8| Hola

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Ed's POV

I can't wait for dinner. I know that sounds weird but Mum and Dad gave us some money for this expensive but delicious Spanish takeaway place.

Honestly, if you'd taste their food you would understand. It's our favourite place to eat and we usually only order their if it's one of our birthdays but the wanted it to be more like a 'welcome to the family' thing for Alexa.

Usually the place is always so packed so we always get a takeaway. Plus it does society a favour of not having to witness Alex scoffing his food down as if he hadn't eaten in a week.

We all got out of the car and stood in the queue, fortunately it wasn't very long, but apparently it was to long for a little 7 year old. (Naming no names) so Alex had to piggy back her until we got to the front of the queue. As soon as we got the front we were greeted by the store owner.

"Ah, Hola, it's my favourite customers! She greeted, throwing her arms in the air with a smile on her face.

"Hi Señorita Martinez" we all said.

"And who is this niñita? (little girl)" she said smiling at Alex's.

Before we could reply Alexa decided she wanted to tell her.

"I'm Alexa" she said, showing off all her non existing teeth.

"Ah well it's very nice  to meet you Alexa" she said as her thick Spanish accent shone through. We were just about to place our orders but of course their phone had to ring.

"Ah, Lo siento (sorry)" I assumed that meant sorry. She signalled another waitress to take our orders.

No one in particulars POV
"disculpe las molestias, ¿qué le gustaría? (Sorry for the inconvenience, what would you like?)" all of them looked at each other in confusion.

"I think she's asking what we want to order" whispered Simon, as they all nodded they're head in agreement.

"Please can we have two of the Paella Valenciana's and three tortillas and-

Ed cut himself off when he looked up at the very confused waitress. Did she not speak English? He thought.

"Lo siento no entiendo (sorry I don't understand)"

"What's she saying" mumbled Alex, very awkwardly to Simon.

"I don't know I only took Spanish for like 3 months" he said, trying not to be too obvious.

This was one the most unlikely person started talking.

"She said, Sorry I don't understand" Alexa repeated in a 'duh' tone.

"dijo que tendremos dos Paella Valenciana y tres tortillas y....... 5 helados de chocolate (he said that we will have two Valencian Paella and three tortillas and......five chocolate ice creams)" the lady pushed some random buttons, entering their order into the system.

"¿para comer adentro o para llevar? (to eat in or to takeaway?)"

"para llevar (take away)" Alexa replied. She tapped a few more buttons in before she said:

"Gracias, debería tomar unos diez minutos. (Thanks, it should take about ten minutes)" she said walking off. All the boys stared jaw-dropped at Alexa who was completely oblivious to all of their confusion.
"She said it would take around 10 minutes" she nonchalantly said. But the boys were speechless and just stared at the girl while she twiddled her thumbs looking down to the ground before realising she was the centre of attention at that moment.

"What?" She looked up at all of their shocked faces.

"You didn't tell us you could speak Spanish!" Alex said breaking the silence.

"You never asked" she sassed back.

"Okay. How do you know Spanish?" Alex asked still in awe about Alexa's bilingual skill.

"Mummy studied it at university, then she taught Daddy and then they taught me" she said as if it were the most simple thing in the world.

They all looked at her speechless while she played with one of the napkins she had taken from one of the tables. But there thoughts about Alexa were interrupted when there meal was ready.

"tu comida es veintitres libras setenta (your food is £ 23.70)" She smiled at Alexa. Yet again the boys looked confused which Alexa happily solved.

"She said you owe them £23.70" she said still not looking up from her origami napkin.

"Gracias" Alexa says, leaving her brother dumbfounded.
It had been an hour since they had gotten back and eaten and so far she had translated about 50 millions sentences for all of them.

"Okay, okay, last one I promise" Alex said.

"You said that last time" she laughed.

"How do you say: Alex is my favourite brother" Alexa smirked and decided to have a little fun of her own.

"You say: Alex es el hermano más estúpido (Alex is the stupidest brother)"

Only Simon could decipher what she was saying and laughted along with Alexa when he started shouting it.

"Mate, 'estúpido' means stupid" he laughed, high-fiving Alexas tiny hand.

"You little-

Alexa dodged Alex as she got chased around the family room. But not 5 seconds later she got lifted up off the ground and soon she was being tickled in Alex's arms.

A/N: thanks so much for reading this far! I would just like to say I am not Spanish, so all of that was Google translate. So I'm really sorry if any of that was translated wrong. Message or comment if you do speak Spanish and see if any of that is written wrong. Thanks again.

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