6| Laughter

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No one in particulars POV

Alex sprinted up to her room and lay down on the bed. Downstairs was Ed catching his parents up on the events earlier.

Alexa took one look of the photo of her, her dad and her mum and broke down in tears. Her tears leaked on to her pillow while she lay there lifeless.

She wiped her tears and thought of all of the happy times, when she wasn't her dads slave. Like the time her mum shoved a whipped cream sundae in her dads face, or when they got into a water fight in the back garden even though she had just had a bath. But now all those memories had been banished and had been replaced with the sadistic replicas.

Like the last time she had ice cream, was when she found a half eaten, melted one in the bin, because her foster dad hadn't fed her in three days. And the last time she had a water fight, was when her foster mum had held her underwater in the bath for refusing to cook a proper dinner.

She shuddered at those memories. Thankfully she was here now, and none of those people could hurt her now. But somehow, despite all those people being behind bars, they were still taunting her.

2 hours later

Alexa has fallen asleep and was awoken when she heard a knock at her door. Axl and Simon walked in and nudged her gently awake. She slowly opened her eyes and let her then adjust to the sudden ray of sunshine that was hitting her face.

She looked up and saw Axl and Simon sitting on her bed. To their surprise, Alexa then got up and embraced them both. Axl and Simon both felt protective over Alexa, and couldn't help be seething, after they found out what had happened to her.

They just couldn't wrap their heads round why someone would do that. They both smiled down at her while she grinned cheekily at them, I guess that nap had done her good. Despite all the bad things they had found out that day, they couldn't help but smile back.

"Axxxllllll" she said dragging out his name and looking down.

"Yeeessssss" he said mimicking her.

"Could we maybe go out for ice cream?" She said looking up at both of them doing her best puppy eyes.

"Hmmmmmm, what do you think Simon?" He asked, pretending to think.

"Hmmmmmm, I don't know Axl. Should we?" They both look at her before Axl grabbed her from her standing up position and put her on his lap. He then dig into the poor girls sides, while Simon spidered his hands up her ribs.

Her adorable giggles and squeals filled the room. Axl and Simon looked at their sisters laughing face. They couldn't help but be relieved that despite what she had been through, she was still their young innocent girl, that they thought they knew a few hours ago.

"AHAHAXXXLLLLLL, JOOAHAAHAHSSSHHHH" she squealed, still unable to differentiate the names Simon and Josh.

"Josh!? Why do you keep calling me Josh was Lex I'm SIMON" he laughed not even knowing if she was just doing it on purpose.

Fluttered his finger in between her neck and chin which bought out a whole new type of giggle. They slowed down the tickles but didn't let her go. She panted for a while before saying:
"It's because Josh is my favourite" she finally said.

With that comment Simon and Axl darted their hands back to all her ticklish areas, once again her laughter filling the room.

"I'm sorry, I don't think we caught that properly" Axl joked sticking his fingers into her underarms.

"Yeah, I think you pronounced Simon wrong" he laughed. Alexa couldn't take it anymore, and both of them, not wanting to hurt her, stopped immediately.

And with that she got of the bed and sprinted away shouting: JOSH IS MY FAVOURITE. With Axl and Simon hit on her heels.

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