wise young man

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Nico's POV -

I kept leaning on the doorframe as I heard Demetri's retreating steps. Katalina sighed, "I suppose you know why he's upset all of a sudden". I kept my eyes on her, "Yes, I do. And for once, I actually agree with him" I said while walking to her. I sat right next to her on the bed. "Katalina, I understand. Truly I do because I have gone through the same thing. But if there is one thing I learned, its that you should never resolve to death", I grabbed her hands while saying this. "I know Nico, its just...I don't even know why I'm saying this. I've always wanted to live and if there is one fear that I would admit to, it would be death" she looked up at me. I sighed deeply, "Death is fearsome..". She nodded, "I never gave it much thought because I was immortal and death always followed wherever I went. I found it, normal...But once your in a life or death situation, that's when reality hits you" she chuckled lowly. "When we're in life or death situations, we do realize many things" I stated with a laugh. "Nico.." I heard her say. I smiled at her, "Yes..". "I'm sorry for not being too useful these past few days. When we were getting attacked by the ourae, I wasn't of much help" she chuckled embarrassed. I raised an eyebrow, "Katalina, you did help though. Did you think I wouldn't notice the sudden change of temperature and how the wind would change directions?" I questioned. She looked away, "Maybe that was just Jason. You know, son of Jupiter kind of thing" she said nervously. "Yeah..sure" I said, but I knew she was lying. I don't understand why she was trying to give credit to someone else and why she was bringing herself down. She raised my hand and frowned, "You should've come to me right away Nico". "W-what?" I stuttered. She looked at me, "Your hurt". I tried denying it, "No I'm not", but she had already started saying a healing spell. She placed a soft kiss on my hand, "I know ambrosia and nectar help, but you also need to take care of it" she said. I blushed, "I know.." I muttered.

-The Next Day-

Once I got to the top of the ship, I saw Demetri talking with Alec. Demetri glanced at me and looked away quickly. "Nico, we should go around the mountains over the water" Leo called. I turned around, "We could, but it would be way longer. Besides, we don't have our sea expert, it might be too dangerous. I could shadow travel, but I'm still too..weak" I explained. "Aren't you forgetting that you also have the daughter of the sea god, love?" I heard Katalina say. She walked towards me and looked at Leo. "You were saying?" she asked politely. Leo looked at her, "I, uhh, well..I was thinking that-", "Are you sure you can help? I mean you did do nothing for these past few days." Piper interrupted him while looking at Katalina. When did she even get here? Katalina glared at her, "You shouldn't speak when you don't know all the details daughter of Aphrodite" she scoffed. Piper took a few steps forward, "Well what I do know is that you have only stayed down there crying and not helping any of us at all! Do you think we're not miserable too?! Even though we also feel sad about what happened to Percy and Annabeth, we at least try to protect this ship and everybody, unlike you" she spat. "Piper, that's enough" I warned her. "Are you seriously going to let someone who is mentally unstable bring us somewhere?!" she raised her voice. All of our eyes widened. I looked at Katalina and she was mad with rage. Piper started speaking again when Katalina yelled, "Lihednat Dolchitni!". Piper's hands shot to her throat and gasped for air. I ran to Katalina and tried snapping her out of it. "Katalina! Katalina! Listen to me!" I said. Her eyes were stuck on Piper and she kept repeating the spell. "Katalina!!" I yelled. Her eyes then looked away and she looked at me. Her fury immediately disappearing. Her eyes then scanned the whole place, looking at every single person. "I-I" she stuttered out. She then ran and Demetri started going towards the direction she left to. I grabbed his shoulder, "Don't" I shook my head. Demetri looked at me confused, "But-", "She won't talk to anybody right now, not even me. Give her some time..." I explained. He looked down, "Time.." he whispered. "You see!! She literally just attacked me!" Piper complained in anger. "Can't you just shut up you imbecile!!" Demetri shouted at her. Piper glared at him, "How dare y-", "I think you've made your point clear enough" Jason interrupted her. He grabbed her arm and took her away.

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