32| Whipped cream madness

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A/N: please feel free to comment what you think or if you have any ideas for future chapters. Thx

No one in particulars POV:

"Oh my gosh, Lydia!" Axl said, opening the front door and pulling his friend into a massive hug while Mya and Alexa ran inside giggling.

"Axl!" She said, mocking his tone, which earned her a playful slap on the shoulder.

"I take it you girls had fun then?" Axl shouted towards where Mya and Alexa ran, but he got no reply, instead just heard a bunch of giggling.

"Well that can't be good" Lydia said, lead by Axl, walking to the kitchen.

Axl and Lydia walked into a really cute sight, even if it meant they may get sugar high.

"MYA KEEP STILL" Alexa's giggled, trying to shoot whipped cream straight into her friends mouth while Mya's laughter warmed the kitchen.

"Should we leave them or-

"Best not to get involved" laughed Axl, taking Lydia into the family room. "So what's going on with you?" He asked.

"Eh, nothing much to be honest. But don't change the subject, how are you and Vince?" She asked, grinning and nudging him in the ribs like they were talking about their crushes in middle school.

"Shut uupppp" he said, looking down and flushing slightly. "We're just friends" he said, looking up innocently, knowing Lydia wasn't going to buy his lies.

Worth a try though.

"Come on, spill. What's he said?" Lydia asked, lying back slightly on the sofa, crossing her arms to show that she was going nowhere until she got the latest gossip.

Although Axl was going to reply, they both simultaneously silenced themselves when they heard some commotion coming from the kitchen.

Both peeking their ears up slightly trying to listen, and half-heartedly laughing when they heard what was going on.

"ALEXA I SWEAR GIVE ME THE WHIPPED CREAM" Ed yelled, while Axl shook his head in amusement as he tried to picture the scene.

Giggles and high pitch laughter came from both the girls while they heard Ed again.


It was only when they heard high pitch giggles turning into full blown laughter when the kitchen door burst open, Alexa and Mya sprinting out into the garden while Ed ran after them trying to get, what looked like flour out of his eyes.

Poor Ed.

Axl laughed shaking his head before turning to look at Lydia who was staring at him expectantly.

"Well?" Lydia started.

"Well?" Axl mimicked, signally her to go on.

"You've had plenty of time to think of a made-up reason why you won't go for it with Vince" Lydia said, poking poor Axl in the sides until she got her answer, while Axl whined, trying to stop her never ending fingers.

"Alright alright, I'll tell you." he started, looking down. "I just don't think he likes me that way and he's too much of a risk to lose as a friend" Axl finally said, looking down and avoiding the look from Lydia.

She looked at him sympathetically knowing exactly what he was going through.

Although, she's never told anyone this, whether Axl knew or not, she used to have the biggest crush in him when they first met but-

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