11| Josh or Simon?

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Alexa woke up for what felt like the longest sleep of her life. The events from the night before had drained her, but right now she felt so much better. She tried to move but she realised she was wrapped in a warm embrace , she turned around and saw a tuft of brown hair sticking out from under the duvet.

"Joosshhhhh, get off me" she struggled trying to get out of his grip. She felt a tickling sensation at the top of her neck.

"Simon" the person blew in her ear quietly. She giggled as her neck craned back trying to stop the tiny yet strong sensations.

"What?" She said still trying to get out of this giants arms.

"I said, I'm Simon" he laughed tightening his grip. His hands went all the way round her small body and his fingers found her sides as he started to wiggle and vibrate them.

"JAAHAHAHASSSHHHHHH, STAHAHAHPPPP" she struggled to get out of his grip as she bucked and wriggled but he had an iron grip and it wasn't loosening anytime soon.

Simon got up and flipped Alexa over. He then dove all of his ten fingers all over her upper body. He went underneath her top which made Alexa's laugh go up an active as she screamed of laughter. Her giggles bubbles over the jittery feels she felt when all of his fingers skilfully bounced around all over her most sensitive areas.

"SIIIIIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIMMAHAHNNNNN STAAHAHAHHAHAHAP" her laughter filled the room as she wriggled around in his fingers.

"Oh so now you know my names Simon?" He teased. Just as she thought it could get any worse, the door opened up and in walked josh.

"So what's she done now?" Josh laughed walking in and laughing at the current scene.

"Alexa here thinks I'm you" he laughed while picking her struggling self up in his arms.

"Excuse moi, I am wayyyy better looking than him" Josh said with a hint of seriousness.

"Really!?" Alexa sassed back.

"That's it" Josh said tickling her into the bed. Alexa squealed with laughter, her smile lighting up the room.

Simon gently held her arms up while Josh spidered his giant hands all over her tiny but sensitive mid sections. She squealed and kicked her legs but they decided they weren't letting her go any time soon.


"So lex, which one of us are you talking to?" Simon teased, vibrating his fingers into her underarms.

"IIIIII DAHAHAHAHAHAHHANNNTTTTT KNNOOOOWWWWWWWW" she confessed, shaking her head in laughter.

Josh then started squeezing and spidering his fingers all over her stomach. Alexa screamed of laughter unable to speak and all the teasing was just making it worse.

"Come on Lex, Josh is the one doing this" Josh said as he stuck his finger in her belly button which earns a piercing, giggling scream from Alexa.

"And Simon's the one doing this" Simon said, scratching his nails up her side. Alexa weakly tried to push their ticking fingers off but the sensations were making her a lot weaker.


Josh and Simon decided she'd had enough so they gently stopped and let her up. She sat up and looked at both of them still giggling at both of them.

"So which one am I?" Simon asked.

"Josh" she deadpanned before getting poked repeatedly and quickly by both of them.

"Iiiii meeahahnntttt Ahahahallleexxxx" she giggled trying to get if the bed. The intensity of increased while she squealed.

"I'm sorry, Alex!?" Laughed Josh.

"I meahahannnttt Siimmahahannn"

"That's what I thought" Josh said lifting her up and pulling her into a hug.

They all walked downstairs to the smell of pancakes. Ed was in the kitchen tossing a pancake when he saw a happy looking Alexa.

"Hi Lex, how was your sleep?"

"Fine" she said, looking for the Nutella in all the cupboards.

"Top shelf" Ed said to her dismay. He saw her struggling trying go to reach it so walked over to get if for her.

"Nooo, I have to do it myself" Alexa said, slapping his hand away. Ed chuckled to himself and lifted her up, sturdily balancing her into the counter while she reached for the Nutella.

He lifted her down while she ran to the pancakes so she could beat all her other brothers to it. However, she crashed into Axl on the way and he wanted to have some fun. He gave a signal to Ed and suddenly lifted her up, restraining her while Ed shouted:

"GUYS, PANCAKES ARE READY!" Everyone ran in and began to take them.

"Yeah guys, make sure you finish them, Alexa doesn't really want any" he said, ignoring the struggling girl in his grip.

Everyone laughed while Axl let the poor girl go to eat her breakfast. The poor thing only wanted her Nutella!

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