31| Mya

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No one in particulars POV:

"He's what?" Alexa asked, furrowing her eyebrows in confusion.

"Yeah sweetie, he didn't want me to say anything, but he's throwing you a surprise party for next week" Josh said, praying he was still a good liar.

As much as Josh wanted to drop Daniel in the deep end, he knew Alexa's feelings were more important at this moment.

"Really!?" She said, as his heart warmed when he saw her eyes light up.

"Yes Lex, but you can't mention it to your dad, he's worked so hard in keeping the surprise" Josh said, mentally killing Daniel.

"You got it" Alexa said, pretending to zip her lips shut, unable to contain the bright smile that was creeping up against her face.

"So shall we go home?" Josh asked. To which Alexa nodded enthusiastically.


"You told her WHAT!?" Ed whisper-yelled, being careful not to speak loudly in case Alexa overheard.

"I'm sorry, I PANICKED" Josh said, when he was confronted with his older brother.

"Why didn't you say, I don't know, THE TRUTH?" He said, sarcastically.

"Telling Alexa the truth would be like slapping a puppy in the face, I don't enjoy making children cry" Josh said, waving his arms around, trying to justify his actions.

"That's no exc-

"No, he's right, we shouldn't make Alexa hate Daniel, not he anyway" Alex said.

"Why not?" Axl said, getting up off the counter.

"Because he may have forgotten, it happens to all of us!" Reasoned Alex.

Curse how he's so trusting, thought Axl even though he did have a point.

"Him not forgetting doesn't change the fact he still loves her" Alex said, attempting to calm down Ed. "Look, we'll call him later, and see where he is. If he's up to no good, then we'll think about breaking it to Alexa, until then we wait"

"Fine but I swear to god........" Ed stated rambling threats in his head, stomping up their stairs to check on Alexa.


"ALEXA, COME ON, IF YOU STILL WANNA GO, WE HAVE TO GO NOW" Alex yelled up the stairs. Soon enough he heard the pitter-patter of Alexa running down the upstairs corridor and down the stairs.

Alexa sprinted down the stairs, almost taking down Josh who was trying to walk down them in a more human like way as opposed to Alexa charging down them.

"Woah whoa, careful Lex, what's the rush?" Josh said, looking down at the panting girl.

"Park" she said, half-turning around whilst trying to go down the stairs and not fall over.

"M'kay, have fun" he yelled.

As they were about to leave out of the door, Alex turned around to find Alexa staring up at him.

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