13| Who?

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Ed's POV

I walked down the debris covered path staring at all the finished lives that hadn't even started. A fair amount of people don't know, but John isn't actually our Dad. He's our step-dad. Sure we lucked out in that area considering he treats us like his own, but that doesn't mean we don't miss ours. I was 6 when he died.

Axl was barely born, and although my Mum and John tried their best, I've always felt a part of me was missing.

I made my way down the path to my Dads grave and laid the flowers next to the others, whom I'm assuming were Alex, Simons, Axls and Josh's. I always went last in the day so I could spend the most time with him on his birthday.

It's been 16 years later and I still haven't properly gotten over the death.

I looked at the grey, worn stone engraved deeply with his name. A single tear rolled down my face.

I stood their telling him about what he has missed out.

How much I miss him, and how me have adopted a mischievous little 7 year old called Alexa whom he would have loved.

And the pretty girl who I work with that I'm too scared to ask out.

But as I cake to the end of my stories which would probably bore him to death in real life, I heard a faint sob, whimper more like. I tried to not turn my head and make it too obvious I was dying to look at who was behind.

All I could hear was someone crying, but their breathing pattern was totally out. He or she kept sniffing and sobbing.

Gathering my courage, I turned around and saw a man in his maybe late 30's with grey bags draping under his eyes.

My eyes softened at the sight. I couldn't help but feel pity. I could hear from his whimpers, it was pain. I knew that feeling too well.

Should I say something?

Leave to give him space?

I glanced down at my dads grave pic turning myself sobbing at 6 years old at my dads grave. What would I have wanted?

My thoughts were broken when he got up leaving the flowers and various presents I assumed were for his sister? Or daughter? Or wife?

I took a quick glance at the grave. A pink teddy bear with a necklace round the neck sat leaning on the side. A fresh bunch of flowers were laid across. The man got up and sat on the bench under a tree nearby.

I hastily got up and subtly made my way to the man sitting on the bench. I sighed as his head was in his hands and his heart was going grey, but not by age, by stress.

The man looked at me as I awkwardly sat down next to him, being careful not to drive him away. I gave him a nod of acknowledgement before giving him a knowing signal.

No one in particulars POV
"Want to talk about it?" Ed asked, not even knowing how to start a conversation like this. The man looked up at him not knowing what to say.

"Ed" He said sticking his hand out for him to shake.

The man looked at Eds hand before shaking his head and looking back down at the floor. He sighed, but was not ready to give up. Ed looked down for a couple of seconds before-

"Sorry if I was rude" the man suddenly started. His voice sounded tired, and dehydrated. "I-I just don't deserve it" he said.

"Who have you come to visit?" Ed asked, changing the subject. He swallowed before talking.

"My wife" he finally said.

"Ah, and what was she like?"

"The best" he smiled, probably at a memory. "In fact, I don't even consider living my life right now if she isn't their to live it with me" he said staring at his grave.


That's how his mum must have felt.

"You know, my mum was in a similar position about 16 years ago" The man looked at Ed to elaborate.
"I lost my dad when I was 6, but my mum. Well, I can't imagine how it must have felt losing the love of your life."

"Yeah" The man said, smiling at the memories. "I just wish I could see her one last time" he said.

"Well, my Mum is pretty much a hero. Cliché I know, but I couldn't imagine raising five kids after the death of your husband."

"Five kids!?" He half-heatedly laughed.

"Yeah, she really was the best, always put her needs before others"

The mans jaw clenched slightly when Ed said that, but the man shook it off quickly.

"I just think my wife would be ashamed of me" The man said, fighting back the tears.

"Ashamed? You can't help feeling those feelings"

"There was a time where I couldn't stop drinking, and I pushed people I loved away" he said, ashamed.

"Exactly. A time. You don't do that now. An apology can go a long way. Try and it up to the people you have pushed away. If they're mature enough, they'll understand!"

For the first time the man looked up and sighed in defeat.

"You know what, you're right. Thanks....Ed is it?"
"Yeah Ed" he said, smiling softly, knowing he had made a difference.

The man looked him in the eyes.

"Thanks, you have no idea how much I owe you" he said.

"Honestly, I'm just glad I could help" Ed said. That's right, he could be nice.

Ed looked the man back in the eyes and for some reason they looked familiar. His eyes and slight smile looked familiar. And suddenly his stomach sunk.

Realisation hit him.

Those weren't just any eyes.

That smile wasn't just any smile.

Those eyes were Alexa's.

And that crooked smile was Alexa's non-toothy grin.

A/N: sorry for the long wait, I've had a lot going on.
But back to the chapter. What did you think? Were you expecting it? Do you think her dad has changed?
And most importantly, will he try and get her back?
Guess you will have to wait and see.......

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