43| Sisters

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No one in particulars POV:

Natalia studied Alexa's door before planting three sharp knocks on her door.

Alexa looked up at her door, wiping her sticky eyes that had been clogged up by her endless tears. Lifting up her hand to push the strands of hair out of her face, she patted her red face dry from her tears.

"Ed I've told you, I don't want to talk" she said, so little energy left in her exhausted voice.

Natalia, from the other end of the door, unable to hear a word Alexa muttered, slowly pushed to door open, being careful not to startle the girl.

"Hello?" Natalia said hesitantly, still trying to get the hand of speaking out loud properly.

Alexa hearing the unfamiliar voice, pushed her turquoise duvet away, trying to piece together who she was.

She looked kind, with dark hair, dark big brown eyes and a genuine smile. Alexa decided she liked her.

"Are you Alex's girlfriend?" Alexa asked, studying Natalia carefully, clutching a pillow which she held in front of her, as if she were protecting herself.

Natalia, having lip read that quite well, half-heartedly laughing couldn't help but smile. She was just as innocent as she pictured.

She nodded slightly, staying eye contact with Alexa,  before pointing her finger at her ear.

Alexa furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, until after a few seconds, it all clicked.

"Oohhhh, are you deaf?" She asked, before slapping her hand to her head, giggling when she realised Natalia couldn't hear her.

Natalia couldn't help but silently 'aww' at the girls giggles.

She sat down carefully at the edge of Alexa's bed, trying to be mindful that she maybe didn't want to talk at all, but wanted Alexa to know she was always there if she needed to.

It was only when she looked up and saw Alexa at the other end of the bed, frantically waving to her in order to try and get her attention.

Looking up and smiling at the young girl, acknowledging her actions Alexa pointed to herself.

Natalia looking at her in spellbound, Alexa slowly started to sign.

My friend Mya at old home couldn't hear

Alexa tried to sign, missing out a few words as she hadn't signed in a long time and could only speak very limited vocabulary much to Natalia's shock.

You sign?

Natalia replied, still wandering how this child was probably less ignorant and more willing to learn than all the adults she had met put together.

Alexa nodded frantically at the question, eager to learn more sign language and meet her new friend.

So how are you?

Natalia signed, aware from the stories Alex had told her that things hadn't been going so well with her dad. But at the same time, although the told Alex she would try, she tried to think back to when she was betrayed several times by her parents, and wandered how she would have wanted people to act around her.

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