some ice, or in her case, scrape some from the residue on the drawers.

She opened the freezer and couldn't find any, only some frozen pizzas and peas and- OH NO! she thought to herself, she forgot to put the vegetables in. Daddy was going to kill her. She ran back into the kitchen, hopefully he wouldn't notice, right? She looked down at her slightly overcooked pasta and mixed yesterdays sauce, so she could serve it to her dad. She ran into the family room not wanting to keep her dad waiting for another second. Until something stabbed her foot.

"She cried out in pain, luckily putting the pasta on the side, she looked down at her foot, she was in the verge of tears when she saw a broken piece of beer bottle had lodged into her foot. But what made her cry out more, was the site she saw in front of her. Her dad lay there, vodka in his right and a cigarette in his left, limp, lifeless on the floor.

"DADDY!" She shouted, limping to her dad. She looked at him in fear before realisation hit her. She went as fast as she could to the phone, avoiding the shards of broken glass and called an ambulance, little did she know that it would be the last time she'd ever see this house.

2 years later
Alexa ran to the orphanage from her school, and bolted into the office.

"Has my dad come yet?" She smiled at Andy, her social worker.

"I'm sorry Lex" he replied as he looked down on the poor naive girl. He didn't have the heart to tell her or explain it to her again, like he had to two years ago, but her dad got sentenced for child neglect. But how ever many times we told her, she refused to take it in.

"How about, I'll call you the minute he contacts us!" She smiled and walked out to get an apple.
But as she made her way into the kitchen, she heard voices in the other room.

"So, would you like to go ahead with it, Alexa will be so excited!" She knew that voice, it was Matt, the head careworker, what did he mean, I'd be excited.

"Oh I'm so glad, we've always wanted a little girl!" Said a women's voice excited. Alexa continued to listen through the door, that's weird, it's gone silent she thought.

Just then the door flung open, and Alexa toppled over in the direction of the door, into the room.

"Hehaha" she weakly laughed standing herself up, attempting to straighten out her dungarees to make a good first impression, although that was out of the window. She smiled, showing off her non-existent front teeth at the couple who were with Matt. The couple laughed and smiled back.

"Hi, you must be little Alexa" the lady smiled and stuck out her hand. Alexa shook it, a bit confused.

"I'm Jenna, and this is my husband John" she signalled to the man next to her. Matt senses Alexas confusion and quickly spoke up.

"Alexa, Jenna and John would like to adopt you, today"

"Umm, I-I-I need t-to gggo and speak to someone" and with that she ran off leaving a very confised Jenna and John.

"I think it's a lot to take in, I'll just go and find her" Matt said.

Alexa ran into the office, and almost gave Andy a heart attack.

"ANDY ANDY, there are people coming to take me away!" Alexa shouted knocking over half the files that he had just spent reorganising. Matt ran behind following her in attempting to calm down this hysterical child.

"I take it you met Jenna and John" Andy said. Matt shut the door so he was it of earshot from everyone else.

"Look darlin, we love having you here, but Jenna and John are so nice, you'll see" Matt said. She looked up at Andy in tears.

"Please don't let them take me away" she wailed, unable to compose herself as she gripped Andys hand.

"Look, no one is going to send you away, we just want what's best for you!"

"B-b-but what if they're like last time"

"They won't be! I promise once you get to know then, you'll never want to set foot in this place again" joked Andy.

"But what about my daddy, you promised that you would find him" Alexa cried. Matt and Andy both looked at each other.

"Look sweetheart, whatever happens, wouldn't your dad want the best for you, to be in a proper home"
Matt said crouching down to her level.

"And we're only a phone call way if anything happens" Andy added. She looked at both of them.
"I've gotta go, haven't I?" They both weakly nodded, refusing to admit that they were actually going to miss this bubbly little girl. Andy looked down at the upset looking girl.

"Oh screw the rules" Andy said as he picked up the girl and hugged her.

"Gonna miss you kiddo" Andy said sadly.

"Wish I could say the same" she giggled. Andy was gonna miss that as well, he squeezed her side which produced her infamous laughter and then out her down. Just as they were breaking, Matt let in Jenna and John.

"You ready to go?" Asked Jenna.

Alexa silently nodded and followed them to their car, she gave one last look at her house of 2 years before getting into the massive 7 seater.

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