7| Boyfriend

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No one in particulars POV

Simon and Axl walked out of the ice cream shop laughing as they watched Alexa skip in front of them, humming a tune that they couldn't work out. For someone who had such a horrible past, she was a really happy young girl.

Both the boys thoughts were broken when they caught sight of Alexa peering in a shop window.

"Axl, Axl pleeaaassseeeeee can we go in" she said doing her puppy dog eyes at both of them.

"Alexa, you are going to be the death of me" he laughed as they all went in. Fortunately the shop wasn't too bad. Axl walked over to the Games section while Simon went to the book section.

"Don't go too far Lex" Simon shouted, not looking up from the book he had caught sight of.

It had probably been about five minutes, when Axl came up to Simon with a game.

"You getting that book?" He asked Simon, holding an X-Box game in his hand.

"Yeah, I'm getting these" he said still not looking up from the blurb. "Where's Lex?"

"Dunno, I saw her near the makeup section, so we should probably go unless you want to be taking home masses of lipstick" he laughed.

"Yeah, she's not wearing makeup until she's 50" he laughed, bringing out his protective side.

They walked over to the makeup section and saw Alexa applying a tiny bit of pink lipstick on, giggling.

"Aww, you gotta admit, she's cute" Axl said.

But as they got closer, they realised she wasn't alone. As they went around the corner, they saw she was talking to another boy, around her age.

"Oh no she didn't" Simon said, stomping up to them.

"Simon chill, they're 7!" He said, stopping his brother. They walked over further, hiding behind the mascara aisle.

But as they got into earshot they heard this:

"Do you live round here?" The boy said.

"Yeah, I live with my 5 older brothers" Alexa said nonchalantly as if that was totally normal. They couldn't help but smile at the thought of her calling them her brothers.

"Do you live round here?" She asked.

"Yeah, I live with my mum, dad and little sister down the road." He said smiling at Alexa. Alexa couldn't help but blush and look down. "You look really pretty" the boy said. And that's the last thing he said before-

"Hi Lexa!" One of the boys said, emerging from the MAC section, before anything got out of hand. Not that it was possible considering they were only 7. Alexa turned round and battered her eyelashes at her brothers.

"Hi Simon, hi Axl" she said.

"So who's your friend?" Simon smirked.

"This is Aaron" she said. "Aaron these are my brothers Josh and Axl" she said trying to hold back a smile.

"Yeah, I'm Simon and that's Axl" he corrected, giving Alexa a playful death stare which earned a giggle.

"See you round Lexa" Aaron smiles walking off to his Mum.

Simon and Axl walked through the door with Alexa on Axls back.

"Hey guys, how was Ice cream?" Ed said coming from the kitchen.

"Yeah yeah it was good" Axl smirked, holding back a laugh, wanting to see Ed's reaction to what he was about to say.

"Well, apart from the fact that someone got a boyfriend" Axl teased. Alexa burrowed her face in Axl's neck and blushed pink while a seething Ed stood in front of them.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no sister of mine is getting a boyfriend anytime soon" he said shaking his head.

"Boyfriend? What boyfriend?" Alex and Josh appears out of nowhere.

"Lexa got has a boyfriend" Simon laughed while Axl put her down.

Now Alexa was about to object and say that they were just friends, but where would the fun be in that? So she sat down in the sofa, while the boys towered over her and said:

"Yeah, I have a boyfriend and I kissed him and he said I'm pretty" she said sticking her tongue out and crossing her arms.

"WHAT!?" All of them said at the same time. She burst out into her adorable giggles, but Ed was having none of it.

Because soon her giggles turned into full blow laughter when Ed's fingers darted to her midsection and skittered up and down.


But her 7 year old build was no match for Ed's. And as if it couldn't get any worse for her, she felt her arms being lifted up, so she was unable to slap Ed's hands hands like she could usually.

Axl held her arms up, while all four of them tickled under her armpits and ribs. This made her go into high pitch squeals as she wriggled around in Axls grip.

"How about this Lexa" Axl said while everybody slowed their fingers down giving the poor girl some time to breath.

"We will let you get a boyfriend the day you stop being ticklish" all the boys laughed at that statement while they all sat down next to her.

"You guys are mean" she tried to say seriously. But that didn't last very long because as soon as she saw they're face she burst out laughing again.

"My gosh kid" Alex said, picking her up into his lap and hugging her tightly from behind.

A/N: hi guys, sorry for the update delay, I'll try to be more consistent! I'm just wandering let me know in the comments what sort of stories you would like to see in this book. I have a few ideas but I'd like to get your opinions.
Thankyou Xxxx

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