2| Brothers

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Alexa's POV

I woke up, with the sun streaming in my eyes. I stared out the window as we pulled into a large driveway.

I shakily got out the car, not saying anything. Let me tell you I was impressed. The house was massive! But why would we need such a big house for just for the 3 of us, I asked myself.

"Okay sweetie, we'll take your bags in, just go through that front door and your new brothers will show you to your room" My eyes widened.

"Brothers?" I repeated, probably the first thing I had said since the orphanage. "Brothers, as in plural?"
"Yes sweetheart, your going to have 5 older brothers" John said, unloading my suitcase.

I hesitantly opened the large doors and walked in slowly, where I was met with 5 older boys.

"HI, I'M ALEX" one of them said really loudly and energetically. I flinched and backed away.

"Bruv, shut up you scaring her" the oldest looking one said slapping him on the back of his head.

"I'm Ed" said the oldest one smiling at me.

"I'm Josh" said the next one.

"I'm Simon, and that's Axl"

"Hey, I can introduce myself" shot back Axl.

"Shall we show you to your room?" Asked Josh, I think. I hesitantly followed him and I think the other guys name was Simon to my room, we walked up the stairs past a hallway where I'm assuming were al the brothers rooms, ending with mine. We walked in and oh my gosh, WOW.

No one in particulars POV:

Alexa walked in and her eyes lit up. They had painted the walls a soothing turquoise, she had a massive wardrobe and a big double bed. She ran in and jumped on top of the bed, while Simon and Josh couldn't help but laugh.

"So, you like it" asked Simon as he sat down on her bed. Alexa was speechless, she looked around the massive room in comparison to her tiny self.

"Like it? I LOVE IT!" She shouted looking round the room. She then tackled Simon and Josh into a massive hug on the bed. "Thank you thank you thank you!!!" She shouted. Bouncing up and down gently while she was still sitting.

"My daddy would love this room if he saw it" Alexa said excitedly. Although the boys didn't know the details of what had happened before, they knew her dad didn't treat her very well.

They both looked down at a very sad looking Alexa. It's about time she cheered up Simon thought, it was only when he had an idea to cheer her up.

"Hey Alexa, whats that in your hair?" Simon asked, giving a signal at Josh to play along.

"Yeah Lex there's something on your head" Alexa brought both her hands up wandering what it could possibly be, but before she had figured out what was going on, Simon had dug his giant hands into her small sides, skittering and squeezing his fingers up and down her dungaree.

"AHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHJJ, NOAHOOOOO, JOOAHAHSSSHHHH" she laughed, shooting her hands down, squirming not realising it was actually Simon.

"What did you just call me?" He teased. He let go of her and put her on the bed.

"Yeah Lex, I'm Josh" Josh laughed whilst he poked and squeezed her sides. Alexa laughed and squirmed until she finally got out of their grips. Still giggling from the few seconds before, she stood up on the bed only to realise she was the same height as the boys as they were sitting down, she laughed to herself as she tried to push them off the bed, probably her revenge.

The boys laughed at her adorable giggles of trying to be taller.

"Hey, don't even think about it unless you want a round 2" Josh playfully said.

With that she sat obediently on the bed, still stifling giggles looking up at both of them, causing both Simon and Josh to smirk.

Gosh, they both thought, what have we gotten ourselves into?

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